2024-10-20|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 0 分鐘


    1. 改變是痛苦,但不改變會更加痛苦。

    Change is painful, but not changing will be even more painful.

    1. 錢沒到位,心就委屈了。

    When the money isn't there, the heart feels aggrieved.

    1. 這個世界不是因為你能做什麼,而是你該做什麼。

    The world doesn't care about what you can do, but about what you should do.

    1. 災難來之前,儘量避免災難的出現,災難來之後,努力把災難轉變成機遇。

    Before a disaster comes, try your best to avoid it. After it arrives, strive to turn it into an opportunity.

    1. 不要怕對手比你有條件,比你強大,如果你是全世界最想做成這件事的人,你就有機會贏。

    Don't fear that your competitors have more resources or are stronger than you. If you are the person who most wants to accomplish something, you have a chance to win.

    1. 不吃苦,不奮鬥,你要青春幹什麼?

    If you don't endure hardships or fight for your goals, what are you doing with your youth?

    1. 建立自我、追求忘我。

    Establish yourself, pursue selflessness.

    1. 做一份工作,做一份喜歡的工作就是很好的創業。

    Doing a job you love is already great entrepreneurship.

    1. 品質不僅僅是團隊,它還是文化,是製度,是一整套東西。

    Quality is not just about the team, it's also about culture, processes, and an entire system.

    1. 公關是個副產品,由於你解決了以後會逐漸傳出去,這才是最好的公關。

    Public relations is a byproduct. The best PR comes from solving problems and letting word spread gradually.

    1. 文化貫徹是最關鍵的。

    Culture implementation is the most critical factor.

    1. 慈善必須以商業的計劃執行,以商業的形式執行,慈善才能走得久走得長。

    Charity must be executed with a business plan and in a business format, so it can be sustainable and long-lasting.

    1. 我自己不願意聘用一個經常在競爭者之間跳躍的人。

    I'm reluctant to hire someone who frequently jumps between competitors.

    1. 什麼都想自己幹,這個世界上你幹不完。

    If you try to do everything yourself, you'll never finish.

    1. 沒有一個良好的過程,任何一次成功都不可能被複制。

    Without a good process, no success can be replicated.

    1. 永遠要相信邊上的人比你聰明。

    Always believe that the people around you are smarter than you.

    1. 現在你需要踏踏實實,實實在在跟你一起幹的人。

    Now, you need people who will work with you solidly and reliably.

    1. 每一筆生意必須掙錢,免費不是一個好策略,它付出的代價會非常大。

    Every business deal must be profitable. Free is not a good strategy; the cost of it is very high.

    資料來源 : 《馬雲給創業者的24堂課》、《企業總裁》

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