含有「RHCP」共 6 篇內容
Shoelace for the sirenes 為海妖獻上鞋帶 Groupies and the tyrant's ply 皮肉粉絲和暴君的糾纏
Take it away, I never had it anyway 拿走它吧,反正我從來不曾依賴 Take it away and everything will be okay 帶走它吧,從此一切都會好起來
I could not forget but I will not endeavour 我無法徹底忘卻,但我不會再鑽牛角尖 Simple pleasures are much better, but I won't regret it, never 平凡的樂趣是更好的選擇,但我絕不後悔,永遠
Scar tissue that I wish you saw 千瘡百孔,真希望你見過 Sarcastic mister know-it-all 冷嘲熱諷,自以為萬事通
Tell the world that I'm falling from the sky 昭告全世界,我從雲端跌落地面 Dark necessities are part of my design 黑暗面的補給是我天性使然
In the water, where I center my emotion 我的喜怒哀樂 隨著細水長流 All the world can pass me by 任由世界擦肩而過