我們針對這篇論文進行討論,提出自己的看法,有朋如此,不亦悅乎?與此同時我也在想,不知道這些年來研讀Thibault的手稿,有沒有類似這樣的論文去研究他的生平?我認為肯定有,不然在Wikitenauer網站上不會有這些記載,於是順著網站的參考資料出處,找到一篇由Herman de la Fontaine這位已經過世的荷蘭歷史學者留下的文章《GERARD THIBAULT AND HIS ‘ACADEMIE DE L’ESPÉE’》,當然,是英文翻譯版;不看還好,一看就停不下來了,這甚至是一篇我覺得要跪著看的文章。
Thus, my Lord Thybout, at the right time it occurred
That I received your knowledge which is still preferred
It was you who knew to resist with stout reply
Against the art of many others did you ply
in such ways that by your eloquence
the doctrine of late made no more sense
It was you who brought the Art out of distant lands
stored in your brain, laid in our hands
At first, our brain hawed and disputed
Until your golden tongue wrote laws in us to be rooted
And with experience the letters were engraved
By reason of your ground foundations saved
You showed your work, its pleasant evidence at last
made all notice your intellect, and the errors of times past
You know how to bring to measure
Stances outside the law and outside the rules of nature
After his unprecedented success in his fatherland, the master who already saw himself as the rival of the Italian Salvator Fabris, thought about means on how to get his new method better known. Did he dream of establishing a fencing academy such as the one that was founded under the patronage of the Archdukes in Brussels around 1613? The chances that would happen in Civil Holland weren’t big. In any case he wanted to publish his theories in a large book which would be called ‘Academie de l’espée’ and which had to surpass the folio of Fabris.