18. 蠱 100110 山風-艮巽 (Quarter 2-1)

閱讀時間約 15 分鐘
元亨,利涉大川。先甲三日,後甲三日。-- 山林樹蔭的陰涼之處往往是蟲子或微生物大量繁殖的所在,甚至會產生蠱毒瘴癘之氣。在山嵐霧氣瀰漫之時,務必讓元神意識保持通暢銳利、保持清醒,纔能安然渡過大河川。新的發端明顯開始之前往往有醞釀擴張的繁殖期,之後也有收斂停息的安定期,病原體的形成和傳播也是如此。(P.S. 依照古代曆法以「甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸」循環記日的順序,先甲三日為辛,後甲三日為丁,合計約一週的時間。此處「辛」解為「新」或「激發」,「丁」解為「停」或「安定」。)

初六:幹父之蠱,有子,考無咎,厲終吉。/ 變卦山天大畜 -- 樹幹上的枝葉長了許多蟲子或微生物,或是留下好像被蟲子啃蝕的斧劈狀痕跡,然而樹木還能結成果實、生出種子,經過考察,這是沒有大礙的,雖然覺得好像很危險,但終歸有好的結果。想辦法讓陽光照射到山林樹蔭的陰涼之處,就有大豐收和大積蓄的可能。(P.S. 此處的「父」在最初的《易經》原本中可能是一個象徵「枝葉」的符號,或是代表枝葉狀的斧頭,相當於英文中的 branch with leaf 或 ax,而不是現在指稱 「父親」的「父」字,如此纔合乎此卦記載「原始山林農學」的本意。以下各爻之「父」字皆以此義解之。)

九二:幹毌之蠱,不可貞。/ 變卦艮為山 -- 貫穿在樹幹內部而安定、習慣與共生的蟲子或微生物,往往從外表難以偵察出來。就像一重一重的山脈一樣,樹幹內部也是一層一層包覆的結構,從外層是看不到內層的。此時如果執意想要偵測清楚,有可能會把它們逼到更內層去,或是到處亂竄,那麼就更難處理了。(P.S. 此處以「貫」字的原生字 「毌」字取代一般坊間《易經》版本中可能誤傳的「母」字,接近 English 的 through 或 grammar 的意思,如此纔合乎此卦記載「原始山林農學」的本意。)

九三:幹父之蠱,小有悔,無大咎。/ 變卦山水蒙 -- 樹幹上的枝葉長了許多蟲子或微生物,少數枝葉甚至有發霉、萎縮、腐爛的現象,好像蒙上一層霧氣般的細微斑點,這是濕氣高又不通風而產生的自然現象。就像長時間穿著不透氣的鞋子,腳趾長了足癬或濕疹一樣,有什麼好大驚小怪的呢?

六四:裕父之蠱,往見吝。/ 變卦火風鼎 -- 當粗厚的樹木和寬大的樹葉都出現長蠱的現象,這樹幹的生長將可能無法避免的走向枯朽和腐化的困境,而且這種長蠱的現象還可能漫延到其它的樹木。此時,突然出現的火光,就可能和帶有助燃性質的、類似沼氣般的蠱毒瘴癘之氣產生爆炸般的變化反應,一把大火似的把森林都化為灰燼呢!

六五:幹父之蠱,用,譽。/ 變卦巽為風 -- 樹幹上的枝葉雖然長了許多蟲子或微生物,但是在一陣陣強風與旋風的吹襲之下還能堅強的挺立不拔。可以通過這種考驗的樹木,是值得讚美、命名和栽培的。

上九:不事王侯,高尚其事。/ 變卦地風升 -- 樹幹終於長高長粗了,它伸展高升的枝葉就像尊貴的皇冠一樣,如此鮮活、如此脫俗。它不像是一般在城市中樹立於王侯宮庭內院中的類型,而是在山野裡歷經艱難而成長的、無比高尚與獨樹一格的典型呢!


隨著《易經》隱含玄機的文字、參考古代象形文字演化的軌跡、兼顧拼音文字可能的關連,我在海灘上逐字思索解讀......而 Mermaid E. 彷彿也攜帶和感應著那些在大海洋流裡蘊藏的、漂盪的、曾經沈沒在深水中的神秘封箴和斷簡殘篇的記憶碎片,激起我更多的聯想......

"I think some ancient people finally got to the top of the highest mountain before the sunset of their civilization during last qua - 隨卦, then they started to develop mountain-agricultural civilization in this qua and move on the way of the second quarter in 易經."

"That must be a hard work for them, because they might try to live with many strange beasts and trees, countless insects and micro-biota, even germs in the numerous googol......."

