17. 隨 011001 澤雷-兌震 (Quarter 1-15)

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元亨,利貞,無咎。-- 湖澤水底的震動會經由水的傳遞而顯現在水面上,這就是所謂的「隨」。作為一位追隨者,你的意識可能常常會保持高度專注、銳利偵測,不願錯失任何想要追索的訊息。...................The trembling vibration released from deep lake will be transmitted through the water to its surface and makes waves. This is so called relation and following..................As a follower, your consciousness might always keep very highly concentrating and don't like to miss any message which you are chasing for...........

初九:官有渝,貞吉:出門交有功。/ 變卦澤地萃 -- 群眾聚集擁擠在廳院會館、空間顯得不堪負荷,如同池塘或湖澤的水位即將滿溢。經過偵測的結果是:這是出門和其它地方達成遠距離連繫的時候了。............A crowd gathers in compulsive camper and the space is overload, seems like a pond or lake fully filled with water and going to download........After detecting, the conclusion is: It's time to exit from the door, try efforts to contact with the other place and get connected across long distance........

六二:係小子,失丈夫。/ 變卦兌為澤 -- 和你感興趣的小因素關係密切,卻可能會失聯了你所仰杖並扶持你的大概念。就像有兩個水池連接在你所調控的水管,當上游的水池充滿水時,下游的水池自然會缺少水。............As you are tightly getting relation with small factors which you are interested with, then you might loose close contact with the higher level concept which you rely. Just like there are two lakes connected by a tube which controlled in your hand, as the upper one full with water, the lower one will be lack of water..............

六三:係丈夫,失小子。隨有求得,利居貞。/ 變卦澤火革 -- 和你所仰杖並扶持你的大概念關係密切,卻可能會失聯了你感興趣的小因素。何必困擾自己呢?追隨自己的意願和自我的要求去取得自身真正想要的處境啊!冷靜偵測事物變化的徵象、觀察事物演進變革的契機,然後找到解決困境的方法。畢竟,水的供應正是為了生命的需求啊!.................As you are tightly getting relation with a higher level concept which you rely, then you might loose close contact with small factors which you are interested with.........Don't have to frustrate yourself! Just follow your willing and asking to get what you really like..........Keep your mind clear and silent to detect and watch out the significant surface-changes of the revolution which are influenced by the expected evolutions, then find chance and solution to solve the problem which obstructs on your way.............No matter what, the water is just supplied for living beings........

九四:隨有獲,貞吉有孚。聖道以明,何咎?/ 變卦水雷屯 -- 追隨自己的意願去得到內心真正想要的,用清醒的心智去偵測、和明顯的訊息取得連繫。保持耐心、謹慎傾聽,在行動之前清楚的明白那些你得到的訊息,這樣還會有什麼錯誤嗎?.......在付出許多努力之後,最後一刻你所需要的只是一點下決定的勇氣啊!...............Follow your own willing and get what you really want, use your clear mind to detect and connect with obvious messages, keep patient and listen carefully to understand those messages transmitted through the wide-waves-channel before acting, will there be any mistake?.........After paying a lot of efforts, all you need is a brave decision at the last second!......(P.S. 「聖」字的原始意義本來和聽覺的接收及傳遞有關,尤其是指具有廣域寬頻道之調頻能力的收聽。此處解為 listen -- 傾聽。 )

九五:孚于嘉,吉。/ 變卦震為雷 -- 當深不可測的振動訊息壘積到明顯的浮現在表面,就像雷聲響了又響、震了又震,如此的清晰,這就是和你想要建立關係的對象或事物取得連結的時候。........As the message of deeply and invisibly trembling vibration keep addicting and appearing on the obvious surface, so clear and significant, just like the thunder sounds again and again, it's time to connect with what you want to get the relation.

