例句二:When someone becomes upset about political conversations, it’s because they have political stances that they aren’t comfortable sharing.
英文直譯:當有人對政治對話感到不安時,這是因為他們有政治立場, 而這個政治立場是他們不願意分享的
這句型較為複雜一點, 據洋蔥英文的說法, 這叫做水平+垂直的句型. 簡單說所謂的子句:就是/這是(名詞子句) & 這個/那個(形容詞子句) & 天時/地利/人和(副詞子句)
Sc(主詞補語):是一個名詞子句, 裏面再含一個形容詞子句, 中文白話:就是/這是 加上 這個/那個
because they have political stances that they aren’t comfortable sharing
這是因為他們有政治立場, 而這個政治立場是他們不願意分享的
再細分子句結構:用because連接 → 就是/這是
開頭有一個天時/地利/人和的副詞子句, 這是錢:this(s) is(vi) money(sc) 句型
When someone becomes upset about political conversations
1. "If people feel lonely on certain holidays, it's often because they have no friends or families who care about them
2. When someone rejects working overtime, it's often because they have other goals (that) they are enthusiastic about.
當人們拒絕加班時, 通常是因為他們有其他更熱衷的目標
3. When people avoid discussing certain topics at dinner parties, it's often because they hold opinions they'd rather not disclose