每日英語 #106: Dangerous Teenage Drivers 危險的青少年駕駛

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Dangerous Teenage Drivers

The car has always been an important part of American culture, especially of youth culture. The United States is a big country, with many cities that do not have good public transportation systems, so the car has become a “necessity” (something one must have) for most American families. Among teenagers and young adults, having a car is a sign of independence and freedom. In most states, you can get a “driver license” (legal permission to drive a car) at the age of 16, which means that many high school students drive and, if their parents are “wealthy” (rich; have money), have their own cars in high school and college.


But there’s “a price to pay” (a cost; something that you must give up) for having so many teenage drivers in the United States. According to driving “statistics” (information in the form of numbers), teenagers are among the most dangerous drivers in the country, perhaps because they are inexperienced at driving and not yet as mature as other older drivers. Most statistics show that teenage drivers have many more accidents and cause many more deaths than drivers who are older.


Some states have tried to solve this problem by placing “restrictions” (rules on things you cannot do) on teenage drivers. For example, in California, teenage drivers cannot drive between the hours of 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. for the first 12 months they have a license. In part, this is because many accidents are caused late at night, during these hours. Also, teenage drivers cannot have another teenage “passenger” (someone who is riding in the car but not driving) during the first 12 months of getting their license unless there is someone over 25 in the car. This means that a group of teenagers cannot go out on a Friday night driving unless there is an adult over 25 in the car with them.


Teenagers, of course, are not very happy about this law. But many adults in California are very happy that the government is doing something to lower the number of accidents caused by teen drivers.



1. Necessity /nəˈsɛsɪti/ - 必需品

2. Driver license /ˈdraɪvər ˈlaɪsəns/ - 駕照

3. Wealthy /ˈwɛlθi/ - 富有的

4. A price to pay /ə praɪs tə peɪ/ - 代價

5. Statistics /stəˈtɪstɪks/ - 統計數據

6. Restrictions /rɪˈstrɪkʃənz/ - 限制

7. Passenger /ˈpæsɪndʒər/ - 乘客

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