2024-06-12|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 28 分鐘

每日英語 #026: 好萊塢,電影和電視的(前)首都

Hollywood, (Former) Capital of Movies and Television 好萊塢,(前)電影和電視的首都

Many actors dream of going to “Hollywood” to “make it big” (to be a big success), and a few are probably surprised to learn that there is no city of Hollywood in California. Hollywood is actually just a neighborhood of Los Angeles. “Moreover” (in addition), many of the “film studios” (places where movies and TV shows are made) are not even in that neighborhood, so the term “Hollywood” really describes the larger entertainment “industry” (business) in this city. Now comes a new surprise: Most movies and TV shows aren’t even made in Hollywood/Los Angeles anymore.


According to a 2009 Los Angeles Times article, only about 30% of movies are now “filmed” (made) in California, “down from” (decreasing from) more than 60% just five years before. Only 57% of all TV shows’ first episodes, called “pilots,” are filmed in Los Angeles, down from more than 80% in 2004.


So why is everyone leaving? The reason is simple: Other cities and states are giving filmmakers incentives to film in their locations. “Incentives” are things you are given to motivate you to want to do something. These incentives are mostly “financial” (related to money), including lower taxes and fees for filming. Los Angeles, however, doesn’t have any organized program of incentives, and has therefore been losing jobs to other cities and states, such as New York, Connecticut, and “elsewhere” (other places).

那麼為什麼每個人都離開了呢?原因很簡單:其他城市和州正在給予電影製片人在他們的地點拍攝的激勵。 “激勵”是你被給予的事物,以激勵你想要做某事。這些激勵主要是“金融”(與金錢有關),包括較低的稅收和拍攝費用。然而,洛杉磯沒有任何組織的激勵計劃,因此一直在失去工作機會,轉移到其他城市和州,如紐約,康涅狄格州和“其他地方”。

Los Angeles is trying to create its own incentive plan to keep the studios from moving their business to other states. But some think it may be too late. Soon, instead of actors dreaming of coming to Los Angeles, perhaps they’ll “flock” (go in large numbers) to Vancouver, Hartford, and Dallas instead.



  • make it big:大紅大紫,成名 / meɪk ɪt bɪɡ/
  • neighborhood:社區 / ˈneɪbərˌhʊd /
  • film studios:電影工作室 / fɪlm ˈstjuːdiˌoʊz /
  • industry:行業 / ˈɪndəstri /
  • financial:財務的 / fɪˈnænʃəl /
  • incentives:激勵 / ɪnˈsɛntɪvz /
  • organized program:組織計劃 / ˈɔːrɡənaɪzd ˈproʊɡræm /
  • elsewhere:其他地方 / ˈɛlsˌhwɛr /
  • flock:大量前往 / flɑk /
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