出兵是政治決定 involving a war is a political decision

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【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in an interview, "The Japan Self-Defense Forces would be important, I think, in any contingency in the Pacific, whether it involves Taiwan or not." He added, "It would be up to the political leadership of Japan and the political leader of the United States whether or not each of our countries comes to the defense of Taiwan," echoing the war game hosted by JFSS, a Japanese think tank, on July 15-16, which indicated that Japan might be reluctant to defend Taiwan.
It seems that the war game caught the attention of the US military, and the top officials revealed it to the media.


美軍參聯主席密利:美日是否軍援台灣 取決兩國領袖自由 20230723


中國全面擴軍 挑戰美國








Japan 'key' in handling any Indo-Pacific contingency: top U.S. general    NIKKEI ASIA 20230722

WASHINGTON -- Japan would play a "key" role in any contingency in the Indo-Pacific, Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in an interview.

The Japan Self-Defense Forces "would be important, I think, in any contingency in the Pacific, whether it involves Taiwan or not," said Milley, who spoke with reporters from Nikkei and another outlet at the Pentagon on Thursday.

Milley, the top American uniformed officer, met this month in Hawaii with his counterparts from the Japan SDF and the South Korean military. He later visited Japan and South Korea.

The general also discussed China's military during the interview.

"They are a challenge, or they want to challenge the United States at sea, in the air, on the ground, in space and in cyberspace," he said. "And they're developing ... very serious military capabilities to do that."

Noting the U.S. role in building a rules-based order since World War II, Milley said, "We think that China is a revisionist power who wants to revise those rules in order to put their own rules in, to their own advantage, as a great power."

On Japan's SDF, Milley said, "it's a capable regional military. And, they're interoperable with the United States' military, because we train together all the time."

"The Japanese military, and Japan as a country, would be key to any contingency," he said.

"It would be up to the political leadership of Japan and the political leader of the United States whether or not ... each of our countries comes to the defense of Taiwan," the general added.

The U.S. Army has created multidomain task forces that are equipped with wide-ranging capabilities such as long-range fires, air defense, intelligence, cyberwarfare, electronic warfare and logistics support. The units move nimbly on land to carry out operations while evading enemy attacks.

Milley said multidomain task forces could be an effective response to Chinese warships in the East China Sea, South China Sea and other areas.

"We want these long-range precision fires, these multidomain task forces, to be able to operate from a variety of land-based locations with unsinkable aircraft carriers," the general said, likening strategically located land masses to aircraft carriers. While Milley said nothing has been decided, he cited Japan, the Philippines and Vietnam as possible operational destinations in Asia.

The ICBM that North Korea fired on July 12 "was a research and development test," he said. "But it was a very significant test of an intercontinental ballistic missile that could range and hit the United States if they chose to do it that way."

Milley said the test highlights the need for a coordinated response to Pyongyang among the U.S., Japan and South Korea.

"We want to have a set of common response options, trilateral response options, where all three countries participate in a response to any North Korean provocation," he said.

North Korean ruler Kim Jong Un is "a leader that, at best, is unpredictable," Milley said.

"I think that the Korean situation is an area that the United States could -- I'm not saying it will, but 'could' -- find itself in a state of war, you know, within a few days, with very little notice," the general added.

Milley noted India during the interview, saying the country is "a very important strategic ally or partner in the region" for maintaining a free and open Indo-Pacific. He said India is very capable militarily and he would work with India to deepen military cooperation.


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