【作者】Eileen Caddy
As you contribute your specific gifts and talents to the whole, so is each piece of the jigsaw puzzle of life put together forming the perfect whole. What you're your specific gifts or talents? Why not share them and cease hiding them away, for they are all needed. You may feel you have many gifts, or you may feel you have little or nothing to give. This latter is not so. You you're your own unique something to give which no one else can give, and that something is needed. It is up to you to find out what it is and give it. It takes all sorts to make up the whole. Every tiny screw, cog and spring is needed to make a clock. Every organ of the body, every tiny cell and atom is needed to make up the whole perfect body. When you can see yourself as part of the whole, you will no longer want to withhold what you have to give.