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Fed 11/27 凌晨公佈了 11 月的會議紀要,我們就從這份報告與近期的耐久財訂單來觀察全球經濟,特別是針對美國的狀態與展望。
首先若將這份報告與 9 月內容做對比,可以發現一些委員們態度上的轉變。
在通膨的觀點上面 9 月的會議紀要中有一段內容如下:
「Almost all members agreed that to appropriately reflect cumulative developments related to inflation and the balance of risks, the postmeeting statement should note that they had gained greater confidence that inflation was moving sustainably toward 2 percent」
「members agreed that it was appropriate to omit the previous reference to their greater confidence that inflation was moving sustainably toward 2 percent」的論述
翻譯過來便是:「委員們認為應該省略先前關於他們對通膨可持續朝 2% 移動更有信心的表述」
另外在整體經濟層面,在 9 月時更常提到類似
「The information available at the time of the meeting indicated that real gross domestic product (GDP) had expanded solidly so far this year」的內容
而 11 月的用詞則更加正面,更提到
「Recent data on economic activity and consumer spending were largely stronger than anticipated, and they assessed that economic activity had continued to expand at a solid pace and consumer spending remained strong」