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112年四技二專外語群英語類寫作練習 (1)








說明:請依提示在「答案卷」上寫一封約 120字(日期、收信人、寄信人不計入字數)的英文 信函。 提示:

(1) Peter 是一位定居在臺灣某城市多年的外國人,他發現這個城市沒有自行車專用道 (bicycle lane),因而產生不少交通問題。

(2) 請你以 Peter 的身分寫一封信給市長,建議設置自行車專用道。

(3) 請舉出至少三個理由陳述建置自行車專用道的必要性以說服市長。

(4) 信的上下款應依下列格式寫出,並將寫信的日期 (April 29th, 2023) 、收信人 (Mayor)、寄信人(Peter)謄寫至答案卷上。[1]




April 29th, 2023

Dear Mayor,

        (1). I am Peter, a foreigner who have been living in this city for several years. (2). I am writing this mail/email to inform you that it is a shame that this city lacks a proper bicycle lane for the cyclists. (3). Its impact is manifest in terms that there are quite a few visible traffic issues happening every day on the streets. (3-1). For example, it is extremely dangerous for a cyclist to ride in the same lane as cars and scooters moving by. Please try to imagine the risk a cyclist has to take in this kind of situation. (3-2). Moreover, separating bicycles from motor vehicles helps to reduce traffic congestion, especially during rush hours. Car drivers and scooter riders do not need to hold their brakes from time to time, watching out for a cyclist who can come out of nowhere anytime, if they know that bicyclists ride on a different lane. The traffic, I believe, will be much smoother if the separation of bicycles and motor vehicles is implemented properly. (3-3). Last but not least, a proper bicycle lane network can serve as a cultural landmark for this city. It shows our emphasis on a balanced lifestyle in the urban area: this city embraces those who choose to cycle to work, who aim to achieve a healthier lifestyle by regularly exercising. (Summary) Given these three reasons, for bicycle safety, traffic efficiency, and cultural significance, (4). I would like to propose the necessity of a bike lane network. And I am assured that you, with your authority, have the power to make it happen, to make the city a more pleasant place to live.






        (1). 自我介紹:說明來歷,以及跟收信者之間的關聯 (relevance)

        (2). 書寫目的:簡述「發現的問題」跟「要求收信者做什麼」(purpose)

        (3). 論理:鋪陳這麼做的理據 (argumentation)


(3-1). 主要理由:「安全」(Bicycle safety)

(3-2). 支持理由:「行車效率」(traffic efficiency)

(3-3). 收束理由:「文化意義」(cultural significance)

(Summary) 【可寫可不寫】:重述上述三點

(4). 結尾呼應(2)






[1]. 112學年度四技二專統測題庫【外語群英語類】


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