17_fOOd_W042621_Known& 知曉

更新於 2021/04/26閱讀時間約 8 分鐘
( Woman in Gold名畫的控訴& Alumbrones古巴繽紛樂&( A Colorful Life 1907, by Kandinsky Wassily)Smart Secrets of Great Paintings大師畫作的小秘密))_Love365/GOOGLEblogger & Facebook & Vocus方格子

Meet the movie, and
Know further, the lead actress as Mrs. Helen Mirren further, after my 1st time seeing her in the talk-show.
Know the painting( Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I), and
Learn from the true story, and
Understand the lesson of that history.
What a meaningful encounter! How the lead actress cooperate with the lead actor , how the painting from Austria locates in the museum in the United States, and this impressive lead actress shows to me as an Asian. ( Thought after seeing: Woman in Gold)

Meet Mr. Pedro Pablo Oliva, and Mrs. Yamile Padro and his passionate husband as Mr. Edel Bordon, right here.
Know Mr. Oliva’s painting( El Gran Aragón, 1994), and
Know Mr. José Julián Martí Pérez( a Cuban poet), during Oliva’s quoting his poem & noted his mother’s and his emphasizing about reading sufficiently in his working as a painter.
Learn what the artists’ clarifying about the art of Cuba, from the interview/video, and learn further about the history/fact of Cuba. Well touched by the people’s optimistism and simplism. Deeply
Understand and highly admire their cherishing everything from the land/arts/music/dancing.( Thought after seeing: Alumbrones)

Meet this DVD, during my visiting at the library.
Know the availability of such a live painting, very happily.
Know the name of Mr. Kandinsky Wassily and the words of the Abstract Art, when I was in the junior/senior school.
Learn more about the Abstract Art, and
Understand how great the arts and the human being interacts with each other, in such a positive and natural way.( Thought after seeing: ( Colorful Life 1907) Smart Secrets of Great Paintings, link of painting https://www.wassilykandinsky.net/work-1.php))

I would like to show my deepest appreciation for the most excellent men/women born in the 1930s/1940s, who had experienced quite the difficult time in their early living right after the world war II. They exert all their power to work, and achieve their goal for working and family/life, as possible as they could. Obviously, they bravely/successfully set/build the strong/great foundation/models, for the younger generations’ even comfortably experiencing and continue living.

Do something which we do love, or/and do the meaningful thing for our beloved! Don’t come here( at the earth) in vein.
Do our best, taking the good way, enjoying every day! Have a nice day! Impressively Yours, ~ Love365**

曾在脫口秀節目中, 見過女主角; 極其專業演技, 適時適量飆戲;
光明正大地示愛, 分寸拿捏十分精準; 傳達情愛力道, 十分正向.
喜歡臨場從架上選取電影, 看看外盒上的劇照, 略讀些劇情簡介;
喜歡的, 從圖書館借閱, 在家輕鬆觀賞; 觀看電影, 聽電影配樂,
賞演技, 品嚐攝影燈光服裝效果; 跨越時空, 經歷, 歷練, 學習.

最近, 喜歡聽西班牙語廣播; 上週, 看了部古巴爵士樂, 紀錄片.
至圖書館還借書時, 巧遇, 目前居住在古巴的畫家們, 中肯分享;
大家對土地萬物的珍愛, 對生活資源的惜愛, 對藝術繪畫的熱愛,
實在力道地發揚繪畫的價值, 相當帶勁地, 活力舞動了繪畫之美.

這畫家大名, 還有印象話派這詞, 我確定有聽過, 年紀很小時候;
這幅畫, 如此正式見面; 好不歡喜. 一體兩面, 正反利弊, 合理;
科技之利, 助吾身歷其境, 觀看賞析大師畫作; 鼓勵向學免門票.
外行內行不重要, 真實體會最重要; 怡情悅性還蠻好! 就學到老!

相遇了, 認識了; 知道了, 看到了;
學習著; 理解著; 明白了, 清楚了.

Pps. Outdoors AND Indoors:
透透氣囉, 外出走走. 計畫逛逛, 圖書館們;
映入眼簾, 心之所向, 類伴手禮, 回家享用; 通閱便利.
週邊鮮境, 順路走走, 如此旅遊, 也是一種.

