22. 賁 100101 山火-艮離 (Quarter 2-5)

更新於 2022/03/10閱讀時間約 19 分鐘
亨,小利有所往。-- 高明的裝修就是利用最少的改裝技術或修飾技巧、在最關鍵的地方達成最大的功效,使設計製作的物品可以適應環境的變化,並且擁有長期保存的價值。例如,以山形的蓋子罩住燈火,不但能防雨、調光,也有裝飾燈盞的作用;以拱形板材罩在車輪上方,可以防止泥沙噴濺。
初九:賁其趾,舍車而徒。/ 變卦艮為山 -- 腳趾和腳底天生的起伏皺褶和車輪表面紋理的功能類似,有增加磨擦力和止滑的作用。鞋底採用刻痕或鋸齒狀的紋路來裝修,或是噴塗特殊耐磨顆粒,那麼徒步行走、登山健行就能更加快速輕鬆,何必一定要搭乘車輛呢?
六二:賁其須。/ 變卦山天大畜 -- 毛髮和鬍鬚的功能是緩衝、隔熱或保暖。把大量的纖維材料裝修在車輛的頂蓬,或是噴塗泡沫纖維及安裝纖維簾幕,使空氣在纖維空隙中對流傳導,就能產生散熱或保暖的效用。有人甚至把這種裝修方式運用在大型的畜牧建築或溫室哉培呢!
九三:賁如濡如,永貞吉。/ 變卦山雷頤 -- 經常在車輛表面噴塗水臘或亮光油、防銹劑等等、在輪軸處灌注潤滑油,並且定期偵查構件連結的穩固,這樣車輛就有永保煥然一新的可能。勤於維修保養,纔能持久啊!
六四:賁如皤如,白馬翰如,匪寇婚媾。/ 變卦離為火 -- 氣勢光明盛大的亮白裝修,再加上馬力強、效能高的雙引擎來驅動,這樣的車輛奔馳在路上不拉風纔怪呢!如果不是為了引人矚目,大概就是用於婚禮的儀式吧!
六五:賁于丘園,束帛戔戔,吝,終吉。/ 變卦風火家人 -- 看那些盛開的花朵和繽紛的彩葉!天然美麗的點綴本來就存在於山丘林園啊!此時還要用一束束縫上金綫的布帛彩帶去裝飾,不是多此一舉嗎?作為裝修的專家,能用最少的資源、最快的速度去達成最好的結果,總是好事啊!
上九:白賁,無咎。/ 變卦地火明夷 -- 裝修有時候也是為了粉飾缺點、遮蓋瑕疵,就連山嶺有時候也會噴出大量的火山灰、掩蓋地表上凹陷的坑洞,這有什麼好奇怪的呢?盡可能認識裝修的原理和美化的技巧,纔能明白那裡隱藏著可疑的問題。
I had ever tried to make the water pool looked like a natural lake before decorating it as a sea-star pool, but finally I must admit the great nature is hard to copy.
There might be not any decoration in nature, every existing feature in nature might be formed by some kind of useful function and purpose, include the interactive treatment.
Sometimes we just tried to make the world become more suitable to humankind's habits and institution, even involved temporally emotional feelings and intuitive spirits in the works.
The shells of starfishes were covering on the surface of the pool beside villa house, they were so beautiful with the everlasting lovely shapes, but I thought when they lively lived in sea, each of them must be a really beautiful life with the abilities to find their suitable way for living in love and fun.
"When I looked this Hanese word '賁', I found it seemed like mark a shellfish or scallops burst out many pearls, and the pearls could be treated as the beading to do some decorative things. That's why this word sounded like 'bea' in Hanese."
"It's not surprising me, because there is an English word 'beautiful' just involves 'bea', and it has the meanings about something well executed, attractive and possessing charm."
"Sometimes decoration means covering the surface, seems like finishing the wall, pasting the tiles or brushing by paint, fitting the wooden or plastic panels, and so on....."
"Any other materials might be used for decoration, from cheap to expensive, from normal to rare, from grass to flower, from rock to gold........."
