
#英文小短文含有「英文小短文」共 6 篇內容
FAKE Inside: 內心 I am tired. 我好累~ I am tired of hearing the lies. 我厭倦了聽這些謊言。 I am tired of seeing the fake news 我厭倦了這看這些假消息。
Daily Routine 每日例行公事Monday - Friday 星期一到星期五 6:30 get up, brush my teeth, wash my face 六點半起床,刷牙,洗臉 7:00 make breakfast for my family 七點為家人做早餐 9:00 do house chores 九點做家事 11
Mourning 悼She was mourning at 8 in the morning. 早上8點時她在追悼。 She was mourning at 9 in the morning. 早上9點時她在追悼。 She was mourning at 10 in the morning. 早上10點時她在追悼。 S
We Need Magic 我們需要魔法If I had a mighty safety box, I would hide COVID-19 inside for good. 如果我有個萬能的保險箱,我會把COVID-19永遠存放在裡面。 Then, keep Pandora away from me. 然後讓潘朵拉不要接近我。 If
Crying 哭泣The old man bowed down and wept when his wife took the last breath in his arms. 當他的老妻在他手臂裡嚥下最後一口氣,老先生低頭哭泣。 The mid-aged man was sobbing with his face
Spring 春天/泉水/彈簧I like spring. 我喜歡春天 It’s time for things to start blooming. 是萬物綻放的時刻 I enjoy hot spring. 我喜歡溫泉 It helps me remove fatigue and stress. 幫助我除去疲勞和壓力