"The Hobbit" tōaⁿ-lo̍h chhì e̍k

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Chòe-kīn khòaⁿ Tiong-bûn e̍k-pún ū chi̍t-kóa hong-pho, tō lâi kā ta̍k-ke teh thó-lūn ê tōaⁿ-lo̍h e̍k chò Tâi-gí-bûn chhì-khòaⁿ-māi. Lâng-miâ góa pîn-tōaⁿ chhōe im-jī khì tàu, tō bô e̍k. Ū chi̍t-kóa só͘-chai ūi-tio̍h khah sūn, bô tòe sû hoan-e̍k. Siōng thâu-chêng ê siang-koan mā sió-khóa-á bián-kióng, ū-iáⁿ bô kán-tan. Góa chia iōng "gâu-chá", mā ū-lâng iōng "chia̍h-pá ·bē" lâi chhú-lí.

Ta̍k-ke bóng tha̍k, mā hoan-gêng lâu-ōe kā góa kiàn-gī.


"Good morning!" said Bilbo, and he meant it. The sun was shining, and the grass was very green. But Gandalf looked at him from under long bushy eyebrows that stuck out further than the brim of his shady hat. "What do you mean?" he said. "Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is morning to be good on?"
"All of them at once," said Bilbo. "And a very fine morning for a pipe of tobacco out of doors, into the bargain. If you have a pipe about you, sit down and have a fill of mine! There's no hurry, we have all the day before us!" Then Bilbo sat down on a seat by his door, crossed his legs, and blew out a beautiful grey ring of smoke that sailed up into the air without breaking and floated away over The Hill.
"Very pretty!" said Gandalf. "But I have no time to blow smoke rings this morning. I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging, and it's very difficult to find anyone."
“I should think so in these parts! We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can’t think what anybody sees in them,” said our Mr. Baggins, and stuck one thumb behind his braces, and blew out another even bigger smoke ring. Then he took out his morning letters, and begin to read, pretending to take no more notice of the old man. He had decided that he was not quite his sort, and wanted him to go away. But the old man did not move. He stood leaning on his stick and gazing at the hobbit without saying anything, till Bilbo got quite uncomfortable and even a little cross.
"Good morning!" he said at last. "We don't want any adventures here, thank you! You might try over The Hill or across The Water." By this he meant that the conversation was at an end.
"What a lot of things you do use Good morning for!" said Gandalf. "Now you mean that you want to get rid of me, and that it won't be good till I move off."

The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien, Chapter I: An Unexpected Party


"Gâu-chá!" Bilbo kóng kah chiâⁿ sêng-khún. Chit-ê thàu-chá ū-iáⁿ bē-bái, in-ūi ji̍t-thâu kng-kng, chháu-á chhiⁿ-chhiⁿ. M̄-koh Gandalf tī hia ka kim-kim-siòng, i ê ba̍k-chiah-mn̂g tn̂g koh ba̍t, kiōng beh ùi i khoah-khoah ê bō-á-kîⁿ thuh ·chhut ·lâi. "Che án-chóaⁿ kóng?" i khui-chhùi kóng. "Lí sī teh o-ló góa khí liáu chiah gâu chá, a̍h-sī teh kóng chit-má chin gâu-chá niā-niā, kah góa bô-tī-tāi; a̍h-sī lí beh kā góa tián kóng lí gōa gâu-chá tō tī chia, a̍h-sī kóng lí kám-kak chit-ê thàu-chá chiok gâu?"

"Lóng ū ·lah!" Bilbo hôe-tap. "Mā ē-sái kóng sī chi̍t-ê hó chhut-mn̂g, gâu chia̍h-hun ê thàu-chá. Lí nā-sī ka-tī ū chah hun-chhoe, sió chē ·chi̍t ·ē, góa ê hun-chháu chò lí té! Bián hiah kóaⁿ ·lah, lán iáu ū kui-kang ·neh!" Bilbo khiau-kha tī mn̂g-kha-kháu chē ·loeh, pûn chi̍t ê súi-súi ê phú-sek kho͘-á ·chhut ·lâi. He hun-ian tī pòaⁿ-thiⁿ-koân phû ùi Chhián-soaⁿ ·kòe, lóng bô phòa ·khì.

"Súi ŏ͘!" Gandalf kóng. "M̄-koh chit-ê thàu-chá góa bô-êng tī-chia phuh kho͘-á. Góa tng-teh àn-sǹg chio lâng beh chò-hóe lâi-khì bō͘-hiám, chiok ok chhōe tō ū-iáⁿ."

"Tī chit ê kak-sì he tong-jiân noh! Goán kan-na sī phó͘-thong láu-peh-sìⁿ, bô teh hèng siáⁿ-mih bō͘-hiám ·lah! Giâ-kê koh chia̍h-lat, liân àm-tǹg to bē-hù chia̍h. Góa si̍t-chāi sa bô he sī tó-ūi hó." lán ê Baggins sian-siⁿ kā tōa-thâu-bú chiⁿ ·ji̍p ·khì tiàu-tòa ē-té, koh pûn chi̍t ê koh khah tōa-khian ê hun-ian ·chhut ·lâi. Sòa ·lo̍h ·lâi i the̍h kúi tiuⁿ phoe chhut-lâi tha̍k, tìⁿ chò bô beh chhap chit-ê lāu-hòe-á ê khoán. I kám-kak chit-ê lāu-hòe-á kah i bē-ha̍h, ǹg i kín cháu. M̄-koh lāu-hòe-á bô-beh tín-tāng, i koái-á thuh ·leh khiā tī hia, tiām-tiām bô kóng-ōe, kan-na kim-kim ka khòaⁿ, khòaⁿ kah Bilbo bô siáⁿ sóng-khoài, sīm-chì ū sió-khóa-á gāi-gio̍h.

