2024-07-13|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘


Crafting Partnerships: Happy Wood Furniture's Supplier Briefing

Mrs. Chen (Happy Wood Furniture's Procurement Manager): Good morning, everyone. Thank you for attending Happy Wood Furniture's supplier briefing session.陳女士(快樂木製家具採購經理):早安各位。感謝各位出席快樂木製家具的供應商說明會。

Potential Supplier A: Good morning. We're excited to learn about your requirements.潛在供應商A:早安。我們很期待了解貴公司的需求。

Mrs. Chen: Great. To start, we're looking for sustainable wood suppliers for our eco-friendly furniture line. Can you tell me about your sourcing practices?陳女士:很好。首先,我們在為我們的環保家具系列尋找可持續木材供應商。您能告訴我您的採購做法嗎?

Potential Supplier B: Certainly. Our wood comes from certified sustainable forests. We can provide all necessary documentation.潛在供應商B:當然。我們的木材來自經認證的可持續森林。我們可以提供所有必要的文件。

Mrs. Chen: Excellent. We're also interested in suppliers who can provide fast turnaround times. What's your average delivery time?陳女士:太好了。我們也對能夠快速交貨的供應商感興趣。您的平均交貨時間是多少?

Potential Supplier A: Our standard delivery time is 14 days, but we can expedite orders if needed.潛在供應商A:我們的標準交貨時間是14天,但如果需要,我們可以加快訂單處理。

Mrs. Chen: That's promising. Now, let's discuss quality control. How do you ensure consistent wood quality?陳女士:這很有希望。現在,讓我們討論一下品質控制。您如何確保木材品質的一致性?

Potential Supplier C: We have a rigorous QC process, including moisture content checks and visual inspections. We can provide our full QC protocol if you'd like.潛在供應商C:我們有嚴格的質量控制流程,包括水分含量檢查和目視檢查。如果您需要,我們可以提供完整的質量控制協議。

Mrs. Chen: Yes, please do. Lastly, we're always looking for innovative materials. Do any of you offer unique wood types or finishes?陳女士:好的,請提供。最後,我們一直在尋找創新材料。你們中有人提供獨特的木材類型或表面處理嗎?

Potential Supplier B: We've recently started offering bamboo-wood composite materials that are both durable and eco-friendly.潛在供應商B:我們最近開始提供竹木複合材料,既耐用又環保。

Mrs. Chen: That sounds interesting. We'd love to see samples. Thank you all for your time today. We'll be in touch with next steps soon.陳女士:聽起來很有趣。我們很想看看樣品。謝謝各位今天的時間。我們很快會聯繫您,告知下一步。

Potential Supplier A: Thank you for the opportunity. We look forward to potentially working with Happy Wood Furniture.潛在供應商A:謝謝您給我們這個機會。我們期待有機會與快樂木製家具合作。

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