"When '賁' was written with '口' together, it was "噴" and meant 'burst' or 'spray', seemed like a flower is just going to blossom, or a scallops burst out the pearl from its opening shell. That must be a visibly pretty scene in the eyes of ancient Hanese, I think!"
"Actually, some other Hanese words about decoration were also sounded as same as '賁', such like '碧', '璧', '蔽', '蓽', '庇', '弼'.......especially meant those shining materials for wearing or covering and coating."
"Sometimes the covering is made for preventing the bursting and exposing damage, just like a big mountain covers volcano's burning fire, the lampshade covers the lamp, and the coating on metal for preventing it’s oxidized."
"Yes! '賁' might have a protective function, not only covering, seemed like the car bumper, the firmly metal envelop of the motor, and the arc-shape or flexibly softening treatment of corners on the edges in furniture and building construction."
"I remember there was an old story about poet Dante and his dream lover Beatrice in the history of the Italian Renaissance Period. Beatrice must be an awesome idol of the angelic beauty in Dante's mind of heaven."
"Maybe The Beatles is another angelic cultural factors in modern pop music. They had been created a great covering dream in the world, tried to take their fans to a peaceful and beautiful heaven without sharpen edges."
"What a 'bea'!.......It can be a great impact on our minds, links our dreams about a wonderful heaven!......"
"How can I say? Maybe 'beautify' is just the best English word to translate this ancient Hanese word '賁', isn't it?......"
"If you asked a Taiwanese: 'How to speak the beautiful in Taiwanese?', You might get the answer: 'It's bea-leh'!."
"Love and beautiful Goddess Venus was just born out from a big shell of scallops on the ocean, is it a coincidence?......That's why '賁' involved a word-symbol '貝' which meant 'shell'."
"No matter what's the beginnings of the 'bea', I think everyone must like the beautiful things and lovely fairs, but sometimes rhetorical beading or decoration might cover the hidden problems."
"Sure! How can I see through the peaceful surface? Are there undercurrents and dangerously spirals, or hidden submerged reeves under the ocean?......Are there hidden volcanos or unstably dangerous stratums inside the grounds or mountains?"
"That's why the next qua '剝' was going to talk about discovering. Except curiosity, I think a big part of the motivation in humankind's discovery was due to be afraid of something unknown and unsafe, or tried to get the treasures under cover."
Since I met with Mermaid E. on the beach, I almost forgot that her naked body was not covered by any clothes, except her very long hairs and sometimes a few small pretty rings made of pearls and shells,.......but she is still naturally beautiful in my eyes, just like wearing the shining and lighting atmosphere.
One day Mermaid E. made a suit of swimsuit by herself with some clothes from the closet in villa-house, and cut her long hairs a little shorter. She tried to dress more like an ordinary human according to some images of the portraits in paints which were hung on indoor walls, and prepared to give me a surprise.
"Do you think I'm beautiful in dress?......." She asked me as she suddenly appears in front of me when I thought about some words in this qua beside the pool, and her body was covered by her self-made swimsuit.
"What are you doing?.......What you done is the most beautiful bikini that I had never seen before!" I was so much astonished about what her dress, it looked like two pieces of flowery clothes were just covering the burning hot fire which bursting out from her charming figure.
Then I almost understood the fate about why 'bikini' also involved a similar vocal sound as 'bea', it's really looked beautiful and peaceful at the beach.........
P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.
LS. Salon / Rooms: 1.文字的堂奧與空間 Subtle Space of Texts 2.夢的原理 The Elements of Dream 3.易的故事 The Story of I.E. 4.橋接文字 Bridge Words 5.一籮筐詩詞 ALOPAL 6.爾爾藝廊 22Gallery
亨,利用獄。-- 彼此適合或契合,即使離開再遠,還是能感應對方內心震動的頻率,這本來是值得高興、非常難得的。但是,如果因此而造成彼此很大的牽絆,甚至互相縴制對方,那麼這和處在心靈的監獄中不也是相通的嗎?......
盥而不薦,有孚顒若。-- 風在地上運行,可能受到地形地物的影響而改變風向,局部的風向不見得就是整體的風向。當我們發現,將自己局部的觀察結果當作最後的結論只是個人主觀的感覺時,往往就會洗手作罷、不再根據私人的感覺來介入和推進整體事務的運作方向。因為,在這樣的狀況下,......
