金馬導演陳潔瑤Laha Mebow來啦!這次她回來擔任「TIEFF臺灣國際民族誌影展」的影展大使!她不僅以劇情片拿下金馬獎,其實還是2019年以紀錄片《32公里~六十年》參加TIEFF的導演,也曾拍攝新克里多尼亞與台灣音樂人的交會《漂流遇見你》;自拍自剪自己入鏡的紀錄片《我在這裡看見你》,與南太平洋新喀里多尼亞的原住民相遇是她很重要的部落思考啟發。——參〈【TFAI X 臺灣電影】編織電影的人:陳潔瑤 Laha Mebow 導演專題回顧〉
【2023台灣國際民族誌影展TIEFF feat. Umav如何了 】宇宙首發!夢幻聯動!本屆影展主題是「記憶/媒介」,Umav將訪談策展與審片團隊,並由學者與影像工作者介紹豐富的影片單元與民族誌議題。請鎖定「 Umav如何了!」收聽系列訪談
來賓|陳潔瑤 Laha Mebow
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更多資訊請至 台灣國際民族誌影展 Taiwan International Ethnographic Film Festival - TIEFF
請至臉書粉專 @每天來點布農語啊
The 2023 Taiwan International Ethnographic Film Festival (TIEFF) has partnered with the "What's Up! Umav(Umav如何了!)" podcast to conduct 11 guest interviews, introducing the festival's themes.
This is the longest-running and largest ethnographic film festival in all of Asia. 2023 TIEFF themed as “Memory/ Media”, led by curator Professor Teri J. Silvio.
【EP86 An interview with filmmaker Laha Mebow| the Ambassador of 2023 TIEFF】
Laha Mebow is a Taiwanese filmmaker from the Atayal tribe in Nan'ao, Yilan, won the Best Director award at the 59th Golden Horse Awards in 2022 for her directorial work 'Gaga,' making her the first Taiwanese woman and the first indigenous person to receive this honor at the Golden Horse Awards."