[阿寶花費日記] 私立幼兒園(雙語) 費用 2023.9.06

2023/09/07閱讀時間約 17 分鐘

in 台中地區



2021/12/21 打電話預約參觀

2022/01/05 學校參觀

2022/01/07 帶小孩面試

2022/01/10 通知錄取,三天內回傳申請表

2022/02/07 學費單(註冊費)預繳

2022/08/01 正式入學(小班)


幼兒園階段-私立幼兒園 學費


美語時間: 9:10-10:00(50分鐘)


上課時間:9:00-16:20 接送時間:18:30前



.月 費: 11000*12=132,000


.暑假托育:3600*2=7,200 (7、8月最後一週放假,上課要另計)

總 計:209,700/年


就讀時間:2023/08~2024/07 (仍在就讀中)

.註冊費:27500*2學期=55,000 (增加電腦使用費)

.月 費: 11000*12=132,000



總 計:206,350/年(尚未計算暑假托育)










例如發音相近的詞 elmo, anymore, elbow,從小學對發音是比較敏銳的,比較不會聽錯字。



後續銜接幼兒園的英語ESL (2022年詢價)





預估總計費用 126,400/年



1.Written 70%(Letters,Phonics,Spelling,Story Comprehension,Listening)

2.Oral 30% (Conversation,Self-Introduction,T.P.R.)







Book, pencil, ball, car, chair, table, name

Yes, no, very good, teacher, rabbit, red, blue

School, teacher, cinema, playground, principal

Down, high, tree, smiled

Baby, bake, oven, pat


Mom, dad, brother, sister, baby

Dog, doll, bike, truck, I love you

Family, baby, go

Paper, glue膠水, square, circle 

Cow, jumped, laughed, ran

Everywhere, fleece羊毛, snow, white

Moon, moon cakes, barbecue, pomelo柚子


One, two, three, four, five

Apple, banana, orange, pear, bowl

Fruit salad, spoon, mix, eat


Doctor, ill, nurse, purse錢包

Native American, corn, turkey, Thanksgiving, potato


Teddy bear, sofa, TV, rug 小地毯

Toy-box, feather, cup, bed, water

Beside, frightened驚嚇的, tuffet矮凳, tea, kettle

Santa Claus, Christmas tree, present

Bell, stocking襪子, candy cane, reindeer


Teddy bear, sofa, TV, rug 小地毯

Toy-box, feather, cup, bed, water

Beside, frightened驚嚇的, tuffet矮凳, tea, kettle

Santa Claus, Christmas tree, present

Bell, stocking襪子, candy cane, reindeer


New clothes, lion dance, dragon dance

Red envelope, lucky money, red banners, rice cake

Bite, carrots, turnips

Spout, sun, rain


Cat, dog, bird, rabbit, monkey, boy, girl, big, little

Black, walk, hop, fly, climb, eye, ear

Day, my, through, enormous, spider, web

Valentines, chocolates, flower

Kiss, card, hug, love


My body

Head, hair, mouth, nose

Arm, leg, hand, finger

Litte, swim, ten

Fell, hill, pail, tumbling

Lost, mitten, naughty

Sun, bird, butterfly, garden, blossom, warm, trees, umbrella


Dance, sing, count, sleep, run, help, pull

Stop, snake, jar, cream, butter

Nose, mouth, eyes, head

Upstairs, downstairs

Easter bunny, egg hunting, basket, jelly beans, spring, church


Frog, flower, rock, butterfly

Tree, pond, friend, boy, girl

Swim, fish, bee

Leaf, paper

Cry, sleepy, wake

Big, feather, little, skinny

Down, people, town, up

Mother’s Day, carnation康乃馨, May

Clean the house, wash the dishes


Carrot, together

Rabbit, one, two, three, pull

Dog, cat, frog, butterfly

Drop, mailbox, valentine

Box, catch, fox, hunting

Dragon boat, dragon boat race, sticky rice

Sticky rice dumpling, bamboo leaves, sachet


Summer, hot, swimsuit, ice cream, swim, sunglasses

Riding, pony

Chief, warrior

Sentence patterns】


What is this ? It is a book.

