創造一個高度逼真的圖像,體現清爽夏日氛圍的精髓。 左右兩側各放置兩個杯子形裸露的噴砂玻璃,上面精緻地雕刻著皮克斯寫實風格的藝術作品,一頭灰色的小象帶著喜悅的表情坐在乳白色半透明的雲上。,營造出寧靜舒適的氛圍。 確保玻璃上雕刻的精細紋理呈現清晰、逼真的細節,增強場景的整體真實感。▪︎工具:Bing Dall-E3 Copilot▪︎咒語描述:
A sandblasting wine glass cup, with a small image with a Pixar style animated character, side view , a fantastic creature that is a combination of a cat and a fish, with features resembling that of a koi and a kitten , large round grey eyes, body covered in grey fur and scales with white translucent spots, cute smile, large cat-like ears with the texture and coloration of fish fins, whiskers, surrounded by a small rocks and leaves underwater with pure background.
▪︎工具: Bing Dall-E3 Copilot