Midnight Library

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I am in some kind of depression and have been listening to this book on Audible and it got me wonder what versions of life could exist in the parallel universe. I surely have a book of regret and I can see my life be totally different at more than one turning points. But since we are on the same tree, I guess we will still be rotten in a similar way.Book no1- if I had a brotherMy parents are traditional Chinese and my dad’s life long dream (or goal) is to have a male heir. They tried very hard to have a boy after me and my sister but it did not happen. My family is twisted in this way and a lot of family drama derived from this. If they had succeeded, I would prob be free up from some family shits and have more room to pursuit my life with less attention on me. I am sure my younger brother will be so spoiled though in this environment and my parents will give him all the family resources with very little return. I would not have enough money to go study abroad then but my goal to escape from my house should be the same. I would get a job and move out, fighting for opportunities to work overseas and I might end up at the same path of my root life. My mother will be even more exhausted with three kids and one husband who did not help on house chores at all. Her health condition will be a concern in this life. Although she might have more self esteem when talking to my grandmother and other extended family from my dad’s side. The result is mixed. As to me, my struggle with original family will likely remain similar, a useless dad, an unhappy mom and a controlling grandmother. Being a girl in this big traditional Chinese family my childhood will be full of ignorance and I will be traumatized for being unloved. It could also be a blessing in my adult life when I might be able to live my life overseas with less guilt.Book no 2- if I had major in English in schoolI was very close to choose English/Literature as my major college but got shifted away to finance due to my high score in math. It sounds ridiculous today but it was common back then when people choose their career based on exam results instead of personal interests. I am quite talented in learning languages and my passion lays in reading books. But a English major is unlikely to get me any high paid job. I will be struggle financially unless I found a rich man to marry. It is risky since my financial status will be depending on my marriage, which is also known as a gamble. But If I succeed then my job as either a translator or a writer will give me a freelancer’s life with many free time to support my family as a mom. I always wanted to be a freelancer as I am disciplined, self motivated and enjoy freedom very much. I do not have a huge aspiration in career and to be honest finance does not suites me well. But I could also end up struggling with money, being a cynical person if I could not find a good man. The result is not guaranteed.Book no 3 — if I went to study in New York city instead of AtlantaThis could be another life changer as well. I would have relationship with different men in these two cities. John was the reason I wanted to move to NYC so much in the first place. Now I think about it I did not really know him that well but he kinda represents all I was looking for at that stage of my life- independent, western, strong and freedom. He represents New York City. Yet my relationship with him may end up in similar way that me being too dependent and immature without knowing what I really want and who I am. I think I would still get lost. But after that I may be closer to become a New Yorker. I think I will spend a longer amount of time in this city even after the relationship ended. I will find another abc to settle with but I might be lonely since I can not fit in completely. I will miss my friends and family a lot while I drifting away from them. I will be super home sick and guilty when my parents aged. My passion and love towards the city may be wore out along with time and I will eventually move back to Taiwan.
    Miss K的沙龍 的其他內容
    我必須選擇相信冥冥之中,有神明或佛祖或宇宙的力量,而不是無情的機率。原來我之前是無神論者的人生,只是因為生活還沒有對我下重手。原來我自以爲的樂觀,也是因為不好的事情還沒有發生在我身上。 選擇不要你,比起第一次別無選擇的胎停無疑是更困難的。引產的過程很順利,謝謝你,但我最終也沒有勇氣見你一面。你們。
    我在一年之內引產了兩次,我到現在都還無法相信。我連現在打這篇文章都覺得非常費力,但我想要練習把這件事情說出來。 除了辭職,我報名的新的課程,學習新的運動,跟很久不見的朋友聊天,我從一個無神論者開始唸經,我查詢我的流年,我捐錢給唐氏症基金會,我做了或打算做很多事情,希望讓自己好起來。
    我必須選擇相信冥冥之中,有神明或佛祖或宇宙的力量,而不是無情的機率。原來我之前是無神論者的人生,只是因為生活還沒有對我下重手。原來我自以爲的樂觀,也是因為不好的事情還沒有發生在我身上。 選擇不要你,比起第一次別無選擇的胎停無疑是更困難的。引產的過程很順利,謝謝你,但我最終也沒有勇氣見你一面。你們。
    我在一年之內引產了兩次,我到現在都還無法相信。我連現在打這篇文章都覺得非常費力,但我想要練習把這件事情說出來。 除了辭職,我報名的新的課程,學習新的運動,跟很久不見的朋友聊天,我從一個無神論者開始唸經,我查詢我的流年,我捐錢給唐氏症基金會,我做了或打算做很多事情,希望讓自己好起來。
    Google News 追蹤
    這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
    美國總統大選只剩下三天, 我們觀察一整週民調與金融市場的變化(包含賭局), 到本週五下午3:00前為止, 誰是美國總統幾乎大概可以猜到60-70%的機率, 本篇文章就是以大選結局為主軸來討論近期甚至到未來四年美股可能的改變
    Faker昨天真的太扯了,中國主播王多多點評的話更是精妙,分享給各位 王多多的點評 「Faker是我們的處境,他是LPL永遠繞不開的一個人和話題,所以我們特別渴望在決賽跟他相遇,去直面我們的處境。 我們曾經稱他為最高的山,最長的河,以為山海就是盡頭,可是Faker用他28歲的年齡...
