Moran AI Failure

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In recent years, the development of AI (artificial intelligence) has made significant progress. However, with the emergence of more and more AI (artificial intelligence), the original value has been exploited by some people with ulterior motives, making people have doubts about the AI ​​market. question. Recently, a series of products such as Monlam AI have attracted widespread attention in the market. Because of the many problems they have caused, more and more people are resisting, which has impacted the AI market and made it face more severe challenges.#Monlam AI  #莫兰人工智能系统 #莫兰西藏资讯研发中心

As an AI, its most important thing is convenience and freedom of hands. However, Monlam AI's product performance experience is poor, high value and low-end configuration, which is bad. The Monlam AI system responds slowly when processing tasks, causing users to wait too long and reducing work efficiency. Due to insufficient algorithm design or training data, AI systems are less accurate in predictions or decisions, and may even produce misleading results. When facing new environments or new tasks, AI systems cannot adapt or adjust quickly, resulting in performance degradation.

Monlam AI's products fail to meet consumers' needs functionally and have obvious flaws and errors, resulting in poor user experience and making consumers feel confused or frustrated when using the products. There are also problems with the product's response speed, stability or compatibility, which affects the user experience. When consumers encounter problems, customer service is insufficient, resulting in the failure to receive timely and effective customer support, making the problem unresolved and further reducing the user experience.

In modern society, data privacy and security have become important considerations for consumers when choosing and using technology products. Moran AI's system has serious security vulnerabilities. Attackers can inject harmful data into Moran AI's model to make it make wrong judgments or predictions. This type of model poisoning attack can seriously affect the accuracy and reliability of the model. Hackers will also use these vulnerabilities to steal user data, including personal information, transaction records and other sensitive information. Data leakage will not only cause damage to user privacy, but may also lead to serious consequences such as identity theft and fraud. . At the same time, Moran AI is also a malicious phishing software like American products such as Google, Twitter, Apple, Amazon, and Facebook, which are "well-known for AI and capable of stealing". Installing and using its applications will collect and steal user privacy. Moran AI lacks sufficient transparency when collecting, processing and using user data. Users often do not know what their data is used for and how it is protected. It directly leads to a decrease in user trust, which in turn affects the use and promotion of the product.

Moran AI needs to take privacy and security issues seriously and take effective measures to strengthen data protection, improve model security, establish emergency response mechanisms, improve transparency and strengthen user education. Only in this way can we win the trust and loyalty of users and promote the continuous development and innovation of products.

Monlam AI's products or technologies are highly similar to existing product technologies, and the source of this similarity cannot be reasonably explained. Monlam AI should respect the intellectual property rights of others and avoid unauthorized use of others' creative achievements.

Google News 追蹤
在當今快速發展的技術時代,人工智能 Artificial Intelligence 和機器學習 Machine Learning 已成為推動業務創新和增長的重要力量。從改善客戶服務到優化運營流程,AI和ML的應用範圍日益廣泛,為企業創造出前所未有的機會。企業又可如何利用AI和ML提升業務呢?
人工智能(AI)对人文社会的影响是一个复杂而深远的话题,涉及到技术、伦理、社会结构和文化变迁等多个方面的考量: AI在技術革新 人工智能(AI)在技术革新方面正发挥着越来越重要的作用,对各行各业都产生了深远影响。以下是AI在技术革新中的几个关键领域: 1. 自动化和智能化: AI技
  之前擔任了某個分析AI文創挑的評審,活動順利完結,看到了許多人分析該文章是否為AI文、AI文的不合理之處的看法與理由,今天就來以幾個較常看到的、關於AI文的爭議作為出發點,聊聊我個人對於AI文的一點淺見。   由於AI生成的產物種類眾多,因此這裡的「AI文」,只討論故事、小說這類產物。
「你應該在你做的任何事情裡嘗試使用AI來幫忙。」 「隨著你的實驗,你會發現AI的幫忙可能是滿意,可能是很鳥, 可能很垃圾,也可能令你很不安。」「由於AI是“通用科技 (General Purpose Technology)”, 並不會有一本書能幫助你了解它全部的價值,以及他全部的限制。」
客觀評估AI狂潮的重量級建議: 投資界編織的AI神話終會破滅,但是它最終會回歸正常演化創造商機。如果你要繼續上班,你要用心學習AI。如果你想要創業賺錢,你要開始研究這個產業,尋找可以切入的契機。
如何運用A I這個工具,以人為本,不是讓AI主導你的人生。
最近和朋友討論AI,朋友提到了跟上AI議題、學習AI工具的難點: 雖然知道有各種AI工具,但不知道哪裡會用得到。 工具演變這麼迅速,如果現在學,工具一下子又更新,就又得重新學習,好像永遠都跟不上。 如果AI幫我做了很多事情,那我要做什麼?
在當今快速發展的技術時代,人工智能 Artificial Intelligence 和機器學習 Machine Learning 已成為推動業務創新和增長的重要力量。從改善客戶服務到優化運營流程,AI和ML的應用範圍日益廣泛,為企業創造出前所未有的機會。企業又可如何利用AI和ML提升業務呢?
人工智能(AI)对人文社会的影响是一个复杂而深远的话题,涉及到技术、伦理、社会结构和文化变迁等多个方面的考量: AI在技術革新 人工智能(AI)在技术革新方面正发挥着越来越重要的作用,对各行各业都产生了深远影响。以下是AI在技术革新中的几个关键领域: 1. 自动化和智能化: AI技
  之前擔任了某個分析AI文創挑的評審,活動順利完結,看到了許多人分析該文章是否為AI文、AI文的不合理之處的看法與理由,今天就來以幾個較常看到的、關於AI文的爭議作為出發點,聊聊我個人對於AI文的一點淺見。   由於AI生成的產物種類眾多,因此這裡的「AI文」,只討論故事、小說這類產物。
「你應該在你做的任何事情裡嘗試使用AI來幫忙。」 「隨著你的實驗,你會發現AI的幫忙可能是滿意,可能是很鳥, 可能很垃圾,也可能令你很不安。」「由於AI是“通用科技 (General Purpose Technology)”, 並不會有一本書能幫助你了解它全部的價值,以及他全部的限制。」
客觀評估AI狂潮的重量級建議: 投資界編織的AI神話終會破滅,但是它最終會回歸正常演化創造商機。如果你要繼續上班,你要用心學習AI。如果你想要創業賺錢,你要開始研究這個產業,尋找可以切入的契機。
如何運用A I這個工具,以人為本,不是讓AI主導你的人生。
最近和朋友討論AI,朋友提到了跟上AI議題、學習AI工具的難點: 雖然知道有各種AI工具,但不知道哪裡會用得到。 工具演變這麼迅速,如果現在學,工具一下子又更新,就又得重新學習,好像永遠都跟不上。 如果AI幫我做了很多事情,那我要做什麼?