Tha̍k "Guns, Germs and Steel" ê kám-sióng - tē-sì phiⁿ

更新於 2023/04/17閱讀時間約 4 分鐘
Jared thê-chhut chu-goân chiah-sī Au-chiu lâng ū-haot-tō͘ khòng-chè chit-má tē-kiû ê goan-in. Tī tē-jī pō͘-hūn, tē-sì chiuⁿ, ōe chhut-lâi hî-kut tô͘, chhut-hoat tiám sī, siā-hōe beh chìn-pō͘ ài ū tsiah-ê. Put-chí ài ū si̍t-bu̍t, koh ài ū chhun. Tē-gō͘ kàu tē-cha̍p chiuⁿ, leh kái-soat ūi-siáⁿ-mi̍h (1)tang-sai tn̂g ê tē-lí (2)hong-hù ê bu̍t-chiòng ē hō͘ tòa leh hia ê lâng ē-sái ū chhiong-chiok ê jîn-kháu kap si̍t-bu̍t.
Jîn-lūi siā-hōe nā-beh piàn tōa, thâu-chi̍t-ê ài ū lông-gia̍p. Eng-kai kóng-sī nā-ū lông-gia̍p, khah kan-tan ū tōa ê siā-hōe.
Lán tī-leh ha̍k-hāu o̍h-tio̍h siā-hōe ê piàn-hòa - iû-bo̍k siā-hōe chiām-chiām 「ē」piàn-sêng lông-gia̍p siā-hōe. Sū-si̍t-siōng, beh ùi iû-bo̍k seng-oa̍h piàn-sêng lông-gia̍p seng-oa̍h, m̄-sī só͘-ū ê só͘-chai lóng-ú khó-lêng.
Jared ê chheh siūⁿ-beh kóng ê tiōng-tiám : Au-chiu lâng (put-koán siáⁿ-mih lâng)ū-haot-tō͘ khì Inca tè-kok lia̍k in ê hông-tè, bô-it-tēng sī Au-chiu lâng khah-gâu, tian-tò sī Au-chiu lâng khah hó-ūn - seng tī-leh Au-a tāi-lio̍k - pí-khí-lâi khah kan-tan ē-sái hoat-tián lông-gia̍p.
Jared mā-ū kóng, nā-sī khoân-kéng bô sek-ha̍p, lông-gia̍p siā-hōe ê lâng, m̄-sī ài thòe-hòa tńg-khì iû-bo̍k siā-hōe.(bîn-chú siā-hōe kám mā-sī kâng-khoán?)
Jared ēng chin-chōe phiⁿ ê lāi-iông lâi soat-bêng chu-goân ê tiōng-iàu
  • Tang-sai tn̂g ê hó-chhù:thiⁿ-khì khah siâng, kò͘-hiong ē-sái chèng ê, tī sin-ê só͘-chai ē chèng ê khó-lêng khah-tōa
  • Au-a tāi-lio̍k ū gû, ū bé, put-chí ē-sái chèng chhân, bé-á koh ē-sái the̍h-lâi chiàn-cheng. Bí-chiu pèng-bô gû kap bé
  • Au-a tāi-lio̍k ū bí, ū be̍h-á, ū má-lêng-chû, ū ō͘-á, téng-téng. Pí-khí-lâi, bí-chiu bô chiah-nih hong-hù.
  • Múi-chi̍t-ê tāi-lio̍k m̄-sī pêng-téng ê. Lán ê chó͘-sian nā-sī chhut-sì tī-leh Bí-chiu iá-sī Ò-chiu, bô-it-tēng ē-sái hoat-tián kàu lông-gia̍p siā-hōe lâi
Lông-gia̍p siā-hōe thiaⁿ-khí-lâi kan-tan, kî-si̍t pí siūⁿ ê koh-khah khùn-lân.
