山峰 Hill: 比最靠近高度不相同的兩個鄰居的高度還要高。
低谷 Valley:比最靠近高度不相同的兩個鄰居的高度還要低。
Example 1:
Input: nums = [2,4,1,1,6,5]
Output: 3
At index 0: There is no non-equal neighbor of 2 on the left, so index 0 is neither a hill nor a valley.
At index 1: The closest non-equal neighbors of 4 are 2 and 1. Since 4 > 2 and 4 > 1, index 1 is a hill.
At index 2: The closest non-equal neighbors of 1 are 4 and 6. Since 1 < 4 and 1 < 6, index 2 is a valley.
At index 3: The closest non-equal neighbors of 1 are 4 and 6. Since 1 < 4 and 1 < 6, index 3 is a valley, but note that it is part of the same valley as index 2.
At index 4: The closest non-equal neighbors of 6 are 1 and 5. Since 6 > 1 and 6 > 5, index 4 is a hill.
At index 5: There is no non-equal neighbor of 5 on the right, so index 5 is neither a hill nor a valley.
There are 3 hills and valleys so we return 3.
Example 2:
Input: nums = [6,6,5,5,4,1]
Output: 0
At index 0: There is no non-equal neighbor of 6 on the left, so index 0 is neither a hill nor a valley.
At index 1: There is no non-equal neighbor of 6 on the left, so index 1 is neither a hill nor a valley.
At index 2: The closest non-equal neighbors of 5 are 6 and 4. Since 5 < 6 and 5 > 4, index 2 is neither a hill nor a valley.
At index 3: The closest non-equal neighbors of 5 are 6 and 4. Since 5 < 6 and 5 > 4, index 3 is neither a hill nor a valley.
At index 4: The closest non-equal neighbors of 4 are 5 and 1. Since 4 < 5 and 4 > 1, index 4 is neither a hill nor a valley.
At index 5: There is no non-equal neighbor of 1 on the right, so index 5 is neither a hill nor a valley.
There are 0 hills and valleys so we return 0.
3 <= nums.length <= 100
1 <= nums[i] <= 100
class Solution:
def countHillValley(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
state = INIT
# counter of {hill, valley}
counter = 0
for i in range( 1, len(nums) ):
# Now we are goind up
if nums[i] > nums[i-1]:
if state == DOWN_HILL:
# previous state is DOWN_HILL, but now it is UP_HILL
# we just pass thorugh a valley
counter +=1
state = UP_HILL
# Now we are goind down
elif nums[i] < nums[i-1]:
if state == UP_HILL:
# previous state is UP_HILL, but now it is DOWN_HILL
# we just pass thorugh a hill
counter +=1
state = DOWN_HILL
return counter
O( n ) 從左到右掃描一遍,每個數字拿去和前面的數字比大小。
O( 1 ) 只有用到固定大小的臨時變數,占用的記憶體空間為常數級別O(1)。
去找出山峰、低谷對應的變化規律分別是 先遞增再遞減、先遞減再遞增。
[1] Python O(n) by simulation [w/ Visualiztion] - Count Hills and Valleys in an Array - LeetCode