例句來源:Advanced French Grammar (McGraw Hill)
文法參考:Advanced French Grammar (Cambridge)
抽選練習:Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underlined clauses with one or two pronouns. Be sure to identify the correct construction of the verb.
(= As well as caring for him and putting him up, they donated money to the stranger.)
正確答案:En plus de ça, ils lui en ont donné.
錯誤示範:En plus de eux, ils ^ en ont donné.
En plus de (preposition): in addition to
For preposition en plus de cannot be left as is at the end of the sentence. They must also not be dropped. The only option here is to keep the preposition, followed by the neutral pronoun ça in most cases. Ça is used as neutral stress pronoun of sorts and can replace a noun object or an infinitive clause object.
ça: le soigner et l'héberger
A few verbs (e.g. parler à, penser à, faire confiance à, etc.) that require the preposition à before a human object cannot, however, take the indirect object pronoun. The tonic pronoun is used instead.
When using the stressed pronoun, you must retain the preposition in the sentence.
verb + à + tonic pronoun (for human object)
NOT > En plus de + tonic pronoun (eux)
There is a double object construction in the second clause:
donner quelque chose à quelqu'un (to give someone something)
When there is à + human object, a human indirect object pronoun is required for replacement.
The word order would be as the following:
subject + indirect object pronoun (lui) + adverbial pronoun (en) + verb
= ils lui en ont donné