更新於 2024/09/28閱讀時間約 11 分鐘


歡迎來到 Rayson English 瑞昇英語,這篇文章中將介紹一些常見的股市術語,不論你是投資新手還是對金融領域感到好奇,這些關鍵詞彙將幫助你開始學習用英語閱讀股市投資相關報導 / 財經新聞


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(* Rayson English 及 Rayson's English 皆為瑞昇英語)




瑞昇英語沙龍 (Rayson English)
1. Taiwan Stock Market 台股股票市場 / Taiwan Stocks 台股
瑞昇英語沙龍 (Rayson English)
2. The General Index / Market Index 大盤指數
瑞昇英語沙龍 (Rayson English)
3. Market Open (n) 開盤
瑞昇英語沙龍 (Rayson English)
4. Market Close (n) 收盤
瑞昇英語沙龍 (Rayson English)
5. Day Trading (n) 當沖
瑞昇英語沙龍 (Rayson English)
6. Swing Trading (n) 波段交易
瑞昇英語沙龍 (Rayson English)
7. Long-Term Holding (n) 長期持有

1. Taiwan Stock Market 台股股票市場 /
Taiwan Stocks 台股

- 台灣股票市場

- Refers to the entire stock market of Taiwan, including all the companies listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange.

- ex 1: Investors are optimistic about the recent performance of the Taiwan stock market, expecting the market to continue rising.


- ex 2: The Taiwan stock market has experienced significant fluctuations due to the impact of international markets.


2. The General Index / Market Index

- 大盤指數

- Refers to the overall market index, representing the average performance of the entire stock market. It often indicates the health of the stock market.

- ex 1: The market index rose by 2% today, indicating an overall positive market trend.
(今天大盤上漲了 2%,顯示出市場整體趨勢向好。)

- ex 2: The market index's decline has worried many investors, leading to a selling spree.

3. Market Open (n)

- 開盤

- Refers to the start of the trading day when the stock market opens for buying and selling.

- ex 1: At the market open today, the Taiwan stock market index fell by 100 points.
(今天台股開盤時,指數下跌了 100 點。)

- ex 2: Investors usually plan their trading strategies before the market opens to seize market volatility opportunities.

4. Market Close (n)

- 收盤

- Refers to the end of the trading day when the stock market stops trading for the day.

- ex 1: The Taiwan stock market gained 150 points at the market close today, showing strong performance.

(台股在今天的收盤時上漲了 150 點,表現強勁。)

- ex 2: At the market close, certain stocks underperformed, leading to cautious market sentiment.


5. Day Trading

- 當沖,全名「當日沖銷」

- A strategy where investors buy and sell a stock within the same trading day to profit from short-term price fluctuations.

- ex 1: Day traders quickly buy and sell after the market opens to profit from short-term fluctuations.


- ex 2: Day trading carries higher risks and requires quick decision-making and a deep understanding of market dynamics.


6. Swing Trading

- 波段操作

- A trading strategy where investors hold onto stocks for several days or weeks to profit from medium-term price trends.

- ex 1: Swing traders usually wait for price fluctuations over a few days to weeks to achieve larger profits.


- ex 2: In swing trading, investors use technical analysis to determine the best entry and exit points.


7. Long-Term Holding

- 長期持有

- A strategy where investors hold onto stocks for an extended period, often years, to benefit from long-term market growth.

- ex 1: Many conservative investors choose long-term holding to accumulate steady capital growth.


- ex 2: The long-term holding strategy is suitable for investors who are not willing to take on short-term volatility risks.


好的,Rayson 總結一下這七個股市投資常見的術語

瑞昇英語沙龍 (Rayson English)
1. Taiwan Stock Market 台股股票市場 / Taiwan Stocks 台股
瑞昇英語沙龍 (Rayson English)
2. The General Index / Market Index 大盤指數
瑞昇英語沙龍 (Rayson English)
3. Market Open (n) 開盤
瑞昇英語沙龍 (Rayson English)
4. Market Close (n) 收盤
瑞昇英語沙龍 (Rayson English)
5. Day Trading (n) 當沖
瑞昇英語沙龍 (Rayson English)
6. Swing Trading (n) 波段交易
瑞昇英語沙龍 (Rayson English)
7. Long-Term Holding (n) 長期持有


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