上六:拘係之,乃從維之,王用亨于西山。/ 變卦天雷無妄 -- 緊密連結如同手牽著手,然後追隨這個連結、憑藉意識的網絡,在日薄西山之前抵達最高的山頂,除非來自天空的驚雷乍響,突然干擾並阻斷了連繫。...................Connect tightly as hand with hand, then follow the links and pass through the netting webs of consciousnesses to get to the top of the highest mountain before sunset, unless the heavy thunder suddenly interfering and obstructing the links from the sky...........(P.S.此處「王」解為「网」或「網」,似乎相當於 English 中的 web 或 weave。)

A tsunami is usually aroused by a severe earthquake under deep sea, actually when you see its huge waves just moving on the surface of seawater, there is not much time for escaping.......

After rebuilding my villa house on a higher land nearing to previous site on the beach and also constructing a big pool which extended pool water to sea water below the terrace of villa house, I keep staying and waiting Mermaid E. come back to pool day by day.

Sometimes I suppose Mermaid E. might be a princess of the great ocean kingdom, the inspiration is aroused from an ancient mythical fairy tale about the Oceanic-Dragon-Palace that I had ever heard when I was a kid,.......or she is just an emissary came from the hidden world in a part of the ocean on earth?........

Ancient Hanese regarded the out-space far away from earth as 星海 which meant 'star ocean'. That’s why I always feel another ancient Hanese mythical scripts "山海經” might be an astronomy investigative scripts, not the geographic scripts. Actually, some comets traveling in the out-space and contain ices might also carry frozen life, if the comets with life are melted by the heat of sunlight, will those extra-life join into the life circle in the Solar System?........Even join to the ocean on earth through the melted fallen meteors?.......

The ocean water waves follow the winds, the winds follow the moving air, the moving airs follow the circulating trends of moving heat.....And, Does the circulating moving heat follow the integrative balance of great nature?.......

Maybe we should thank those comets or meteors which had ever carried ices and moved close to earth, because they might have ever temporarily cooled down the burning hot climates during the damaging drought times,.....though they only follow the great natural relation with the universe......

"What do you think about water? Is there any relation between mountain springs and river streams? Is there any relation between pond and lake? Is there any relation between rains and fogs?........"

One night Mermaid E. appeared in the pool. At first I thought I was dreaming about her, after hearing her familiar sounds of voice, then I got sure that she was really coming back and seemed like nothing had been happening to her.......

"Water can be sprayed, also can be gathered together; water can be the great one, and also can be numerous little drops.......The natural relation in water is really confusing my mind.......Water waves and rain drop seem like not separate to each other, but a temporary transitional form as it's just transmitting external messages......"

"隨 sounded like 'suei', water is written as 水 in Hanese, and 水 sounded like 'shuei', maybe water have an awesome character of 隨, it always tries to find an exit way, from a planet to a comet, from a comet to another planet........"

"Actually 水 sounded like 'djui' in Taiwanese, and there is a Russian alphabet marked as 'ж' and sounded like 'dju'. Maybe the Russian water had been connected with Taiwanese water very long time ago."

"Unless water flows into a pond or lake, or a concave land, sea, ocean,.......even in such situation, it still turns itself around in there......."

"If you knew this Hanese word 墮 which sounded like 'duo' and involved similar constituent symbols as 隨, then you might recognize 隨 must have a meaning related to 'drop',......even ‘troop’......."

"Yes! If you lived under the water in the lake, when water is trembling, you might ask yourself: 'Is it trembled by rain drops or thunders from the sky, not just something trembled under the water?'......"

"Actually the water in the lake will be evaporated by the heat of sunlight and upload to the sky, then gather again and becomes rain with thunder, and then drop and tremble the water of the lake, it's just a natural circulation...... You can't tell which part of the water is the leader or follower!......"

"It's sync....... They just turn around for the natural circulation, temporarily change their form for syncing.......The true meaning of 隨 might be sinking, to be synced by their tight relationship unavoidably......"

"That's why the symbol of sync looked like a circulating mark in the computer operating system...... Two bent arrows run for each other as a turning around circle.......It's sync!......"
"So, if you suspected someone follow you, you might ask yourself: 'Why?......Why that person follows me?'.......Then you might try to find and follow some thoughts or reasons, try to analyze that person's mind and the relations..........Then, from the other side, did you follow that person, too?.......At last, you might actually feel there is no one follow the other one, all of you might be set in a circle, in a circuit, or in a circulation......from the beginning......"

"Do you feel.....both of us were just being set in here from the beginning?........"

"Maybe we should try to find an exit way........"

"Where is the exit way? Deepest sea? Or highest mountain?........”

"........How about a new land? Or a new Eden Garden? Or a new planet?......"

"Look those mountains far away from here! They linked together and looked like huge water waves,.......every thing in the world might be all waves, except the edges......"

"Waw!......That's really a very great concept!......”

"That's why the edges usually have broken pieces, deconstructed factors, even broken minds,.......just like the beach, so many sands with broken shells on here......."

"Maybe we don't have to go to any other place, because the new concept and new lives will be born on the edges naturally......We just need some patients and courage,......follow the messages which will appear on the edges...... "

"That's so called 隨緣,......心隨邊緣出現的訊息........"

“From the other side, relation and following might cause the spoiling and corruption, just like the insects breeding and growing fast in the caves or under the shadow of trees below the mountain. That's why the next qua '蠱' was going to talk about how to prevent spoiling and corruption.......”


"I see, there is an English word 'googol' sounded like '蠱',.....that's a numerous great number,.....almost countless,......seems like a teeming party held by the breeding insects during the summer time......."

"Then what will happen?.......Will they exhaust all the living resources which they need and corrupt their own nest or nation by themselves?.........Was it one of the major factors of the first great changing between the ending of the first quarter and the beginning of the second quarter in the 易經 ?”

Mermaid E. did not answer my last question, she watched the sky with her deep eyes, then jumped into the pool and took out a small cyan rock under the water, put it on my hand. I watched that rock and found some cutting-drawing lines on its surface, looked like a cyclone or tornado..........Then she smiled and said to me “Have you ever cleaned the pool for me?”...........

"No!..........I.....I'm sorry about that!.... "

"Well! That's great!........Now! Try your best to watch it again!......"


相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.
LS. Salon / Rooms: 1.文字的堂奧與空間 Subtle Space of Texts 2.夢的原理 The Elements of Dream 3.易的故事 The Story of I.E. 4.橋接文字 Bridge Words 5.一籮筐詩詞 ALOPAL 6.爾爾藝廊 22Gallery
利建侯行師。-- 爲何象群奔騰動地,好像整隊行進的人群?牠們在尋找水源地,牠們在舞蹈、等待天空降雨。此時,為什麼我們不也建造一座大型的舞台來跳舞和祈雨呢?或是建造一艘飛箭般的空間移動載具,以便尋找另一處水源充足的新棲息地。......
亨,君子有終。-- 高深奧秘的宇宙啊!君子走筆至此,正在接近一個段落,......似乎有點寫不下去了!......這可以說是接近一個終點的結束,也可以說是接近另一個起點的開始。................Climbing up to the top of the mountain ......
元亨。-- 大有來頭的大都會是個元神意識高昂的大型意識空間。建築了高聳光明的高塔、設置了架空的交通軌道、配置了公共的照明器具,甚至還有高架的資訊看板等等。城市中的建築量體鱗次櫛比、一座比一座還大,市場和購物中心商品齊全、幾乎什麼都有,這是城市的發展好像太陽在高空中大放光明的時候啊!
同人于野,亨,利涉大川,利君子貞。-- 文明發展的曙光就像天下的燈火,從城鎮市中心到郊區和荒野,光輝漸次照向四方。此時,能與在野地的人和同相處,這是應該高興的!這樣可以順利渡過大河川去和人交涉,這樣君子可以順利在異地偵測事物。所謂「禮失求諸野」,不見得在野地的人就比較無禮啊!......
否之匪,人不利,君子貞:大往小來。-- 雖然渠道表面上是暢通的,但是底部卻可能沉積土石和難以辨識的雜物,日積月累便容易造成堵塞。阻礙和否定的排解不是一般人能輕易做到的。君子偵測的結果是:用大溝渠暢通廢排水,用小溝渠流通自來水。同時,還要謹慎處理溝渠裡的淤積物。......
小往大來,吉亨。-- 貢獻捐助個體擁有的一小部份,往後實現整體大目標的可能性就來了,這必須經由努力的溝通和廣泛的連結來達成。......
利建侯行師。-- 爲何象群奔騰動地,好像整隊行進的人群?牠們在尋找水源地,牠們在舞蹈、等待天空降雨。此時,為什麼我們不也建造一座大型的舞台來跳舞和祈雨呢?或是建造一艘飛箭般的空間移動載具,以便尋找另一處水源充足的新棲息地。......
亨,君子有終。-- 高深奧秘的宇宙啊!君子走筆至此,正在接近一個段落,......似乎有點寫不下去了!......這可以說是接近一個終點的結束,也可以說是接近另一個起點的開始。................Climbing up to the top of the mountain ......
元亨。-- 大有來頭的大都會是個元神意識高昂的大型意識空間。建築了高聳光明的高塔、設置了架空的交通軌道、配置了公共的照明器具,甚至還有高架的資訊看板等等。城市中的建築量體鱗次櫛比、一座比一座還大,市場和購物中心商品齊全、幾乎什麼都有,這是城市的發展好像太陽在高空中大放光明的時候啊!
同人于野,亨,利涉大川,利君子貞。-- 文明發展的曙光就像天下的燈火,從城鎮市中心到郊區和荒野,光輝漸次照向四方。此時,能與在野地的人和同相處,這是應該高興的!這樣可以順利渡過大河川去和人交涉,這樣君子可以順利在異地偵測事物。所謂「禮失求諸野」,不見得在野地的人就比較無禮啊!......
否之匪,人不利,君子貞:大往小來。-- 雖然渠道表面上是暢通的,但是底部卻可能沉積土石和難以辨識的雜物,日積月累便容易造成堵塞。阻礙和否定的排解不是一般人能輕易做到的。君子偵測的結果是:用大溝渠暢通廢排水,用小溝渠流通自來水。同時,還要謹慎處理溝渠裡的淤積物。......
小往大來,吉亨。-- 貢獻捐助個體擁有的一小部份,往後實現整體大目標的可能性就來了,這必須經由努力的溝通和廣泛的連結來達成。......
Google News 追蹤
在創作的路上真的很多人問我說 到底要怎麼做出符合自己期待 但又可以表現得很有美感的作品?🥹 這個問題真的應該是每個創作者都一直在學習的課題吧!
泳池裡的水分子淘氣的想離開,它們成群結伴的跳出凹陷,漸漸的溢出。 當我的腳底板感受到那股沁涼,水的速度、聲音猛然跳躍,淹埋了我的雙腳。 當雙腳膝蓋埋沒水中,瞳中那位不可能出現的人,正在我眼前⋯⋯ 他對我微笑。我想開口問他怎麼會在這裡?他會對我說甚麼,是否和我一樣思念。 我想到他身邊,泳池的水
水中療癒,找回自己。 FLOW STATE: Water Contact Dance 課程 那些在南國島嶼上,體驗各種身心靈療癒課程的美好日子。 在分享這篇之前,先分享一段我家人今天傳給我的話:「生命是在不斷調整中,持續前進的過程; 人生最重要的不是起點,也不是終點,而是轉折點。」
地震後,看到了一段影片,海水快速倒退,港口裡的船,被拉往大海,有些人擔心那是海嘯的前兆,讓我想起了以前,曾做過一個夢,夢裡的我走出陽台,發現前方汪洋一片,而建築物完全被海水淹沒,應該是發生了海水倒灌,有時候,夢會讓我不安,就在於我不確定那是否會成真,必竟,我不希望看到不好的事發生 這幾年,不管是過
  我想,也許在靈魂遊歷的某一世,我當過海的女兒。   在淡水漁人碼頭的遊艇上,我起身離開座艙走到船側,白金色陽光映在海面上,我注視著船舷捲起的白色泡沫,同時也像是捲起遠古時期幾乎被遺忘的記憶,熟悉到以為曾經與海有極深牽絆。
《水族館》 在水底漫無目的游來游去 舒展,身軀兩旁的臂 由一個海洋世界 游向另一個海洋世界 如果記憶是通道 那麼通往知識的門是什麼呢? 乾脆跳進水中探過究竟 潛五十米深的逐魚群 未待黑夜降臨 已經準備好掛起帳幕 這個天幕下會有更多 未知的星星和寶藏吧 失落的角看見遺失已久
有一種相似的頻率,讓陌生的你我相遇,他們認為這是緣。 在靈魂還沒有交出彼此之前,情愫的開端是未料到的心動。 你告訴我,你是一隻潛入深海的藍鯨。 在你入深海入睡時,一分鐘兩下心跳聲! 在你浮出海面見天上星月、萬物時一分鐘三十七下心跳。 遇上我之前你宛如沈睡的藍鯨! 邂逅我之後你越出
在創作的路上真的很多人問我說 到底要怎麼做出符合自己期待 但又可以表現得很有美感的作品?🥹 這個問題真的應該是每個創作者都一直在學習的課題吧!
泳池裡的水分子淘氣的想離開,它們成群結伴的跳出凹陷,漸漸的溢出。 當我的腳底板感受到那股沁涼,水的速度、聲音猛然跳躍,淹埋了我的雙腳。 當雙腳膝蓋埋沒水中,瞳中那位不可能出現的人,正在我眼前⋯⋯ 他對我微笑。我想開口問他怎麼會在這裡?他會對我說甚麼,是否和我一樣思念。 我想到他身邊,泳池的水
水中療癒,找回自己。 FLOW STATE: Water Contact Dance 課程 那些在南國島嶼上,體驗各種身心靈療癒課程的美好日子。 在分享這篇之前,先分享一段我家人今天傳給我的話:「生命是在不斷調整中,持續前進的過程; 人生最重要的不是起點,也不是終點,而是轉折點。」
地震後,看到了一段影片,海水快速倒退,港口裡的船,被拉往大海,有些人擔心那是海嘯的前兆,讓我想起了以前,曾做過一個夢,夢裡的我走出陽台,發現前方汪洋一片,而建築物完全被海水淹沒,應該是發生了海水倒灌,有時候,夢會讓我不安,就在於我不確定那是否會成真,必竟,我不希望看到不好的事發生 這幾年,不管是過
  我想,也許在靈魂遊歷的某一世,我當過海的女兒。   在淡水漁人碼頭的遊艇上,我起身離開座艙走到船側,白金色陽光映在海面上,我注視著船舷捲起的白色泡沫,同時也像是捲起遠古時期幾乎被遺忘的記憶,熟悉到以為曾經與海有極深牽絆。
《水族館》 在水底漫無目的游來游去 舒展,身軀兩旁的臂 由一個海洋世界 游向另一個海洋世界 如果記憶是通道 那麼通往知識的門是什麼呢? 乾脆跳進水中探過究竟 潛五十米深的逐魚群 未待黑夜降臨 已經準備好掛起帳幕 這個天幕下會有更多 未知的星星和寶藏吧 失落的角看見遺失已久
有一種相似的頻率,讓陌生的你我相遇,他們認為這是緣。 在靈魂還沒有交出彼此之前,情愫的開端是未料到的心動。 你告訴我,你是一隻潛入深海的藍鯨。 在你入深海入睡時,一分鐘兩下心跳聲! 在你浮出海面見天上星月、萬物時一分鐘三十七下心跳。 遇上我之前你宛如沈睡的藍鯨! 邂逅我之後你越出