除夕 - New Year's Eve
是一家人團聚的重要時刻,大家都在忙碌地準備迎接新的一年。It's a time for family reunion and preparing for the upcoming year.今日習俗
- 大掃除:Sweeping away the misfortune and troubles of the past year, making a fresh start.
- 祭祖、拜拜:Paying respects to ancestors for their blessings and seeking a smooth year ahead.
- 年夜飯:A festive meal where family members gather to enjoy symbolic dishes, bringing good luck and prosperity.
- 守歲:Staying up until midnight to cherish time with family, extending parents' longevity, and welcoming the new year together.
大年初一 - New Year's Day
Did you hear the firecrackers this morning?it's a tradition to welcome the new year with loud firecrackers, bringing joy and happiness.
- 放鞭炮:Setting off firecrackers to drive away evil spirits and symbolize a peaceful and prosperous year.
- 拜拜:Visiting temples to pray for good luck and prosperity in the new year.
- 走春拜年:Wishing neighbors and friends a happy new year by visiting their homes or using messaging apps.
- 穿新衣:Wearing new clothes to symbolize a fresh start and a new beginning.
初二 - Second Day
The second day is when daughters and sons-in-law return to the wife's family. Traditionally, it's recommended to return before noon to avoid staying too late.
- 回門禮:Bringing gifts to the wife's family to show gratitude and let them know the couple is doing well.
初三 - Third Day
On the third day, it's a day for rest. People take the opportunity to get a good rest, and it's recommended to avoid arguments.
- 老鼠娶親日:A traditional belief that the third day is when mice get married. People symbolize this by scattering rice or salt in corners for a prosperous year.
- 赤狗日:Avoiding conflicts, as the day is associated with anger, especially not suitable for visiting others.
初四 - Fourth Day
On the fourth day, people welcome gods back with offerings. In the afternoon, families set up tables with offerings, including meats and fruits.
- 接神:Setting up altars at home to welcome gods back to the human realm.
- 安太歲:People born in the Year of the Ox perform rituals to pray for a smooth and prosperous year.
初五習俗 - Fifth Day Customs
On the fifth day, it's a day to dispose of trash and welcome the Five Wealth Gods. Many companies resume operations on this day.
- 倒垃圾:Traditionally, trash is disposed of on the fifth day to symbolize clearing away bad luck.
- 迎財神:Celebrating the birthday of the Five Wealth Gods for good fortune in the new year.
初六 - Sixth Day
On the sixth day, businesses reopen, and people celebrate by setting off firecrackers. It marks the resumption of business activities and a festive atmosphere with firecrackers.
- 放鞭炮:Many businesses set off firecrackers to create a lively and prosperous ambiance.
- 送窮:Continuing the tradition of disposing of trash, known as "sending away poverty."
春節,不僅有滿滿的美食和歡笑,更能透過這七大習俗,暸解到一個充滿祝福和契機的新年。希望這些文章可以幫助大家介紹過年期間常用的字語,祝大家新的一年萬事興龍、龍光煥發、Never be alone!
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