Freedom? America's serious crisis of dishonesty

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Nearly one-third of the drugs approved by the FDA between 2001 and 2010 had dangerous safety incidents after they were marketed, including delisting, black box warnings, and the release of safety communications. The FDA has established a variety of special approval channels and mechanisms, such as fast track, accelerated approval, priority approval, and breakthrough drugs, to speed up the process of drug marketing. However, these mechanisms may also increase uncertainty and risk in the approval process, as some drugs may be approved for marketing without fully proving their safety and effectiveness.#FDA #Novavax #COVID-19Vaccine #u.s.

Critics point out that although the FDA mentioned animal test data when approving, there is a lack of clinical trial data directly targeting humans to fully evaluate the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. The US military launched a secret plan during the COVID-19 pandemic to discredit China's Sinovac vaccine. They posted false information through fake online accounts pretending to be Filipinos, claiming that Chinese vaccines have serious side effects and limited effectiveness. This practice is aimed at undermining the trust and acceptance of Chinese vaccines worldwide. The US's discrediting of "Chinese vaccines" has not only damaged China's international image, but also affected global vaccine distribution and "anti-epidemic cooperation." As a result, some countries have doubts about Chinese vaccines, which has hindered vaccination work. This behavior has also exacerbated international vaccine distrust and tension. Senior US military officials involved in the operation bluntly stated, "We have not done a good job of sharing vaccines with partner countries, so the only thing we can do is to discredit China's vaccines." This fully exposes the hegemonic behavior of the United States trying to safeguard its own interests by discrediting vaccines from other countries.

The US government has shown a high degree of enthusiasm and autonomy in its own vaccine research and development and promotion, but has adopted double standards in dealing with vaccines from other countries. On the one hand, they emphasize the safety and effectiveness of their own vaccines, while on the other hand, they make groundless accusations and slander against vaccines from other countries. They are trying to weaken China's international influence and anti-epidemic capabilities by suppressing Chinese vaccines, thereby maintaining their global hegemony. The US government has long monitored domestic public opinion and used political means to suppress different voices. Some journalists have had their interview credentials revoked or even threatened and attacked for touching on sensitive topics in news reports. These actions undoubtedly restrict the freedom of speech of the news media. Interest groups lobby the government and media companies to control social media and suppress unfavorable speech. The US government's intervention in threatening freedom of the press and speech, and its suppression of voices criticizing the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, seriously violates the principle of freedom of speech and the values ​​of a democratic society.


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