元亨,利貞。至於八月有凶。-- 土地豐收本來是使人精神飽滿、興致高昂的事,但是到了接近農曆八月十五日中秋月圓前後期間,遠離故鄉開墾土地的人卻可能陷入思鄉情緒的困擾、心情在喜悅和憂愁間擺盪。此時如果能品嚐到家鄉的口味,也許能稍微減輕思念的焦慮感呢!品嚐不是大口吞吃,因為......
元亨,利涉大川。先甲三日,後甲三日。-- 山林樹蔭的陰涼之處往往是蟲子或微生物大量繁殖的所在,甚至會產生蠱毒瘴癘之氣。在山嵐霧氣瀰漫之時,務必讓元神意識保持通暢銳利、保持清醒,纔能安然渡過大河川。新的發端明顯開始之前往往有醞釀擴張的繁殖期,之後也有收斂停息的安定期,病原體的形成和傳播也是如此。...
元亨,利貞,無咎。-- 湖澤水底的震動會經由水的傳遞而顯現在水面上,這就是所謂的「隨」。作為一位追隨者,你的意識可能常常會保持高度專注、銳利偵測,不願錯失任何想要追索的訊息。...................
利建侯行師。-- 爲何象群奔騰動地,好像整隊行進的人群?牠們在尋找水源地,牠們在舞蹈、等待天空降雨。此時,為什麼我們不也建造一座大型的舞台來跳舞和祈雨呢?或是建造一艘飛箭般的空間移動載具,以便尋找另一處水源充足的新棲息地。......
亨,利用獄。-- 彼此適合或契合,即使離開再遠,還是能感應對方內心震動的頻率,這本來是值得高興、非常難得的。但是,如果因此而造成彼此很大的牽絆,甚至互相縴制對方,那麼這和處在心靈的監獄中不也是相通的嗎?......
盥而不薦,有孚顒若。-- 風在地上運行,可能受到地形地物的影響而改變風向,局部的風向不見得就是整體的風向。當我們發現,將自己局部的觀察結果當作最後的結論只是個人主觀的感覺時,往往就會洗手作罷、不再根據私人的感覺來介入和推進整體事務的運作方向。因為,在這樣的狀況下,......
元亨,利貞。至於八月有凶。-- 土地豐收本來是使人精神飽滿、興致高昂的事,但是到了接近農曆八月十五日中秋月圓前後期間,遠離故鄉開墾土地的人卻可能陷入思鄉情緒的困擾、心情在喜悅和憂愁間擺盪。此時如果能品嚐到家鄉的口味,也許能稍微減輕思念的焦慮感呢!品嚐不是大口吞吃,因為......
元亨,利涉大川。先甲三日,後甲三日。-- 山林樹蔭的陰涼之處往往是蟲子或微生物大量繁殖的所在,甚至會產生蠱毒瘴癘之氣。在山嵐霧氣瀰漫之時,務必讓元神意識保持通暢銳利、保持清醒,纔能安然渡過大河川。新的發端明顯開始之前往往有醞釀擴張的繁殖期,之後也有收斂停息的安定期,病原體的形成和傳播也是如此。...
元亨,利貞,無咎。-- 湖澤水底的震動會經由水的傳遞而顯現在水面上,這就是所謂的「隨」。作為一位追隨者,你的意識可能常常會保持高度專注、銳利偵測,不願錯失任何想要追索的訊息。...................
利建侯行師。-- 爲何象群奔騰動地,好像整隊行進的人群?牠們在尋找水源地,牠們在舞蹈、等待天空降雨。此時,為什麼我們不也建造一座大型的舞台來跳舞和祈雨呢?或是建造一艘飛箭般的空間移動載具,以便尋找另一處水源充足的新棲息地。......