Is it a chair? Yes. It is a chair.

What’s your name? My name is    .

What school do you go to? I go to _______preschool.

How are you today? I’m fine. Thank you.

Thank you.

Goodbye, teacher.


Hello, Mom.

This is my Dog.

Is this Mom?

Find Dad. Find my ball.

What do you eat on Moon Festival? Moon cakes.

Change your shoes, please.

Wash your hands, please.

Get your yellow bowl, please.

It’s time for lunch.

May I go to the bathroom?

Line up, please.


What’s this? It’s a banana.

Two apples, please.

You’re welcome.

I have two bananas.

Put an orange in the bowl.

What do you eat on Thanksgiving? Turkey and corn.

Thank you very much.

It’s my pleasure.

You are welcome.

Thanks for your help.

I am so sorry! Never mind.


Where is the teddy bear?

The teddy bear is on the rug.

Where is the puppet木偶?

What’s your name? My name is Helen.

How are you today? Fine. Thank you.

What do you say on Christmas? Merry Christmas.


What do you say on during Chinese New Year?

Happy Chinese New Year!

May I have some soup, please?

Do you like coke? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

It’s my birthday cake.

I like coke best.

That’s yummy.


What do you see? I see a cat. I see five birds.

Where is the cat? On the table. In the bowl.

What do we say on Valentine’s Day? Happy Valentine’s Day.

What do we send on Valentine’s Day?

We send cards, flowers and chocolates.

Please flush the toilet.

Wash your hands before you eat.

Brush your teeth after you eat.

May I blow my nose?

I peed in my pants.

May I go to the bathroom?


Look at my head.

This is my head.

How many fingers do you see? One, Two. Two fingers

I have two legs.

Move the table, please.

It’s your turn.

Sit properly!

Don’t play with the scissors.

Which class are you in? I am in _____ Class.


Put the butterfly under the rock.

This is my friend, Robert.

How many trees do you see? I see four trees.

Where is the butterfly? Under the flower.

What do you say on Mother’s Day? Happy Mother’s Day.

Do you love your mommy? Yes, I do.

What can you do for your mommy? I can clean the house.

Let’s go to the playground.

Watch out!

Can I play now?

Come and catch me!

May I play with you?

Time’s up.


Can you help me?

Yes, I can.

This is a big carrot.

One, two, three, pull.

Do you have the carrot? Yes, I do. / No, not yet.

Thank you. You’re welcome.

We can pull together.

What do we eat on Dragon Boat Festival?

We eat sticky rice dumplings.

Sorry, I’m late.

Good job!

That’s okay.

I want a little.

It’s a good idea.

I can run fast.


How’s the weather in summer?

It’s sunny and hot.

Do you like summer? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

Where are you going this weekend?

I am going to Kenting

Take a picture of me, please

Look out for cars.

Have fun in summer

Have a good time.

Letters and Key words】

Aa - alligator, apple, anchor船錨

Cc - caterpillar, cookie, camera

Dd - dinosaur, daisy雛菊, dolphin

Ll - leprechaun妖精, little lamb, lock

Ff – flags, flapjacks烙餅, fan

Ii – iguana, igloo, insect

Mm – muffins, mountains, mug馬克杯

Oo – octopus, on, ostrich鴕鳥

Rr – robot, rabbit, radio

Ss – snake, sea horse, sunglasses

Bb – bubbles, bluebird, boat

Ee – elephant, eggs, envelope

Gg – gears齒輪, gumdrops軟糖, game

Jj – jester小丑, jelly beans, jingle bell

Kk- king, kitten, kite

Nn nest巢, noodles newspaper

Ww - wood, wig假髮, whistle口哨

Hh - hot dogs, horse, heart

Qq – queen, quilt, question mark

Uu – umbrella up, umpire

Vv - violin, valentine, vase

Xx- x-ray, fox, ax

Yy- yak, yellow, yacht

Zz- zipper, zebra, zoo