    調酒的氛圍 有時候可以告訴我們許多故事 而酒吧提供了說故事的空間 與釋放靈魂的想像力   圖片技巧: 這三張照片表面上是不同時間拍攝 其實是傍晚時刻相近時間拍攝 畫面運用了背景設計及色彩構思 可以依照主題來經營情境   Photo By Amoris Wang
    《午夜圖書館The Midnight Library》 ✍️作者:麥特.海格 原文作者:Matt Haig 譯者: 章晉唯 語言:繁體中文 📚出版社:漫遊者文化 出版日期:2021/02/01 📖書籍簡介(摘錄自博客來網路書店) 在生與死之間,有間圖書館, 架上的每本書,都是你
    這部電影是2021年6月30日在南韓上映的,然後今天2023年6月30日突然心血來潮想介紹一下,恰好滿兩年,還真是巧了(笑) 我這輩子很少會看電影看到按暫停的,無論是看殭屍片鬼片或是其他可怕的劇情片,都能夠一氣呵成追完,不過這部是例外。 好幾次都要按暫停,喘個氣一下,要不然我都會懷疑自己忘記呼吸了,
    我是個科幻迷,只要是科幻題材的作品,我都會想要好好地拜讀. 好的科幻作品之所以迷人,就是因為那句話:「科技始終來於人性」. 而根基於人性的作品,總是能夠打動人心. 在Netflix發行的<The Midnight Sky>就是這樣一部能夠打動人心的影片.
    圖片來源:Amazon網站 在生與死之間,有一座圖書館。 在這座圖書館裡,有著數以萬計的書本。而每一本書,都代表著「你」的另一個人生。你可以透由書本去體驗你的另一個人生,這個新的人生,或許給了你新的機會讓你重新開始,或許充滿更多挑戰與困難,或許可以讓你抹去所有過去的懊悔,或許可以教你甚麼才是最重要
    我真是喜歡由Ethan Hawke和Julie Delpy所主演,詮釋愛情的經典之作《Before》系列三部曲,甚至打從心裡由衷建議我國衛生福利部國民健康署,可以把這三部曲列為「婚前教育」(笑~)...
    -寫於2020/11/06     Hi there,大家應該多少知道,我們的超大膽女神 Miley Cyrus 將在11月的時候發行他的第七張錄音室專輯《She Is Miley Cyrus》,今天要分享的就是這張專輯的第一首主打歌曲〈Midnight Sky〉,目前這首歌在美國 Billboa
    這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
    美國總統大選只剩下三天, 我們觀察一整週民調與金融市場的變化(包含賭局), 到本週五下午3:00前為止, 誰是美國總統幾乎大概可以猜到60-70%的機率, 本篇文章就是以大選結局為主軸來討論近期甚至到未來四年美股可能的改變
    Faker昨天真的太扯了,中國主播王多多點評的話更是精妙,分享給各位 王多多的點評 「Faker是我們的處境,他是LPL永遠繞不開的一個人和話題,所以我們特別渴望在決賽跟他相遇,去直面我們的處境。 我們曾經稱他為最高的山,最長的河,以為山海就是盡頭,可是Faker用他28歲的年齡...
    調酒的氛圍 有時候可以告訴我們許多故事 而酒吧提供了說故事的空間 與釋放靈魂的想像力   圖片技巧: 這三張照片表面上是不同時間拍攝 其實是傍晚時刻相近時間拍攝 畫面運用了背景設計及色彩構思 可以依照主題來經營情境   Photo By Amoris Wang
    《午夜圖書館The Midnight Library》 ✍️作者:麥特.海格 原文作者:Matt Haig 譯者: 章晉唯 語言:繁體中文 📚出版社:漫遊者文化 出版日期:2021/02/01 📖書籍簡介(摘錄自博客來網路書店) 在生與死之間,有間圖書館, 架上的每本書,都是你
    這部電影是2021年6月30日在南韓上映的,然後今天2023年6月30日突然心血來潮想介紹一下,恰好滿兩年,還真是巧了(笑) 我這輩子很少會看電影看到按暫停的,無論是看殭屍片鬼片或是其他可怕的劇情片,都能夠一氣呵成追完,不過這部是例外。 好幾次都要按暫停,喘個氣一下,要不然我都會懷疑自己忘記呼吸了,
    我是個科幻迷,只要是科幻題材的作品,我都會想要好好地拜讀. 好的科幻作品之所以迷人,就是因為那句話:「科技始終來於人性」. 而根基於人性的作品,總是能夠打動人心. 在Netflix發行的<The Midnight Sky>就是這樣一部能夠打動人心的影片.
    圖片來源:Amazon網站 在生與死之間,有一座圖書館。 在這座圖書館裡,有著數以萬計的書本。而每一本書,都代表著「你」的另一個人生。你可以透由書本去體驗你的另一個人生,這個新的人生,或許給了你新的機會讓你重新開始,或許充滿更多挑戰與困難,或許可以讓你抹去所有過去的懊悔,或許可以教你甚麼才是最重要
    我真是喜歡由Ethan Hawke和Julie Delpy所主演,詮釋愛情的經典之作《Before》系列三部曲,甚至打從心裡由衷建議我國衛生福利部國民健康署,可以把這三部曲列為「婚前教育」(笑~)...
    -寫於2020/11/06     Hi there,大家應該多少知道,我們的超大膽女神 Miley Cyrus 將在11月的時候發行他的第七張錄音室專輯《She Is Miley Cyrus》,今天要分享的就是這張專輯的第一首主打歌曲〈Midnight Sky〉,目前這首歌在美國 Billboa