2024-08-24|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 23 分鐘


  1. The food looks amazing.
  2. The decor looks fancy.
  3. The picture looks awful.
  4. The kitchen looks so dirty.
  5. The decor looks so awful.
  6. The food looks so fancy.
  7. The kitchen looks so amazing.

  1. My soup tastes bland. bland 淡
  2. The wine tastes dry. dry 形容酒有點澀
  3. This steak tastes a little overcooked. overcooked 過熟
  4. This steak tastes a little undercooked. undercooked 太生
  5. My soup tastes really funky.
  6. This wine tastes really funky.

  1. That restaurant sounds really good.
  2. Your mom sounds a little mean. mean刻薄
  3. This server sounds really annoying.
  4. The dessert sounds really good.
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