Ppps. fOOd:
食糧種類, 千樣萬種; 吃些什麼, 細心謹慎, 自己掌握;
變成如何? 就, 順其自然! ~ @@HAVE A NICE DAY!! Sincerely Yours, ~ Love365**

    Love365的沙龍 的其他內容
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    Thanks to the traffic signal, met Goutystalk Nettlespurge, during my biking for the grocery shopping at the downtown.   Shaped as the coral, bringing
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    Love the song!  Of course!! Enjoy the performance!  Totally!! Impressed, by the power of the vocal.   Touched, by the powerful playing of the band.
    Love arrives, naturally, with the passion.   Passion is born, absolutely, while feeling being loved. To love somebody/something, concentrate/devote,
    The white, looks like being embroidered between the petals( with the texture/shape seems like paper clay).   So interesting the gardening it is, to ma
    Thanks to the traffic signal, met Goutystalk Nettlespurge, during my biking for the grocery shopping at the downtown.   Shaped as the coral, bringing
    Happy to have, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, guiding me to visit Hawaii, in the early afternoon.  Under the spotlight of the sunshine, standby for performin
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    Love the song!  Of course!! Enjoy the performance!  Totally!! Impressed, by the power of the vocal.   Touched, by the powerful playing of the band.
    Love arrives, naturally, with the passion.   Passion is born, absolutely, while feeling being loved. To love somebody/something, concentrate/devote,
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    *合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
    口譯學習者在上課的同時,如果能常參加優質的口譯會議,對於臨場感的培養、危機的處理、以及優雅得體的譯文功力,都能大幅躍進。 Carol的口譯學生經常會收到免費的口譯會議訊息,而積極參加此類會議的朋友也有機會聚在會場,就地討論彼此的觀察,甚至做出心得報告,分享給大家。 以下口譯會議觀摩報告,提供大家參
      接著,是要迎來滿月,很多事物可以被放大,隱藏的事物可以被顯露,於是我可以臣服於陰性,這是屬於滿月的故事,聽說池塘裡 有淤泥,探險隊準備 一探究竟,本來很怕,但應該沒事,我想不會有事的,也許我已經有足夠的能力、也許工具箱裡早有足夠的工具、也許我有隊員協力以及也許我會答應自己的,答應自己清除,允許自
    雖然我也發過幾次很重的脾氣…而且甚至還差點跟學生對揍起來… 不過常常是因為誤會了,音量加高加大了,所以才有後來這些事的產生… 但我還是得寫出來…當老師的人,EQ 情緒智商,真的得高一點呀! 我自認是非常愛學生的老師,甚至心跟他們是在一起的 也因此如果有其他老師冤枉他們或是太過份的時候,真的是會容易情
    2019/0715 凝 層宵水氣 乍寒 成晶
    *合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
    口譯學習者在上課的同時,如果能常參加優質的口譯會議,對於臨場感的培養、危機的處理、以及優雅得體的譯文功力,都能大幅躍進。 Carol的口譯學生經常會收到免費的口譯會議訊息,而積極參加此類會議的朋友也有機會聚在會場,就地討論彼此的觀察,甚至做出心得報告,分享給大家。 以下口譯會議觀摩報告,提供大家參
      接著,是要迎來滿月,很多事物可以被放大,隱藏的事物可以被顯露,於是我可以臣服於陰性,這是屬於滿月的故事,聽說池塘裡 有淤泥,探險隊準備 一探究竟,本來很怕,但應該沒事,我想不會有事的,也許我已經有足夠的能力、也許工具箱裡早有足夠的工具、也許我有隊員協力以及也許我會答應自己的,答應自己清除,允許自
    雖然我也發過幾次很重的脾氣…而且甚至還差點跟學生對揍起來… 不過常常是因為誤會了,音量加高加大了,所以才有後來這些事的產生… 但我還是得寫出來…當老師的人,EQ 情緒智商,真的得高一點呀! 我自認是非常愛學生的老師,甚至心跟他們是在一起的 也因此如果有其他老師冤枉他們或是太過份的時候,真的是會容易情
    2019/0715 凝 層宵水氣 乍寒 成晶