Google News 追蹤
本文探討了複利效應的重要性,並藉由巴菲特的投資理念,說明如何選擇穩定產生正報酬的資產及長期持有的核心理念。透過定期定額的投資方式,不僅能減少情緒影響,還能持續參與全球股市的發展。此外,文中介紹了使用國泰 Cube App 的便利性及低手續費,幫助投資者簡化投資流程,達成長期穩定增長的財務目標。
國際醫院評鑑(JCI)及口譯的重要性 - by Lena Liu 2013 CPC逐步口譯畢業 開始上口譯課前的一週,剛好我工作的醫院接受了國際醫院評鑑(Joint Commission International,簡稱JCI),在今年四月中為期一整週的評鑑是正式評鑑,而去年十一月時為了準備正式評鑑
    我的聽力辨位與事實總是有個落差,與一般人比起來似乎經常很難正確判斷聲音的來源是從何而來,聽見樓下孫子要準備回家的對談聲,我在二樓陽台澆著水,他說:「下雨了嗎?」 那句下雨了嗎我怎麼聽都像是聽見它從我左方的地面傳來,但我知道他是住在右邊鄰居家的孫子,我澆淋的水淋到他了嗎,是不是他經過我家樓下在
閱讀時間:2021.6.7 - 2021.6.17 閱讀媒介:實體書
我想我能理解22號靈魂 他掙扎的是那些無法說出口的.... 其實它說了 只是無人能懂 靈魂先修班的訓練 並不是它在意的 人們不知可否的望向它 它只能一次次放棄..... 『靈魂的志向不是火花』 它輕聲訴說.... 當大家瘋狂追逐光與熱 它在陽光中欣賞落葉的舞姿 感動著食物在味蕾中的旋轉.... 場景
  閉上眼,世界是漆黑的。睜開眼,世界是黑白的。   我躺在床上,然後躺在客廳、躺在地上、躺在任何可以容納下我的位置。離婚協議書在桌上,被撕成了兩半。昨晚吵的那一架沒辦法讓兩個人和平的結束,被撕成兩半的紙也維繫不住他們的情感。媽媽和爸爸分開了,我們待在爸爸名下的房子,但他不會再回到這個家了。   
本文探討了複利效應的重要性,並藉由巴菲特的投資理念,說明如何選擇穩定產生正報酬的資產及長期持有的核心理念。透過定期定額的投資方式,不僅能減少情緒影響,還能持續參與全球股市的發展。此外,文中介紹了使用國泰 Cube App 的便利性及低手續費,幫助投資者簡化投資流程,達成長期穩定增長的財務目標。
國際醫院評鑑(JCI)及口譯的重要性 - by Lena Liu 2013 CPC逐步口譯畢業 開始上口譯課前的一週,剛好我工作的醫院接受了國際醫院評鑑(Joint Commission International,簡稱JCI),在今年四月中為期一整週的評鑑是正式評鑑,而去年十一月時為了準備正式評鑑
    我的聽力辨位與事實總是有個落差,與一般人比起來似乎經常很難正確判斷聲音的來源是從何而來,聽見樓下孫子要準備回家的對談聲,我在二樓陽台澆著水,他說:「下雨了嗎?」 那句下雨了嗎我怎麼聽都像是聽見它從我左方的地面傳來,但我知道他是住在右邊鄰居家的孫子,我澆淋的水淋到他了嗎,是不是他經過我家樓下在
閱讀時間:2021.6.7 - 2021.6.17 閱讀媒介:實體書
我想我能理解22號靈魂 他掙扎的是那些無法說出口的.... 其實它說了 只是無人能懂 靈魂先修班的訓練 並不是它在意的 人們不知可否的望向它 它只能一次次放棄..... 『靈魂的志向不是火花』 它輕聲訴說.... 當大家瘋狂追逐光與熱 它在陽光中欣賞落葉的舞姿 感動著食物在味蕾中的旋轉.... 場景
  閉上眼,世界是漆黑的。睜開眼,世界是黑白的。   我躺在床上,然後躺在客廳、躺在地上、躺在任何可以容納下我的位置。離婚協議書在桌上,被撕成了兩半。昨晚吵的那一架沒辦法讓兩個人和平的結束,被撕成兩半的紙也維繫不住他們的情感。媽媽和爸爸分開了,我們待在爸爸名下的房子,但他不會再回到這個家了。   