2024-05-12|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 24 分鐘

仙賓礁Sabina Shoal要造島了?

    【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯

    一如曾母是James的譯名,連仙賓的名稱都是英文Sabina翻譯來的(菲律賓稱為Escoda Shoal)。

    中國疑在南海造人工島 菲律賓派船監控仙賓礁    中央社 20240512

    菲律賓指控中國在雙方南海爭端不斷升溫之際,於仙賓礁(Sabina Shoal)建造「人工島」,菲方當局今天表示,已部署船隻至該爭議區域進行監控。

    路透社報導,菲律賓總統小馬可仕(Ferdinand Marcos Jr)的辦公室透過聲明指出,菲律賓海岸防衛隊已派一艘船至南海「監控中國建造『人工島嶼』的所謂非法活動」,且還有另外兩艘船在該區域輪流部署。

    菲律賓海岸防衛隊南海問題發言人塔瑞耶拉(Jay Tarriela)在一場論壇上表示,仙賓礁出現「小規模填海」景象,而中國是「最有可能的行為者」。






    Jay Tarriela@X  20240511

    As a nation, it is important that we remain focused on the actions of China in the West Philippine Sea. We should not be swayed by the lies they spread about new agreements or models. We must stay vigilant and not lose sight of the illegal activities and aggressive behavior exhibited by China in Escoda Shoal.

    China's deployment of Chinese Maritime Militia, Chinese Coast Guard, PLA Navy, and Chinese research vessels close to the coastline of Palawan is concerning. Not only does this pose a threat to our sovereignty, but it also causes significant damage to our marine environment.

    It is critical for our country to stand united and not be divided in addressing this issue. We must work together to halt China's ambitious goal of taking control of the entire West Philippine Sea. We should not be distracted by their false narratives, as China continues to carry out illegal actions without our awareness.

    Let us remain focused and united in responding to these challenges, ensuring that we protect our territorial integrity and preserve the marine environment for future generations!



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