Viewing cable 08BEIJING661, Prospects for U.S.-China Relations●WikiLeaks(2008.02.24)
其7. (C) Internal debate continues in China regarding its appropriate international role. Some foreign
policy figures argue China should seize opportunities to lead on global issues like climate change, nonproliferation and mediation of international disputes. Contacts have said these remarks reflect internal government debates on balancing global with purely national interests. The feeling in China that China remains too poor and underdeveloped to be much of a global stakeholder remains strong, although it would appear that China's standard of "developed" is increasingly the United States.
One academic said, "the United States still reaps almost all of the benefits of 'international public goods' and should expect to bear almost all of the costs." This argument, along with the frequent pious invocation of "non-interference in internal affairs" provides a thin political justification for China's fundamentally mercantile pursuit of resources in Burma, Iran, Sudan and other states.
The tension between China's long-term, broad global interests and its short-term, naked national interests will persist in Chinese foreign policy for some time. So far, public opinion has been the most effective tool in blunting the Chinese effort to profit from its rogue-state relationships. The Chinese want to build an international image as a responsible power and are sensitive to accusations that they facilitate the abuses of rogue regimes. The Chinese cooperation on Darfur after international outcry began to threaten another core interest (a successful Olympics) demonstrates how public opinion can provide effective motivation.
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