Demystifying Key Employee Benefits

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Employee benefits are a non-financial form of compensation given to an employee as part of a contract in addition to wages. Some benefits are government-mandated, meaning employees are legally required to provide them. In Hong Kong, the main employment legislation is the Employment Ordinance (EO). Here is a list of the key mandatory employee benefits as well as some common additional benefits of how employers can take proactive steps to stay competitive in the recruitment market, listed in the order of A-Z.

1. Annual Leave
Paid annual leave is mandated by the government and increases according to the time that the employee worked at your company. In the first two years, an employee is entitled to 7 days, then 8 days in the third year, up until a maximum of 14 days.

2. Dental Insurance
Dental is not the core standard benefit in most group medical insurance plans available in the market, but it is an increasingly popular benefit and is offered by 83% of employers with medical insurance.

3. Employee stock ownership
If you’re a small company that is trying to get your feet on the ground and cannot afford to offer your employees a variety of benefits, a good way to get around this is to give your employees stock ownership which is an excellent incentive for them to invest their energy and efforts to contribute to the company’s success.

4. Flexible Work Arrangements
Millennials prize flexible working hours and the option of working from home. These arrangements can help employees to work at their most productive hours and flourish in a calm, familiar setting. To implement these practices, mutual trust between employer and employee is key.

5. Group Medical Insurance
Group medical insurance is not mandatory in Hong Kong, but it is an effective tool to attract and retain talents, especially for employers of startups and SMEs who want to stay competitive in the recruitment market. StartupCare offers group medical insurance plans that are tailored to SMEs’ budgets and needs, taking care of your employees’ health and wellbeing.

6. Health Checkups
Similar to dental benefits, health check ups are usually not part of the core benefits in a group medical insurance plan. Health however is undeniably important for everyone, and health checkups would be a great preventive measure to keep your employees healthy and away from diseases.

7. Maternity leave
Paid maternity leave is mandated by the government. The legal minimum is 10 weeks, but some employers increase that anywhere between 14-20 weeks.

8. Mental Health Support
Mental health support is increasingly important, especially for employees working in a high stress, competitive city like Hong Kong. Apart from Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) which help employees to resolve personal issues, some group medical insurance plans such as StartupCare’s SME group medical insurance plan covers psychiatric treatment. Employers should nevertheless also take a preventive approach to design a healthy workplace culture.

9. MPF Scheme
MPF (Mandatory Provident Fund) schemes pool together contributions from employers and employees to accrue benefits for employees when they retire. Employers and employees under the MPF system are each required to contribute 5% of the employee’s relevant income on a mandatory basis.

10. Severance Payment
This is government mandated, but employee is only eligible if he/she has been employed for at least 24 months, and is dismissed due to redundancy or is laid off. More details can be found here.

11. Sick Leave

Companies are legally required to allow 24 days of sick leave during the employee’s first year of employment can 48 days for the second year. In other words, the employee is entitled to accumulate 2 days of paid sick leave each completed month of employment in the first year, and 4 days in the second year.

12. Statutory Holiday
Every employee is entitled to 12 statutory holidays in Hong Kong. 2020 statutory holidays can be found here.

13. Termination Notice Period
This is the minimum time period to hand in a notice of termination and still be paid. It varies from contract to contract, but is usually no less than 7 days.
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純卡牌類遊戲雖然受到廣大玩家喜愛,但我一向試圖著要敬而遠之,因為害怕口袋裡的荷包會受難。即使如此,多年來還是不斷地受到卡牌遊戲的誘惑,並且不論電子卡牌或是實體卡牌,從爐石戰記、矩陣潛襲、到Magic: The Gathering Arena(MTGA),每款都令荷包受難。
有很多工作,我希望我能在畢業前就知道--那些讓文組有機會享有高薪,同時有社會地位的工作,而重點客戶經理(Key account manager)就是其中之一
Bookend 其實也有提供URL scheme,但是我更常使用Devonthink的連結來處理檔案。因此有效的串連兩個資料庫,可以夠有效的利用文件。 過去如果我要在兩邊找一個文章,我需要用search的方式來尋找,不管是在Bookend或者Devonthink中搜尋,總是需要好幾個步驟。
如下圖範例,在最後->get()之後加上->keyBy('id'),可以把id這個欄位變成key,在資料處理過程很好用。 本筆記參考: 1.
Keylontic (Keylonta) 形態發生學是科學與靈性觀點之間的結合,通過它我們可以開始了解我們與神聖的聯繫,並了解我們個人進化目的的現實。
在樹林間進行活動的感覺真的很棒   Keypunch 是過往我們很常操作的平面體驗活動,器材好預備應該是一個很棒的特色,數字牌的使用甚至可以直接拿撲克牌來替代就行,這會是在帶領團體動力的課程時,把它刻意設計安排進去、或是因應團體的發展而臨時放入都行。  
最近讓小孩學打字,學著學著,小孩竟然開口說想要一把粉紅色鍵盤。 身為鍵盤松鼠,怎麼可以辜負這個許願呢? 剛好羅技出了這款POP KEYS體積小配色好看,於是敗了一把回來玩。
參與全球綠人大會令我印象最深之處,莫過於主要講者中有大量女性!從歐洲綠黨共同主席 Monica Frassoni、歐洲綠黨秘書長 Mar Garcia、瑞典副總理 Isabella Lövin、英國國會議員暨英格蘭與威爾斯綠黨黨魁Caroline Lucas、澳洲前參議員Christine Miln
Single layer of the petal, in light violet color, widely stretched, so simple. Dark violet color line, perfectly enriches the shape of each petal,
在select的時候發現回傳的primary key都是0,這時可能是因為primary key為非數字,如果沒有在model定義 auto increment是false, 預設會認為是true,所以要在model中多設定這行: public $incrementing = false; 本筆
純卡牌類遊戲雖然受到廣大玩家喜愛,但我一向試圖著要敬而遠之,因為害怕口袋裡的荷包會受難。即使如此,多年來還是不斷地受到卡牌遊戲的誘惑,並且不論電子卡牌或是實體卡牌,從爐石戰記、矩陣潛襲、到Magic: The Gathering Arena(MTGA),每款都令荷包受難。