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每日英語 #017: The Least Influential People in the News

The Least Influential People in the News

Every year, the well-known news magazine Time “compiles” (puts together) a list of the Time 100, a list of the 100 most influential people in the world.


“Influential” people are those whose actions, ideas, or products affect a lot of other people, changing the way people think and behave.


Joel Stein, a “columnist” (writer or journalist who writes regularly for a newspaper or magazine) at Time, writes a “humorous” (funny) column or article that appears on the last page of the magazine each week.

Joel Stein 是《時代》的一名「專欄作家」(定期為報紙或雜誌撰寫文章的作家或記者),每週在雜誌的最後一頁寫一篇「幽默的」(有趣的)專欄或文章。

In 2010, he decided to compile his own list: The 100 Least Influential People of 2010.


This list was “divided into” (separated into) four categories: Losers, Flameouts, Morons, and Slimy Bastards.


These are all informal terms and insults for people who are undesirable, or that are unpleasant or unwanted, or simply people you don’t want to know or to be friends with.


A “loser” is someone who is not successful in life and often fails at what he or she tries to do.


“To flame out” is an informal phrase meaning to fail in a very “conspicuous” (easy to see; seen by many people) way.


We usually describe someone as flaming out if that person has tried to do something difficult or very public and failed “miserably” (very badly).


“Moron” is a very insulting term for a very stupid person.


It is similar to “idiot,” but is even stronger and describes someone who is very, very stupid.


On Stein’s list are several famous people from “reality shows” (shows putting real people in real or unusual circumstances) that he thinks are morons.


The last category is “Slimy Bastard.”


The dictionary meaning of “bastard” is a child who is born to an unmarried mother.


This is an old-fashion usage of this term and it isn’t used this way very often anymore.


Instead, we use “bastard” as a synonym for jerk, someone who does bad things to other people and who deserves to be hated.


Bastard is stronger than jerk, so people usually use it when they are very angry.


We use “bastard” for men and almost never for women.


We describe someone as “slimy” when that person does dishonest, “immoral” (wrong) things, especially if he is “obsequious,” acting like a servant to other people hoping to gain some benefit from that person.


So, a slimy bastard is a person who does bad things in a dishonest way, but always hoping to gain something for himself or herself.



  • 1. Compile (彙編) - /kəmˈpaɪl/
  • 2. Influential (有影響力的) - /ˌɪnfluˈɛnʃəl/
  • 3. Columnist (專欄作家) - /ˈkɑləmnɪst/
  • 4. Humorous (幽默的) - /ˈhjuːmərəs/
  • 5. Divide into (分成) - /dɪˈvaɪd ˈɪntu/
  • 6. Loser (失敗者) - /ˈluːzər/
  • 7. Flame out (徹底失敗) - /fleɪm aʊt/
  • 8. Conspicuous (顯眼的) - /kənˈspɪkjʊəs/
  • 9. Miserably (慘烈地) - /ˈmɪzərəbli/
  • 10. Moron (蠢材) - /ˈmɔːrɒn/
  • 11. Reality show (真人秀) - /riˈæləti ʃoʊ/
  • 12. Slimy (卑鄙的) - /ˈslaɪmi/
  • 13. Bastard (混蛋) - /ˈbæstərd/
  • 14. Immoral (不道德的) - /ɪˈmɔrəl/
  • 15. Obsequious (諂媚的) - /əbˈsiːkwiəs/
  • 16. Synonym (同義詞) - /ˈsɪnənɪm/
  • 17. Jerk (混球) - /dʒɜrk/
  • 18. Dishonest (不誠實的) - /dɪsˈɑnɪst/
  • 19. Undesirable (不受歡迎的) - /ˌʌndɪˈzaɪərəbl/
  • 20. Insult (侮辱) - /ɪnˈsʌlt/
  • 21. Fail (失敗) - /feɪl/
  • 22. Successful (成功的) - /səkˈsɛsfəl/
  • 23. Try (嘗試) - /traɪ/
  • 24. Public (公開的) - /ˈpʌblɪk/
  • 25. Describe (形容) - /dɪˈskraɪb/
  • 26. Fail miserably (慘敗
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