AAD SUCH JUGAAD SUCH Even when most humans thought the Earth was stationary and at the center of the universe, it was in motion. Using an astronomical telescope and listening to his intuition allowed Galileo to confirm the geocentric theory against the advice of his contemporaries: the Earth does indeed revolve around the Sun. This mantra seeks to put you back on the path of unconditional truth beyond changing opinions, judgments, and external circumstances. The truth is. What truth have you strayed from? Remember the certainties you had about yourself when you were a teenager. Remember all the times you identified with an illusory vision of reality, all the oaths you abandoned. What was true about you yesterday, what is true about you today, and what will still be true tomorrow?
This mantra invites you to gain height and connect to absolute knowledge, which you have access to when you tune into the highest channel of your consciousness. Observe the signs you have already received: your conscience shows you the path to truth so you can hear it and express it easily without trying to crush the other. Connected to the fifth chakra (vishudda: located at the throat), the law of truth gives us the gift of the most fluid communication and unlimited knowledge. No need to fight or try to convince. Each time we get a little closer to the truth, its radiance is so intense that it is inspired by capillary action. Practice chanting this mantra for at least 7 minutes, with your hands in gyan mudra (thumbs and index fingers together), to remind yourself, “I know that I know.” Ask all the masters to open the way to the truth for you. And if you don't believe you're being guided or feel like you'll never hear their message, visualize angels all around you listening to your song.
Suggested song: And Such by Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa.