亨,利用獄。-- 彼此適合或契合,即使離開再遠,還是能感應對方內心震動的頻率,這本來是值得高興、非常難得的。但是,如果因此而造成彼此很大的牽絆,甚至互相縴制對方,那麼這和處在心靈的監獄中不也是相通的嗎?(P.S.「噬嗑」雖然有上下兩排牙齒可以互相密合以進行咀嚼並順利吃喝的意思,但此處「噬嗑」兩字更可能是古代用擬聲的方式來表示「適合」的涵意,有可能當時《易經》作者的字典中沒有「適合」這兩個字,所以採用發音相近的「噬嗑」兩字來表示「適合」,也接近「契合」、「配合」、「密闔」的意思,似乎相當於 English 中的 suit 或 suite。「用」在此處解為「相通」、「相仿」。此外,《易經》是談變化的經典,「獄」字可能和「䜌」、「變」、「辯」、「辨」......等字的含意有關,二犬彼此對言互吠的聲音不像人與人之間說話的聲音豐富多變,但是仍能彼此溝通,因爲語言相同之故。所以,《易經》此處的「獄」字可能有關係緊密、默契相合,但也有彼此縴絆之意,然而後世可能誤傳爲關閉囚禁之意。「獄」字發音接近「語」,可能也有牠們兩犬用自己的語言談得來,而我們人類卻聽進不去、插不了話的含意。)
初九:屨校滅趾,无咎。/ 變卦火地晉 -- 粗麻製作的鞋子雖然輕便涼爽,但是有時候卻容易磨傷腳趾。製作鞋子,要經過一再的校正,材質和尺寸都要適合腳部在實際行走時的舒適感,這樣是不會錯的。物品的設計要密切配合個別使用者的特性,而不是像削足適履般的讓使用者來適應設計的物品。(P.S. 根據《字書》所言:「草曰屝,麻曰屨,皮曰履,......」,「屨」似乎是用麻草類植物纖維製作的鞋子。)
六二:噬膚滅鼻,无咎。/ 變卦火澤睽 -- 只在表面上膚淺的配合,卻違背自己內心的感受、消減自我的意願,於是表裡不一、心生怨氣,這樣的結果有什麼好意外的呢?物品的製作和設計不能只著重外觀,卻忽略使用者需求的內涵啊!(P.S. 此處「鼻」代表「自己發出的氣息」或「出於自己的意願」,可能古人在表達自己的意見時也常常指著自己的鼻子來示意。)
六三:噬腊肉,遇毒。小吝,无咎。/ 變卦離為火 -- 有些人吃到臘肉就像是吃到毒物一樣,這是個別體質能不能適應的問題。身體產生一點排斥的作用,於是起了過敏的反應,甚至皮膚表面長出疹子,這有什麼好奇怪的呢?一個大量製作的產品,很難滿足各別的需求啊!
九四:噬乾胏,得金矢。利艱,貞吉。/ 變卦山雷頤 -- 有些人吃到帶骨的乾肉,難過的就像在啃銳利的金屬箭頭一樣。一般偵測的結果是:他們通常養尊處優、重視細節、對事物百般挑剔、不喜歡囫圇吞棗。為這樣的人設計製作物品,往往必須裡裡外外樣樣考慮周全。
六五:噬乾肉,得黃金。貞厲,无咎。/ 變卦天雷無妄 -- 有些人吃到乾肉,就像是得到珍貴的黃金一樣。一般偵測的結果是:他們通常小心謹慎、居安思危、心中沒有妄想,從來不會沒有理由的衝動行事。為這樣的人設計製作物品,當然要精簡節約、實用為上。
上九:何校滅耳,凶。/ 變卦震為雷 -- 荷葉般的大型圓盤帽,雖然戴起來威風凜凜,卻必須校正是否會磨傷耳朵或消減聽覺的靈敏度,以免在外出行動時陷入凶險的處境。製作帽子,要經過一再的校對,不但要適合使用者頭部的大小,也要考慮行動時發生震動的狀況。物品的設計製作要考慮使用時的實際狀況,不只是靜態的樣貌,還要兼顧動態變化的影響,例如:車子要安裝具有緩衝能力的彈性避震器,避免車輪在行進時強烈的顛簸震動傳遞到座艙、使乘坐者感到不舒適。
"As a round ball rolling and moving on the bumpy ground, it might jump again and again. The bumpy ground was not suited to the moving wheels, that's why the flat surface of the road was considered to construct in the well designed traffic ways."
"I see, this qua seemed like a big wheel running above the trembling or shaking factor, it's not so quiet and might be trying to find a smooth and suitable way for moving.......That's why the inventors set cushions between wheels and cart."
"I can imagine those ancient engineers finally constructed the railways for mass rapid traffic in their cities. If you knew an ancient Hanese engineering book - 考工記, there were some notes written about the design of railways with web like grid system."
"From the direct meaning of the title words in this qua - 噬嗑, it seemed like the upper teeth and lower teeth well match together for biting food, just like a box-cover exactly matches with box-basin, and these two Hanese words were just sounded like 'suit'."
"That's why the well designed dress of custom made was called 'suite', it's designed to entirely fit with the orders of especial person, suitable with some one's personal necessary, not with anybody."
"Yes! In a grand design age, each thing might have its own character, just like each person's personality or identification."
適合的問題引出了設計和製作的學問,而它的終極問題就是 : 製作出來的物品是否能夠適應大環境的變化和動態的影響,並且擁有長期保存的價值。於是,如何適度的改裝和修飾關鍵的細部,可能纔是設計和製作的真功夫呢!
"But...... the other side, something too many matches with you also means you might have no choice to choose another one, and lose the flexibility of alteration for changing......"
"That's not the problem, I think those ancient designers already considered the flexibility and alteration in their designs, and set it into their productions. Even left some space for custom's personal self-designing or self-modification..... Seemed like some decorations, the plus fittings, the package choice of something........."
"That's why the next qua 賁 was going to talk about decoration or plus fitting in designing...... As a matter of fact, when a product came out of the factory, how to maintain and repair it will be an awesome subject......."
"Just like how to keep the body healthy for a long run, isn't it?...... So many mysterious emperors in history had ever tried to find the evergreen medicine to keep their lives lasting, to live forever young, but what is that medicine?......"
"Maybe it’s love...... I think it's love...... Truly suitable love might make you feel good, comfortable and have not too much anxiety, even in the worst time..........."
"I know, love is not decoration, but if some kind of decoration could attract your soul, activate your heart, take your worry, even save your life, would you love it?......"
Sometimes so many skeletons of dead starfishes were rushed to the seashore by tides, Mermaid and I picked up those beautiful shells to decorate the pool beside the villa house.
Day after day, the pool almost became a sea-stars pool...........
P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.