L10 Human litter

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In recent years, due to the spread of the epidemic, many citizens have been unable to travel, which has led them to try different new things, such as cooking, exercising, etc. Citizens have developed a new habit of going to the suburbs for recreation.🥘🍳🏄🏻‍♂️🏋🏼

Walking in the mountains and breathing fresh air has become a great pleasure for city dwellers in recent years. However, as more and more people flock to trails and country parks, environmental damage becomes increasingly severe.⛰️


Hong Kong is famous for its beautiful landscapes, but in the past, we often saw a lot of garbage during hiking and outings. This is frustrating and reflects people's need for more awareness of civilized behavior while also damaging Hong Kong's beautiful image.

Walking in the mountains is a way to enjoy nature, but we should also be aware of the importance of protecting the environment. Everyone should do their part to keep the mountains clean and follow the relevant codes of conduct.

This will ensure that the next generation can appreciate Hong Kong's unique natural landscape and keep this land beautiful forever.


One day last month, the weather was perfect, so my friend and I immediately planned a route that was more suitable for novices and planned to go for a walk. So I visited Cape D'Aguilar with my friends. The scenery there is beautiful, and the deep blue of the sea is gorgeous.

We can see a 180-degree open sea view. Sitting at the bottom and listening to the sound of waves hitting the rocks is very relaxing and comfortable.


But when I left, I saw that the grass next to me had changed from brown and green to a lot of white and red. When you think they are flowers. No! If you look closely, you will see that they are just garbage. The picture next to it is what I took at that time.🤬

Garbage in the countryside damages the natural landscape, causes health problems, causes wild animals to eat the trash, and harms the ecological environment. "Advance and retreat with courtesy" has no borders or boundaries and manifests respect and presentation of humanistic qualities. I hope that people will remember to take away their garbage. When entering a place, it should be clean and tidy. When leaving, they should also be responsible and stay in the same condition as when they came in.


The main purpose of this e-portfolio is to document the knowledge, concepts, and reflections from lectures on Environment and Health.

e-portfolio 的其他內容
Nature deficit disorder refers to problems caused by people's lack of contact and experience with nature in modern society.
The global population continues to grow and is expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, posing enormous demand challenges for food production.
In recent years, attention to climate change has increased.
Thunderstorm asthma is an asthma attack associated with thunderstorms.
It turns out that Hay Fever is also known as Allergic rhinitis.
There is another organ hidden in our body that can control various emotional changes in the brain, which is the "gut".
Nature deficit disorder refers to problems caused by people's lack of contact and experience with nature in modern society.
The global population continues to grow and is expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, posing enormous demand challenges for food production.
In recent years, attention to climate change has increased.
Thunderstorm asthma is an asthma attack associated with thunderstorms.
It turns out that Hay Fever is also known as Allergic rhinitis.
There is another organ hidden in our body that can control various emotional changes in the brain, which is the "gut".
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新冠病毒造成的疫情襲捲全球近三年時間,改變人們習以為常的生活。 被強制停下腳步,人與人保持安全距離,生活限縮在小範圍,在緊掩的門窗裡,重新看待理所當然的事物,重新學習如何生活。 夏夏的散文集《來日方糖》三十五篇文,記錄身處疫病覆蓋的世界,生命的消逝,以及富有煙火氣的點滴日常。 每篇都是時間之流
在外打拼回到家想做什麼事~  有貓嚕貓、有狗嚕狗、有小孩嚕小孩... 好好休息、好好睡一覺、好好吃一餐... 現代的[精神疾病增加]跟[環境]有很大的關係
2024.05.30 生活拉里拉雜,感冒拖著尾巴。