"Do you feel this word 蠱 also looked like something with the characters of liquid and goo, something could not be identified clearly?"

"I see, actually 蠱 is sounded like 'gǔ' in Hanese, just like 'goo' in English!......And it involves a symbol of dish - 皿."

"It might contain some kind of gas, and might harm the nervous system of the human body, so called marsh gas which might contain the nerve-toxin and might be flammable."

"That's a reason why sometimes the forest on the mountain might be flamed by flashing thunder or falling meteor even the heat inside the mountain and burst out burning a lot of trees to dusts......."

"But from the words of this qua, I think they finally got many good experiences in mountain life after a period of time, even got some medical knowledge for curing......"

"Maybe you already know, there was a famous and magically medical doctor called 華陀 in ancient Hanese medical culture......華 meant many vivid flowers on a cluster, and 陀 just looked like micro-biota besides a series of mountains......."

"As you live in a dangerous circumstance, if you could save yourself and survive from many kinds of sicknesses or diseases, then you might become a good doctor. That's so called 久病成良醫.......I think this is the true spirit of this qua....."


"Actually, there are numerous micro-biota and germs live with the body-cells in the human body, if we regard the human body as a dish, then human just like a 蠱......"

"Not only human, but also every animal and plant......"

"So, what can we do to our body? Our body might be just a battlefield or paradise of those glutting micro-biota and germs......."

"Maybe we don't have to do anything when they fight each others, just take a comfortable rest, make sure our minds are still clear, and don't let our minds become their battle field......."

"Yes! The most dangerous situation of our body is losing our minds, even occupied by the hallucinations which might be caused by the nerve-toxin released from their massive waste. This situation might let us lose our sense and movable abilities for everything......"

"Maybe we should not eat too much, because our body might get too much waste and get the disease. And when those micro-biota and germs fight on the battlefields inside our bodies, I think drink more fresh water can cease their fires and clean out more waste......"

"Then how to eat? Is it related to our tastes or appreciations?"

"That's why the next qua - 臨 was going to talk about tasting. It seemed like temporarily choose something to try before really take it or surely have it......"

"I see, This Hanese word '臨' might be sounded like 'lick' in ancient time, just like taste something by tongue.....That's why it remains a sound 'li' in its modern spelling 'lin' till now......"

"But I think 臨 had more meanings except lick and taste, such like near to, close to, temporal,........We must consider that ancient Hanese writers had ever expressed many things with very less words,.......and all the words in 易經 might be changeablezoomablele and flexible for reading......"

"If we supposed 易經 was left from the last civilization of humankind, then all the existing words in 易經 might be the awesome survival words for expressing the true situation of the last civilization."

Sometimes I felt 蠱 might be related to glue, glucose, ferment, yeast, mold,.......and so on, because of some germs were really put to use in humankind's food production for a long time and regarded as good germs to our healthy bodies......

Mermaid E. pointed a cluster of flowers besides the villa house and said "Do you see that? So many bees pick sweet nectar at the dish like flowers, is it also looked like a 蠱?"

I must suspect sometimes I take sweet cakes and sugars even cigars might be just trying to pass through the gloomily cold days........

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.
LS. Salon / Rooms: 1.文字的堂奧與空間 Subtle Space of Texts 2.夢的原理 The Elements of Dream 3.易的故事 The Story of I.E. 4.橋接文字 Bridge Words 5.一籮筐詩詞 ALOPAL 6.爾爾藝廊 22Gallery
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18.內景 杜文瑜住家客廳 晚(2)△匡偉心中充滿對人世的不滿與怨恨,他把杜文瑜推倒在地,俯身用左手狠狠地捏住杜文瑜的下巴。 匡 偉:(憤憤地說)妳這個賤女人,有哪點比我好?為什麼讀者喜歡妳的書,卻不喜歡我的書? 杜文瑜:(哀求的眼神)不要這樣。 匡 偉:我太了解妳這種女人了,有了名氣,妳就會開始花枝招展、背著我交男朋友,把我給甩了!
18.內景 杜文瑜住家客廳 晚(1)△杜文瑜打開門鎖,走進客廳,赫然發現匡偉已經在她的客廳裡了。 △匡偉抽著菸,翹著二郎腿,坐在沙發上看電視,房間裡瀰漫著煙霧。 匡 偉:(口氣不悅)妳是去哪裡?打電話找妳都沒接電話? 杜文瑜:我剛剛跟一個朋友出去吃飯,餐廳裡太吵,所以沒聽到電話鈴聲。 匡 偉:剛剛我跟我老婆吵了一架,不想回去了,今晚待