UX App Design as Complete Newbie with Figma

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Case Study Exercise from Coursera's Google UX Design Specification
An UX design App prototype I created for National Palace Museum
An UX design App prototype I created for National Palace MuseumUX Design? What is it about? I’m taking my first UX design classes from Cousera called “Google UX Design”. The course is designed for beginners who may have zero design experience in the past. I’m gonna share with you my very first UX design project, so bare with me if it looks too rough.
The full name of the class is “Google UX Design Professional Certificate”, where students have to finish all 7 modules, each comes with 3~7 weekly courses. There are 3 design projects throughout the whole professional certificate (also called “Specification” by Coursera). In this article I will share my first UX design project in a case study approach with notes of my thinking process.
In the first course, students have to pick a design topic from a Sharpen Design Challenge Generator. I chose to design a virtual tour app, and set National Palace Museum as my study subject.
Please note that I made a lot of assumptions for the purpose of this case study, so all the research interviews results are hypothetical. And National Palace Museum owned all the copyrights of artworks images and logo used in this design project.
Here we go:

Project Overview

Let me start with a direct screenshot of the case study deck.
Project Overview for UX App Design Project on National Palace Museum during Research Phase

Understanding The User

User Research — Summary

I conducted a Fundamental Research to understand who are National Palace Museum’s target clients and what are their needs and pain points. The museum already has a website with rich contents, I will try to transfer those contents to a brand new app.
Initial research showed that while the museum released a few apps in the past, it’s not widely-used outside the premise and only Android versions were available. Due to the aftermath of COVID, most of the museums around the world are suffering financially due to the long time closure. I see some famous museums already developed powerful apps for virtual tour service. Given foreign tourists accounts for 75% of National Palace Museum’s visitor counts (source), it’s imperative that the museum can release an app for similar service soon in additional to digital contents on their website.
My design of the app will be focusing on serving customers’ needs when physical visit is not possible, and on building up long-term usage for NBU (the Next Billion Users).

User Pain Points — Persona of Sally & George

2 personas were created to reflect different target client groups as shown below.
When drafting personas and value proposition for the museum, I put myself in the shoes of its oversea and local visitors. To be honest, it all comes natural for me. As a long-time art lover, I almost always visit at least one gallery or museum of some sorts when traveling abroad. I even include my own pain points and frustration, which usually caused by some museums merely trying to transfer all their website contents into an app, without considering the diversity in their respective user base and what are the ultimate goals these apps are trying to accomplish.
User Pain Points for UX App Design Project on National Palace Museum during Research Phase
Persona of Sally for UX App Design Project on National Palace Museum during Research Phase
Persona of George for UX App Design Project on National Palace Museum during Research Phase

User Journey Map — George’s Example

George’s user journey reveals that the museum should provide more exhibitions to choose from, enrich the contents, and consider adding closed captioning for users with hearing disability. Enhancing overall app stability and loading speed is also critical.
User Journey Map for UX App Design Project on National Palace Museum during Research Phase


Storyboard, I think I heard the word a lot when watching some behind-the-scenes movie clips, but I never really get it, until now. My task was to tell a story about why the app can address customer’s pain points. It’s been ages since I drew something with only pencil and paper, but duty call, let’s do it!
Big Picture Storyboard for UX App Design Project on National Palace Museum during Research Phase


A “sitemap” of the app should be drafted after all the research phrases to make sure you have a high-level view of how your app will be structured. Preparing a sitemap will help you think through the whole user flow and select key screens to start the design.

Starting the Design

Paper Wireframes

As a start, I need to craft some “paper wireframes”. I drew 5 versions of the “artwork info” screen showing how artworks were displayed after users select them from the “virtual tour” screen. “Jadeite Cabbage” was the chosen placeholder as it is one of the most famous collections of the museum.
I kept a concise design and hid long context of the artwork description in the telescope icon. The 3-dots carousel function can display other information like artists’ anecdote. Also, at the bottom of the screen users can choose 3 related artworks.
Paper Wireframe for UX App Design Project on National Palace Museum during Design Phase
Yeah, I know, above is an elementary-level drawing… The stars were used to mark the elements of each sketch that would be used in the later digital wireframes.

Digital Wireframes

Next step is where UX design tool comes in, here I use Figma to draw my first digital wireframes. A really good tool for beginners to draft simple layout, a lot of functions to play with if have more time to explore.
Digital Wireframe for UX App Design Project on National Palace Museum during Design Phase

Low-fidelity Prototype

The “low-fidelity prototype” (“lo-fi” for short) connected the virtual tour user flow from welcome message, map navigation, to artwork selection and appreciation. It also embeds interesting features like saving your favorite artworks in a gallery. I will set this feature to be accessible for museum members only. The lo-fi fidelity prototype at this stage will be used in later usability test.
Lo-fi Prototype for UX App Design Project on National Palace Museum during Design Phase

Usability Study with Findings

This step is to conduct 2 rounds of usability studies. Findings from the 1st study helped guide the design from wireframes to “mockups”. For the 2nd round, I used a high-fidelity prototype to iterate changes based on new feedbacks before I started the final design. Multiple findings are discovered so need to prioritize and decide which ones should be fine-tune first.
Findings from Usability Test for UX App Design Project on National Palace Museum during Design Phase

Refine the Design

Now let me add some colors, the screen looks much real with actual images.


