Xero Community: Hong Kong Budget 2019

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We are delighted that our Group Managing Partner; Alex So has been invited to speak at the launch of the ‘Xero Community Event Series’ alongside our partners Xero, as well as InvestHK and Suitcase last Friday.

The Xero Community Events focus on cultivating and supporting the start-up community and small businesses throughout Asia by creating a platform to share valuable insight and trends across the industry. Alex was discussing how SMEs and startups in Hong Kong can take advantage of the grants and initiatives coming out of the 2019 budget alongside an expert panel.
‘Open API makes data exchange easier, not only inside the bank but also with other financial institutions and Fintech companies. This encourages positive competition and offer better services and choices to SME such as loan financing, rate comparison and cash management’ says Alex So
If you would like to learn more about how your business can take advantage of the 2019 budget to chart your growth and drive business success please get in touch with one of our specialist advisors and we will be pleased to be able to share further insight!


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好奇心的驅使,讓我二度在週日騎著三十多分鐘的單車,終於踏入這個神奇的地方,在我心中是帶點神祕色彩的奇幻基地。 這裡是一個社群園圃(Community Garden)。在這裡我接觸了好多新的概念,學了好多不知道中文怎麼翻才合適的單字。Community這個詞比起「社區」,我傾向將它翻成「社群」是因為這
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在品牌行銷圈,社群經理(Community Manager)是近幾年最火紅的關鍵字。曾有報導指出,Community Manager將是未來十年最熱門的職業之一。同樣有著「社群」兩字,社群經理與社群小編有什麼不同呢?擔任社群經理又需要什麼樣的特質呢?
如同台灣在爭論到底商圈死不死一樣,Siam 商圈要死,沒那麼簡單!而且在過去一年半以來有變得更火紅的趨勢,更多小店進駐,同時因為位於泰國第一學府朱拉隆功大學的附近,如同大學生的後花園(更何況,朱拉隆功大學的學生們大多都是貴族呢~消費力可不輸白領)
Date: November 16, 2018 at 2:30 PM — 7 PM Location: Houbi Global Singapore Event Link This event was well organized by putting your business card
好奇心的驅使,讓我二度在週日騎著三十多分鐘的單車,終於踏入這個神奇的地方,在我心中是帶點神祕色彩的奇幻基地。 這裡是一個社群園圃(Community Garden)。在這裡我接觸了好多新的概念,學了好多不知道中文怎麼翻才合適的單字。Community這個詞比起「社區」,我傾向將它翻成「社群」是因為這
【人物專訪】企劃是由 AWS Educate PR Team 主導的一項全新計畫!! 這次人物專訪邀請到的是在104資訊科技擔任Data Engineer的Scott Hsieh來與我們分享雲端學習和使用經驗,同時他也是AWS Community builder Program的成員之一。
Top ten NG communications with canines, have you submitted these negative quirks? (Section 1)  1. Award it and pat the head  Contacting your head is
TCL Communication upgrades its Alcatel website TCL Communication announced today the launch of Alcatel’s newly upgraded website. Alcatel, a global bra
在品牌行銷圈,社群經理(Community Manager)是近幾年最火紅的關鍵字。曾有報導指出,Community Manager將是未來十年最熱門的職業之一。同樣有著「社群」兩字,社群經理與社群小編有什麼不同呢?擔任社群經理又需要什麼樣的特質呢?
如同台灣在爭論到底商圈死不死一樣,Siam 商圈要死,沒那麼簡單!而且在過去一年半以來有變得更火紅的趨勢,更多小店進駐,同時因為位於泰國第一學府朱拉隆功大學的附近,如同大學生的後花園(更何況,朱拉隆功大學的學生們大多都是貴族呢~消費力可不輸白領)
Date: November 16, 2018 at 2:30 PM — 7 PM Location: Houbi Global Singapore Event Link This event was well organized by putting your business card