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2D 原型

2D 原型

迪士尼風格、3D 瓷器質感的灰白色嬰兒小象、圓臉、臉上微笑、瞇著眼睛、光滑質感、小的頭、男生身體、穿著淡白色短上衣,走在小水池上,透明的雨滴,大自然的背景。

3D Pixar- style animated character of a small, grey elephant sitting on a cloud with large expressive eyes, surrounded by a sky filled with white clouds with pinkish hue, raindrops falling, in peaceful and whimsical scene.

3D Pixar- style animated character of a small, grey elephant sitting on a cloud with large expressive eyes, surrounded by a sky filled with translucent glass realistic clouds with pinkish hue, raindrops falling, in peaceful and whimsical scene.

A Pixar realistic style art of a small, grey elephant sitting on a  milky translucent cloud with a joy expression,  surrounded by a sky filled with translucent Glassy clouds with pinkish hue,  light blue raindrops silky falling, and birds flying around , with shading to the clouds, in peaceful and whimsical scene. 


EC3 的其他內容
Behind of roseswreath, a persian cat in the style of Disney holding a white sign that says ' OK ' on this card. This white persian cat named " Mao
A popsicle, a persian cat in the style of Disney showing a white sign that says ' Mao ! ' on this popsicle. This milky persian cat named " Mao " ,
A Disney-style Persian cat named "Mao" lounges by the outdoor hot spring pool, wearing a light blue towel that boldly declares "Hot"on its head. Mao
▪︎創作出一個感謝圖案,內容是一個 (鳥山明風格的男孩), 舉著一個白色牌子,牌子上面寫著英文“ Thank you ” ▪︎3D感謝圖案,鳥山明風格的男孩舉著寫著'Thank you'的白色牌子。
▪︎Transparency Jewelry surround gold decorative flowers, jewelry Design, Ray tracing , Jewelry, flower, jade(glazed ), glass translucent, ( Chinese
▪︎A luggage with Disney style, 3D porcelain texture white Persian cat, round face, smile on face, squinting eyes, smooth texture, Persian cat head, bo
Behind of roseswreath, a persian cat in the style of Disney holding a white sign that says ' OK ' on this card. This white persian cat named " Mao
A popsicle, a persian cat in the style of Disney showing a white sign that says ' Mao ! ' on this popsicle. This milky persian cat named " Mao " ,
A Disney-style Persian cat named "Mao" lounges by the outdoor hot spring pool, wearing a light blue towel that boldly declares "Hot"on its head. Mao
▪︎創作出一個感謝圖案,內容是一個 (鳥山明風格的男孩), 舉著一個白色牌子,牌子上面寫著英文“ Thank you ” ▪︎3D感謝圖案,鳥山明風格的男孩舉著寫著'Thank you'的白色牌子。
▪︎Transparency Jewelry surround gold decorative flowers, jewelry Design, Ray tracing , Jewelry, flower, jade(glazed ), glass translucent, ( Chinese
▪︎A luggage with Disney style, 3D porcelain texture white Persian cat, round face, smile on face, squinting eyes, smooth texture, Persian cat head, bo
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《擬人兔子》 照夜白電腦繪圖作品 使用軟體:Photoshop
高山冰雪順流而下 像小朋友校外教學 清新森林彷彿揮手送別 水中魚兒宛如懸浮空中   我們坐在岸邊岩石上 聆聽湍急聲交響樹林竹林 疑問藍天裡那朵白雲去哪 一架高空飛機留下細細兩行白線
一定有某些時刻 獨自在地底 為了和大象的隊伍 一起行進
泥塑小人兒, 笑盈盈的大圓臉, 袍裙輕飄仿若起舞, 張開雙臂迎接陽光。 點點斑駁賦予質樸, 彷彿經歷百年歲月, 卻擁有永不老去的 天真燦爛動人心魄。 雕塑雖小卻充滿魅力, 簡單中透著對生命 充滿好奇與喜悅的 純真讚嘆與幽默詮釋。 靜伴櫥窗十年
《擬人兔子》 照夜白電腦繪圖作品 使用軟體:Photoshop