2024-07-28|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 25 分鐘

[#5] Bird flu美國爆發人類感染禽流感


Recently, the U.S. outbreaks of human infections with bird flu, or H5N1, particularly among dairy farm workers and poultry workers.


This week, three human cases have tested positive for H5N1 in the state of Colorado have been confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).Since April, the total number of human cases of H5N1 has reached 13 in the United States.

本周美國疾病管制與預防中心 (CDC) 確認科羅拉多州有三例人類感染H5N1病毒病例。自四月以來,美國感染H5N1的人類病例總數已達到13例。

All cases were the workers who had been involved in culling birds, catching the bird flu virus through direct work with infected birds.Human symptoms among all infected workers were relatively mild, such as conjunctivitis and eye tearing, as well as some typical of a flu infection.


Testing also showed that the virus was closely related to the strain spreading in cattle, raising concerns about a growing number of infections.


CDC’s current assessment is that the risk to the public from H5N1 remains low and there have been no documented instances of human-to-human transmission.


The CDC advises that everyone should avoid unprotected exposures to sick or dead animals.




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