2024-06-21|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘

藝術家與攝影師 an artist and photographer- Jane

She envisioned her gallery not just as a place to display art, but as a sanctuary where artists and locals could share stories and inspire each other.

She envisioned her gallery not just as a place to display art, but as a sanctuary where artists and locals could share stories and inspire each other.







Jane walked slowly along the path leading to the old town square, her camera hanging loosely around her neck. The streets were lined with cobblestone, and the golden hour sunlight cast long, dancing shadows between the colorful houses. She had spent the last ten years working in the bustling city, capturing moments of life through her lens, but something had always felt amiss.

Today marked her new beginning in this small town, where she planned to open her own gallery and workshop space. The town was famous for its vibrant arts scene and close-knit community, a perfect place for someone like Jane, whose heart beat in sync with the rhythm of nature and the honest smiles of people she photographed.

As she approached the center of the square, she saw an elderly man feeding pigeons, his gentle actions and serene face telling stories of wisdom and peace. Inspired, Jane raised her camera and captured the moment, knowing instantly that this would be the highlight piece for her upcoming exhibition titled "Whispers of the Heart."

That evening, as she developed her photos, Jane felt a profound connection to the town and its people. She envisioned her gallery not just as a place to display art, but as a sanctuary where artists and locals could share stories and inspire each other. With each photo she printed, Jane was weaving herself into the fabric of the community, her lens capturing not just images, but soulful narratives of life's simple, yet profound beauty.

In this town, Jane found not only her new home but a renewed sense of purpose. She was ready to tell her stories, and perhaps more importantly, to listen to the stories of others.

My Name is Jane.

《Jane書寫計畫》以網路上「Jane」的資料(Data)作為創作材料,創造出以「Jane」的肖像,再將肖像,由Chat-GPT4 進行影像閱讀,進行轉譯並書寫為文字,並再經由文字書寫轉譯為圖像。觀眾在具真實與虛擬感知共構中,透過文件閱讀、視覺圖像的符號象徵、感受「Jane」的多重存在樣貌。影像2文字,文字2影像。
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