"Gâu-chá ·lah!" i tòng-bē-tiâu ·ah. "Nā-beh kóng bō͘-hiám goán tio̍h seng sit-pôe, kám-un! Hoān-sè lí ē-sái pôaⁿ kòe Chhián-soaⁿ a̍h-sī Khe-chúi, khì hit-pêng khòaⁿ-māi." I chin-chiàⁿ bô siūⁿ-beh bô-ōe kóng ka-ló ·ah.

"Lí teh kóng che 'Gâu-chá' koh chiâⁿ gâu piàn-khiàu!" Gandalf kóng. "Thiaⁿ ōe-thâu, tio̍h chai ōe-bóe, chit-má góa nā m̄ kín siám tō m̄ 'gâu' ·ah."

主要寫 Pe̍h-ōe-jī

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#試讀心得 #殷熙耕 #鳥的禮物 #漫遊者文化出版
今á日咱beh來紹介chit字thòaⁿ,thòaⁿ ê概念to̍h是ùi 1點散--開。比論講,咱kā墨汁滴1滴tī紙面頂,墨汁ē hō͘紙suh--入-去,koh來,hit ê墨jiah to̍h ē jú tò͘ jú大jiah,一直到紙kā墨汁suh飽為止,lóng koh ē繼續變大,m̄
咱今á日做夥來研究chit字mé,tī故事內底講--tio̍h-ê是「kha-chhiú mā ke真mé」,tī chit句內底to̍h是緊,快速ê意思。咱來講1 ê例:「日頭beh落山--a,咱動作to̍h khah mé-lia̍h--leh,chhun che 1-sut-á khang-k
A郎斟酌ka看,chit ê烏狗兄面路á koh真緣投,to̍h是目頭sió-khóa-á kat-kat,憂愁憂愁ê形,留2撇嘴鬚,性格性格,烏狗兄chit 3字是叫ē得過。穿1 su白色ê長phàu,凡勢是最近khah落魄,長phàu kō kah 1 chhok 1 chhok烏烏lóng
今á日咱beh紹介ê詞是「tǹg胸坎」。這ê tǹg ê意思其實有幾lo̍h種,頭起seng,咱來看故事內底所講--ê,「1手tǹg胸坎」,tī chia,tǹg to̍h是用手出力tûi ê意思,咱koh講1 ê例,「氣kah tǹg桌仔」,to̍h是出力tûi、phah桌仔,總講to̍h是對
Kó͘-chá kó͘-chá, tī 1 ê kài chháu-tē ê só͘-chāi, ū 1 ê sè-sè-á-kiáⁿ ê chng-siā, chng-lāi mā bô kúi hō͘ jîn-ke, kî-tiong 1 hō͘ sī 1-tùi lāu-kong-pô
#試讀心得 #殷熙耕 #鳥的禮物 #漫遊者文化出版
今á日咱beh來紹介chit字thòaⁿ,thòaⁿ ê概念to̍h是ùi 1點散--開。比論講,咱kā墨汁滴1滴tī紙面頂,墨汁ē hō͘紙suh--入-去,koh來,hit ê墨jiah to̍h ē jú tò͘ jú大jiah,一直到紙kā墨汁suh飽為止,lóng koh ē繼續變大,m̄
咱今á日做夥來研究chit字mé,tī故事內底講--tio̍h-ê是「kha-chhiú mā ke真mé」,tī chit句內底to̍h是緊,快速ê意思。咱來講1 ê例:「日頭beh落山--a,咱動作to̍h khah mé-lia̍h--leh,chhun che 1-sut-á khang-k
A郎斟酌ka看,chit ê烏狗兄面路á koh真緣投,to̍h是目頭sió-khóa-á kat-kat,憂愁憂愁ê形,留2撇嘴鬚,性格性格,烏狗兄chit 3字是叫ē得過。穿1 su白色ê長phàu,凡勢是最近khah落魄,長phàu kō kah 1 chhok 1 chhok烏烏lóng
今á日咱beh紹介ê詞是「tǹg胸坎」。這ê tǹg ê意思其實有幾lo̍h種,頭起seng,咱來看故事內底所講--ê,「1手tǹg胸坎」,tī chia,tǹg to̍h是用手出力tûi ê意思,咱koh講1 ê例,「氣kah tǹg桌仔」,to̍h是出力tûi、phah桌仔,總講to̍h是對
Kó͘-chá kó͘-chá, tī 1 ê kài chháu-tē ê só͘-chāi, ū 1 ê sè-sè-á-kiáⁿ ê chng-siā, chng-lāi mā bô kúi hō͘ jîn-ke, kî-tiong 1 hō͘ sī 1-tùi lāu-kong-pô