In a society that values private property, freezing someone's assets may not be a significant concern as long as public authorities issue the administrative order. However, conscripting private property without the mandate of the law is a crucial matter, especially when involving assets such as foreign reserves and financial securities of foreign governments.
Of course, it goes against international law for any country to invade another or settle disputes through non-peaceful means. While preventing war by confiscation of the assets of those who wage war and lose is a good idea, the frozen assets could balance the cost for the invaded party that it would not have to pay in the first place, or simply put the “war reparation.”
Several countries have frozen the movable property of Russian oligarchs and the foreign reserves of the Russian government during its invasion of Ukraine in 2022. However, the act of confiscation requires special legal authorization, either through the conclusion of a convention or the passage of a specific law.
Without such authorization, it undermines the fundamental principles of our society, eroding the bedrock upon which our societal framework operates, and leads to consequences such as instability in the free markets we strive to maintain.
化為「烏」有!G7擬沒收俄逾9兆外匯存底援烏 自由 20231217
《金融時報》報導,由於美國國會共和黨人和歐盟成員國匈牙利總理奧班(Viktor Orban)的反對,導致兩項為烏克蘭提供總額超過1000億美元的財政援助計劃受阻。作為基輔的資金來源,尤其是考慮到戰後重建的龐大成本,被西方凍結的俄羅斯央行資產成為一個替代選項。
英國外長卡梅倫(David Cameron)表示,他相信有一個「合法途徑」可以沒收俄羅斯央行資產,並表明如果不能說服其他G7盟友,英國將與美國採取行動。