#POJ, #白話字, #chiàn-cheng, #chiàn-lia̍k, #GunsGermsandSteel
咖吶庄的沙龍 的其他內容
"Guns, Germs and Steel" ê tē-jī pō͘-hūn, Jared thê-chhut i tùi Jîn-lūi siā-hōe chìn-hòa ê lí-lūn (tē-sì chiuⁿ), kap múi-chi̍t-ê chìn-hòa, su-iàu ê tiâ
"Guns, Germs and Steel" ê tē-it pō͘-hūn, leh kài-siāu Jîn-lūi ùi kâng-khoán ê chhut-hoat-tiám, kàu se-goân 1532 nî, Se-pan-gâ ê pō͘-tūi lia̍h-tio̍h In
Jared Diamond tī 1997 chhut-pán "Guns, Germs and Steel", chit-pún chheh tī 1997 tio̍h-tio̍h Pulitzer prize, liáu-āu tī 2005 National Geographic Societ
chia-ê mi̍h-kiāⁿ, nā-ū su-iàu, ē tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ hoan-sin siá pe̍h-ōe-jī tiān-náu : 信望愛台語客語輸入法 Android chhiú-ki : PhahTaigi 台語輸入法 iPhone chhiú-ki : PhahTaig
"Guns, Germs and Steel" ê tē-jī pō͘-hūn, Jared thê-chhut i tùi Jîn-lūi siā-hōe chìn-hòa ê lí-lūn (tē-sì chiuⁿ), kap múi-chi̍t-ê chìn-hòa, su-iàu ê tiâ
"Guns, Germs and Steel" ê tē-it pō͘-hūn, leh kài-siāu Jîn-lūi ùi kâng-khoán ê chhut-hoat-tiám, kàu se-goân 1532 nî, Se-pan-gâ ê pō͘-tūi lia̍h-tio̍h In
Jared Diamond tī 1997 chhut-pán "Guns, Germs and Steel", chit-pún chheh tī 1997 tio̍h-tio̍h Pulitzer prize, liáu-āu tī 2005 National Geographic Societ
chia-ê mi̍h-kiāⁿ, nā-ū su-iàu, ē tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ hoan-sin siá pe̍h-ōe-jī tiān-náu : 信望愛台語客語輸入法 Android chhiú-ki : PhahTaigi 台語輸入法 iPhone chhiú-ki : PhahTaig
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*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
Thank you for your sponsorship and contribution to me I previously Do good deeds with a kind heart Instead, I was hurt by many people, It caused
2403 承上篇 今天要談的是此篇文章裏, that的其他例句. 在一篇文章裏, 先把that找出來, 再對應相關文法書分析為何如此應用, 然後進行歸類, 會是比較好的學習方式, 而不是看到就背起來, 只看就背, 馬上就忘, 來回幾次, 就走到放棄了.  當然, 如果老師的評量方式就是明天要考, 
今天要講的是that子句來形容主結構主詞的例句, 用錢袋裝錢來說明主角, 例句取材自紐約時報:
在12/23的文章裏, 有提到可以把三種詞性比喻為下列三種錢, 今天要講的就是有錢後, 一定要用”錢袋”來裝(俗稱的連接詞或關係代名詞)。今天的錢袋主角是”that”, 用that裝出一袋錢。   以下例句取材自紐約時報:
序 那枚在無名指上的戒指,無時無刻都在提醒著Type,這個曾經擁他入懷輕撫自己的男人,已經不屬於自己了。 (上) Tharn和Type是大學同寢室友,因為一次醉酒兩人的關係就變得曖昧不清,一直持續了幾個星期。後來Type實在太鬱悶了,於是喝了點酒,藉著酒膽拉著Tharn到無人的宿舍頂樓,開口問了他
♡So I drew the red mask to describe the eager situation,and also say《Thank You》for the medical mask to prevent infection for all of us…💗😁😂
開始之前,先來首歌吧:〈Thank You-D-Unit〉 03/24 Objective 客觀 日文: 18 word Reflective 感受 微累,好久沒得睡這麼舒服 副理意外的觀察入微 進度有點慢,覺得有點廢 Interpretive 解釋反思 commit要謹慎 把職訓時程規劃出來
*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
Thank you for your sponsorship and contribution to me I previously Do good deeds with a kind heart Instead, I was hurt by many people, It caused
2403 承上篇 今天要談的是此篇文章裏, that的其他例句. 在一篇文章裏, 先把that找出來, 再對應相關文法書分析為何如此應用, 然後進行歸類, 會是比較好的學習方式, 而不是看到就背起來, 只看就背, 馬上就忘, 來回幾次, 就走到放棄了.  當然, 如果老師的評量方式就是明天要考, 
今天要講的是that子句來形容主結構主詞的例句, 用錢袋裝錢來說明主角, 例句取材自紐約時報:
在12/23的文章裏, 有提到可以把三種詞性比喻為下列三種錢, 今天要講的就是有錢後, 一定要用”錢袋”來裝(俗稱的連接詞或關係代名詞)。今天的錢袋主角是”that”, 用that裝出一袋錢。   以下例句取材自紐約時報:
序 那枚在無名指上的戒指,無時無刻都在提醒著Type,這個曾經擁他入懷輕撫自己的男人,已經不屬於自己了。 (上) Tharn和Type是大學同寢室友,因為一次醉酒兩人的關係就變得曖昧不清,一直持續了幾個星期。後來Type實在太鬱悶了,於是喝了點酒,藉著酒膽拉著Tharn到無人的宿舍頂樓,開口問了他
♡So I drew the red mask to describe the eager situation,and also say《Thank You》for the medical mask to prevent infection for all of us…💗😁😂
開始之前,先來首歌吧:〈Thank You-D-Unit〉 03/24 Objective 客觀 日文: 18 word Reflective 感受 微累,好久沒得睡這麼舒服 副理意外的觀察入微 進度有點慢,覺得有點廢 Interpretive 解釋反思 commit要謹慎 把職訓時程規劃出來