去年8月14日美國總統川普(Donald J. Trump, President of the United States) 親自指示美國貿易代表署(Office of the United States Trade Representative, USTR) 重啟301條款 (Special 301 Intellectual Property Rights Protection)的調查。當時,中華人民共和國(People’s Republic of China, PRC)與美國的煙硝味逐漸轉濃,最終在經過八個月的調查後認定:美國認定中國在智慧財產權與商品創新(intellectual property and innovation)方面採取了不當的貿易行為(i.e. 竊取專利、不當產權移轉)。
7月5日,美國貿易代表萊席爾(Robert Lighthizer)發表聲明,表明該國為了應對中國不公平的行為(unfair Chinese practices)將重啟301 條款,針對受益於中國政府工業及科技政策總值共340億美元(七月底當合法程序結束後將擴大至500億)的中國進口商品施加25%的進口關稅(1)。隨後,在中國政府立即給予同價值的關稅報復後,川普更直接指示增加對價值2000億美元的中國舶來品施加10℅(八月底生效),目的是要促使中國廢除不恰當的工業(補助)政策(2)。
2002年,小布希政府曾對歐盟、南韓、中國等國家施加以鋼鐵關稅,雖然稍稍刺激鋼鐵產業的再起,卻為整個美國經濟體帶來慘痛的後果。近日小布希的幕僚長Andrew H. Card Jr.出面警告當局一但實行該關稅,在「以牙還牙策略」(Tit-for-tat)的情況下會帶來無法想像的後果。
研究顯示,小布希(George W. Bush)政府長達20個月的鋼鐵關稅期間雖然美國鋼鐵工業的受僱人數增加,但是整個經濟體損失約200,000個工作,甚至導致會使用鋼鐵的中小企業減少40億美元的薪水支出(i.e. 減薪、裁員、改聘兼職而非正職etc.)。此外,美元兌歐元從該關稅剛宣布時(每美元)1.15Euro貶值27.8%至一年多之後的0.83Euro。
根據彼得森國際經濟研究所(The Peterson Institute for International Economics, PIIE)的分析:「妥當的關稅應待控制在15-20%,不過即便這樣會為鋼鐵產業帶來更高的總收入並且拯救約3,500份工作,美國的鋼鐵使用戶需要為每一份它所保留的工作付出584,000美金的代價(約20億美元)。」換句話說,就如同大多數的分析報告所言,當年的這場貿易戰相當的昂貴,甚至可說是為美國帶來的弊大於利(扣除關稅收益美國2002該產業貢獻的GDP仍損失超過4160餘萬美元)(5)
Overall, the idea of imposing tariffs to help the steel and aluminum industries is really misguided and will lead to a decline in overall economic activity.
It will open a Pandora's box. —Dan Ikenson, Director of the Cato Institute’s trade policy studies center.
Make America Great Again' shouldn’t mean 'Make America 1929 Again. —Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb
小布希的幕僚長Andrew H. Card Jr.接受採訪時曾警告當局(小布希)當時的關稅實施後出現了非預期結果(unanticipated consequence),隨著近期人民幣採漸進式貶值、加拿大國內發起拒購美國貨(boycott)等風潮,Card Jr. 語重心長地警告很有可能一語成讖。PwC估計2030年(或者更早)中國超越美國要躍然成為世界最大經濟體已然成為不可爭的事實,然而假使美國採取貿易保護主義(拒絕全球化),這將加速它經濟霸權的衰退。
(1) “On Friday, in response to unfair Chinese practices, the United States began imposing tariffs of 25 percent on approximately $34 billion worth of Chinese imports. These tariffs will eventually cover up to $50 billion in Chinese imports as legal processes conclude. The products targeted by the tariffs are those that benefit from China’s industrial policy and forced technology transfer practices.”
節錄自USTR《Statement By U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer on Section 301 Action》
(2) “As a result of China’s retaliation and failure to change its practices, the President has ordered USTR to begin the process of imposing tariffs of 10 percent on an additional $200 billion of Chinese imports. This is an appropriate response under the authority of Section 301 to obtain the elimination of China’s harmful industrial policies. USTR will proceed with a transparent and comprehensive public notice and comment process prior to the imposition of final tariffs, as we have for previous tariffs.”
節錄自USTR《Statement By U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer on Section 301 Action》
(3) 對此國防安全顧慮川普曾在電話中向加拿大總理Justin Treaudu提及這個決定是因為1812年戰爭The War of 1812中加拿大的軍隊事實上當時是由英國軍隊為主的遠征部隊曾經燒毀白宮因此才需要對加國如此防範。
(4) 根據英國獨立報報導墨西哥當局正在和拉丁美洲的國家接洽試圖尋求能一同反制美國再起的霸道行為(re-emergence of US bullying.)。
(5) "The 'Joint Remedy', which calls for tariffs of 15-20 percent on most products, would slash affected imports by 20 percent. Domestic prices and output would increase slightly, resulting in somewhat larger revenues for the steel industry. About 3,500 actual and potential jobs could be "saved" but at an annual cost of $2 billion to the steel users-or $584,000 per job saved."
節錄自Peterson Institute for International Economics《Time for a Grand Bargain in Steel》
(6) This would set off a major global chain reaction. Given their trade open-ness and exposure to the electronics supply chain, there will no respite whatsoever for Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan in this tail risk scenario.
節錄自DBS《DBS Flash Growth implication of a full-blown trade war》