Key Mockups for UX App Design Project on National Palace Museum during Redesign Phase
Mockups Changes for UX App Design Project on National Palace Museum during Refine Phase
Time for connecting the screens. I felt like doing kids’ “number connecting game”, and it’s always satisfying to see the final output revealed itself. Feel free to play with my design for the virtual tour user flow here.
Virtual Tour User Flow for UX App Design Project on National Palace Museum during Refine Phase
Of course, a good UX designer can’t ignore “accessibility”, so I’ll make sure that each image will have alternative text, all audio files will come with transcripts, and any video will be embedded with closed captioning, etc. There’re a lot more to consider when design with a diversity and inclusion mindset.

Responsive Design

Although I’m designing for an app, I also need to consider “responsive design” when users browsing contents on different devices. Below is a mockups design for 3 devices (iPhone X, iPad mini, and Macbook Pro) to showcase screen size variations.
Responsive Design for UX App Design Project on National Palace Museum during Refine Phase

Takeaway and Personal Notes

When I conducting competitor research, I learned a lot from other museums’ app like Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, British Museum in London, and American Museum of Natural History in New York. Without saying, they are the best in the industry (source). I haven’t found any other museum or art gallery app that can come close. I wonder how long did it take for them to develop such interactive and powerful platforms.
Meanwhile, it’s challenging to embed accessibility functions in an app, for the project I am working on and for all elites alike. Guess in the end, everything comes to how much effort a museum is willing to commit and how professional and artistic the designer team is.
This is my first UX project, hope you enjoy it. Thank you for your time, and feel free to reach out!

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本文探討AI筆記工具的優缺點、選擇建議及未來趨勢,比較NotebookLM、OneNote+Copilot、Notion AI、Obsidian+GPT插件和Palantir Foundry等工具,並強調安全注意事項及個人需求評估的重要性。
今天來學習的是王彥博 老師的《用戶旅程體驗設計工作坊》。​​ 講到用戶旅程體驗設計,聽起來非常繞口(確實要解釋非常花時間),但從我自己的理解,就是一個顧客因為需求而購買服務的過程,可以稱之​。 銷售者要讓產品持續不斷銷售,這個過程非常重要。 ​大部分消費都是持續發生,而非單次,因此不同需求
大約半年前,我與某旅行社配合,成為他們「故宮小小導遊」活動的導覽員。簡單來說,就是帶領小朋友認識故宮的文物與故事。我也因此去做了故宮文物的功課,雖然為數不多,也稱不上是資深研究者,但至少在常設展以及裡頭知名的文物我都有所探究。 就我的觀察,我發現許多陶瓷器上有吸睛的動物元......
今天,期待著參觀經過六年改建後,煥然一新的國家歷史博物館。到了那份期待與興奮,我知道,這將會是一趟意義非凡的旅程。走進博物館大廳,我被眼前的情景所震撼。整個格局都改變了,展廳中央開了好大樓梯,讓我不禁感慨萬千。也不知這樣的設計是好是壞。 1929年12月,震驚學術界的北京人頭骨化 石在周口店附近發
創創早餐會,每週一次的線上聚會,由 EiMBA 校友會發起,藉由創業家們交流經驗,開啟更多的機會。此次分享者是 Simple Tech-Design 的 Belle,她與大家聊聊過去的職涯發展,以及在體驗設計領域的近期觀察。
全新 vocus 挑戰活動「方格人氣王」來啦~四大挑戰任你選,留言 / 愛心 / 瀏覽數大 PK,還有新手專屬挑戰!無論你是 vocus 上活躍創作者或剛加入的新手,都有機會被更多人看見,獲得站上版位曝光&豐富獎勵!🏆
本文探討AI筆記工具的優缺點、選擇建議及未來趨勢,比較NotebookLM、OneNote+Copilot、Notion AI、Obsidian+GPT插件和Palantir Foundry等工具,並強調安全注意事項及個人需求評估的重要性。
今天來學習的是王彥博 老師的《用戶旅程體驗設計工作坊》。​​ 講到用戶旅程體驗設計,聽起來非常繞口(確實要解釋非常花時間),但從我自己的理解,就是一個顧客因為需求而購買服務的過程,可以稱之​。 銷售者要讓產品持續不斷銷售,這個過程非常重要。 ​大部分消費都是持續發生,而非單次,因此不同需求
大約半年前,我與某旅行社配合,成為他們「故宮小小導遊」活動的導覽員。簡單來說,就是帶領小朋友認識故宮的文物與故事。我也因此去做了故宮文物的功課,雖然為數不多,也稱不上是資深研究者,但至少在常設展以及裡頭知名的文物我都有所探究。 就我的觀察,我發現許多陶瓷器上有吸睛的動物元......
今天,期待著參觀經過六年改建後,煥然一新的國家歷史博物館。到了那份期待與興奮,我知道,這將會是一趟意義非凡的旅程。走進博物館大廳,我被眼前的情景所震撼。整個格局都改變了,展廳中央開了好大樓梯,讓我不禁感慨萬千。也不知這樣的設計是好是壞。 1929年12月,震驚學術界的北京人頭骨化 石在周口店附近發
創創早餐會,每週一次的線上聚會,由 EiMBA 校友會發起,藉由創業家們交流經驗,開啟更多的機會。此次分享者是 Simple Tech-Design 的 Belle,她與大家聊聊過去的職涯發展,以及在體驗設計領域的近期觀察。