How to Creat Exceptional iOS Native Apps

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Creating Exceptional iOS Native Apps - Five Design Principles

Creating Exceptional iOS Native Apps - Five Design Principles

When developing iOS native apps, attention to detail is crucial. With its unique design language and interaction methods, developers and designers need to adhere to Apple's design guidelines. Here are 5 design principles that can enhance the user experience and interface design of your iOS app development.

5 design principles that can enhance the UX and UI of your iOS app

  1. Integrate the Status Bar and Home Indicator: Users expect to see information like time, battery life, and network status at a glance, necessitating clear visibility of the status bar in your app. Furthermore, with the introduction of the iPhone X and later models, the home indicator has become an essential element of user-device interaction. Ensure these elements are correctly placed on the base canvas and maintain the safe margins of 20/24 pt on the sides to avoid layout issues.
  2. Include Intuitive Back Mechanisms: iOS devices lack a global "back" button like Android. Therefore, it's vital to include an intuitive back mechanism in your app. Typically, this means placing a back button in the top-left corner, especially on pages that are outside the main navigation structure.
  3. Clear Navigation Design: A common navigation method for iOS apps is the bottom Tab Bar. This design allows users to easily switch between different sections of the app. Ensure the icons and labels on the Tab Bar are clear and easily recognizable, and consider the visual distinction between selected and unselected states.
  4. Consider Appropriate Touch Target Sizes: During the prototyping phase, developers and designers often overlook the minimum size for touch targets. Apple suggests a minimum touch target size of 44x44 pt to ensure that all users can comfortably interact. Even if your design doesn't require a fill color for touch targets, you should use frames to mark the size of the touchable area.
  5. Optimize Horizontal Scrolling Experiences: Horizontal scrolling is a popular and effective way to display continuous content. However, ensure that content extends to the edge of the screen so users are aware that more content can be viewed by scrolling. This not only improves user experience but also makes the presentation of content more attractive.


Following these design principles, you can create iOS native apps that adhere to iOS design standards and provide an excellent user experience.

From integrating the status bar and home indicator to optimizing horizontal scrolling, these steps are key to enhancing your app's UX/UI in today's user-centric era.

Designing a visually appealing and functional iOS native app is increasingly important, and adhering to Apple's design guidelines will help your app stand out in the App Store and offer users an unparalleled experience.

I hope this article has been helpful to you. If you would like to learn more about the latest UX/UI website design & app development skills, please feel free to contact us at for further information.


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