ANG SANG WAHE GURU My soul vibrates within me
Have you ever looked at a human body cell under microscopes? It looks like a small, perfectly orchestrated factory, the interior of a luxury watch or even an elaborate electrical circuit. No computer, race car, or technology can compete with the molecular engineering nestled in every cubic nanometer of the human body.
Have you ever observed the number of fractal figures in nature, on the surface of a shell, a Romanesco cabbage or even a snowflake? The sacred is everywhere before our eyes. In the infinitely large as well as in the infinitely small. How can we forget this magic that vibrates inside all that is? At what point in your life did you stop marveling at this magic? It doesn't matter what name you give to this genius: universal consciousness, the cosmos, the divine, the source or even the soul...
As soon as we place our attention on the sacred, we are all aware of the fact that it nestles in the smallest corners, even behind what appears ugly at first glance. This mantra requires you to remember the sacred within you. There is no space in your body or in your electromagnetic field that is not crossed by this universal genius. It precedes all your perceptions. It connects you to infinity and your divine presence. Let the sacred dance inside your cells. Open yourself to the ecstasy of the state of being.
If you feel fragmented, in a state of separation from others, from nature, or from yourself, if you have the impression of being "many" inside your head, this mantra will allow you to “reunite” and align with the infinite beauty of your soul.