《鄉村醫生》(The Country Doctor;Ein Landarzt)為卡夫卡所著的短篇小說,以下斜體字為Kevin Blahut所翻譯之英文譯本。筆者閱讀數次,但依舊無法掌握作品的全貌,仍希望能在此與各位分享一些自己的想法。
山村浩二於2007年所製作的『カフカ 田舎医者』,將故事內的場景刻劃的很深刻,幫助筆者更進一步思考其中的劇情。
山村浩二(2007)カフカ 田舎医者
故事主要環繞在一位任職於偏鄉的醫生身上。醫生正處於一急迫的狀態,有一位重病的患者正等著他。但他的馬已經死了,失去交通工具的情況下,他無法前往患者所在之處。突然間,兩隻雄壯俊美的馬匹出現在破舊不堪的豬圈,他與貌美的女傭Rosa皆不曾見過如此脫俗生物。 伴隨著駿馬,還出現一位輕浮馬伕,調戲年輕貌美的Rosa,甚至提出必須以 Rosa 交換那二匹駿馬。
"You're coming with," I say to the servant, "or I will abandon the journey, urgent as it is. I have no intention of sacrificing the girl to you as a price for the journey."
即便醫生表示不願意,在一陣目眩後,他已到了患者的家中,留下 Rosa 獨自在家中。
I take a pair of tweezers, examine it in the candlelight and then put it back. "Yes," I think blasphemously, "in such cases the gods lend assistance, provide the necessary horse, and, to make things faster, also provide a second one, in their excessive generosity they add a stableboy—."
此時的醫師只想趕快回到家中,解救受馬伕騷擾的 Rosa。縱使醫師此刻毅然決然地離開了,想必那擾人的夜鈴也不會停止叫喚他,不斷地縈繞在他的耳內,掙扎之際,他最後選擇待在男孩家。
So, my visit here would be at an end; I have been called upon again unnecessarily; I am used to it, the whole district uses my night bell to torment me; however, the thought that this time I might also have to sacrifice Rose...
"Will you save me?" whispers the boy, sobbing, blinded by the life within his wound. That is what people in my district are like, always demanding the impossible of the doctor. They have lost their old belief; the priest sits at home and picks apart his vestments, one after another; but the doctor should be capable of anything with his delicate surgeon's hand.
Take off his clothes, then he will heal,
And if he doesn't, kill him!
It's only a doctor, it's only a doctor.
I came into the world with a beautiful wound; that was the extent of my preparation.
Naked exposed to the frost of this unhappiest of ages, with an earthly wagon, with unearthly horses, I, an old man, cast about.