2019-02-27|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 14 分鐘

00.2. Time-Space of I.E.

Big rain fell down from the sky about one noon...... E. was not in the pool. I played my electrical notepad under the shelter of the villa house and didn't know where she went......The sea is so great, just like the sky......What things hide in there?.......Why she likes the sea so much?.......
The wet weather with pouring rain made me feel a bit headache........ Maybe she just existed in my illusion, and how about the beach scene in front of my eyes?......The pool?......The villa house?......And the palm trees?..............Are they all my illusion, too?......
我想起曾經翻閱一些詮釋《易經》的冊子,海洋就像澤卦.........But why?......也許因為其卦象是 011,如果以左上右下的方向來看 011,可以約略看出海洋的特性是淺處有 0、愈深愈多1 ......Mermaid's homeland must be located in the deep sea, but not the deepest, I guess......
這 011 ......那些水面的浪珠、泡沫、高高低低又零零星星的海浪,是不是 0 呢?......而 1 又是不是那些海裡的奇奧與未知呢?
That night the falling rain was very loud with thunder, but I thought it might cool down the hot weather......At that time I prepared to re-arrange my translating texts of the first two quas in 易經 -- 乾卦 and 坤卦, and tried to put them into The Story of I.E..
Does Mermaid E. hear the sounds of rains and thunders in the deep sea?.......I thought she does, but not as loud as I heard.....because the volume of sounds would be reduced by water and become weak......
I thought before writing The Story of I.E., I should mention something, because of 易經 seems like some kind of closed-system knowledge, it's a time-space of mind, but it has four quas marked the entry and exit, they are the first two quas and last two quas. That means 易經 is not totally a closed-system time-space, but an opened-system time-space with not obvious entry and exit, just like Poker, it must involve Jokers.
Why I say that?.....Because of the ancient Hanese culture used "六十甲子"......it means "60 甲子"......to mark the dates and times, and 易經 has 64 quas, that means there are four quas define the time-space of 易經, and the other 60 quas just like a time-watch or a watch of time......Each qua was divided to six yaos, I mean 爻......... or six micro-quas,...... and then you must find 易經 just like a full circle with 360 degrees in the geometry of arithmetics.
考古學家曾經從殷商文明的廢墟之中、刻有象形文字的甲骨板片上發現,據今 3000 多年以前的「殷商文明」已經使用「六十甲子」來記錄日期和時間。
【附圖:考古家發掘出土之刻有「六十甲子」符號的殷墟甲骨文拓本 / 圖片採自網路】
【附圖:考古家發掘出土之刻有「六十甲子」符號的殷墟甲骨文拓本 / 圖片採自網路】
So, you can imagine the form of time-space of I.E., it seemed like a ball-shape space, the shelter or the sky-dome structure included the invisible central axis of this space was 乾 (111111), the inner turning level or the flat ground of this space was 坤 (000000), then the 既濟 (010101) and 未濟 (101010) just liked two hands out of the ball-shape space for controlling the space to reduce the speed of rotating around or increase the speed of rotating around and create the time of this space.
What's the difference between 既濟 (010101) and 未濟 (101010)?......以左上右下的方式看,......to look or feel one of their image characters,......既濟 (010101) was slow, just liked a rotating wheel pushed by heat or energy under the cold water; 未濟 (101010) was fast, just liked a rotating wheel pushed by heat or energy above the cold water.
That meant ....... the stars and galaxies included the hot ones and cold ones which surrounded the time-space of I.E. in the outer space of the universe were all those hands of controlling the time........According to this concept of 易經, actually the whole universe which included the invisible parts was a great time machine to the mind or consciousness of human being.
As matter of fact, some astronomical scientists had imagined the Milky Way Galaxy that involves the Solar System and the Earth was looked like a flat-round disk consisted by countless dusts or sands from the macro vision,....... and its whole space form was also looked like an unobvious flat ball formed by its gravity.
【附圖:銀河系的側視想像圖 / 採自http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e4/Milky_Way_infrared.jpg】
Why the space of the Milky Way Galaxy was looked like a flat ball and the Earth was looked like a round ball?......I thought the reason was the rotating around the speed of the Milky Way Galaxy was faster than the self rotating around the speed of the Earth.
E. came back to the pool, she put some shining small and round rocks on the pool side.
"Are you ready to write The Story about I.E.?"
"Thinking could be very quickly, but sometimes it's hard to describe........"
"If you are living in the sea, sometimes you can't recognize which thought belongs to yourself......Too many sound waves come via the water......That's why I like staying in the quiet deep sea."
"Thought?......Do you have the ability to control the thought of yourself?"
"Leaving the sea,.....landing on the ground,.....then you might get your own thought, but if you want to look forward or think through out of the space, the speed of your thought must be faster than the gravity-speed of the space you are.......Can you?"
I thought one of the ancient Hanese pictogram of word symbols -- 中 might roughly reveal the form of the Milky Way Galaxy and mark the 乾 (111111) as the Sky Axis which was an invisible line straights to the center point of this galaxy, and the 坤 (000000) as the Ground Disk or Cumulus Field which was consisted by countless stars and planets, and so on........
【附圖:漢字「中」的另一個可能象徵 / 我們會發現「乾 / 天軸」就像一個機械式時鐘的中心轉軸,「坤 / 地盤」就像刻劃了 60 個刻度和間隔的時鐘錶面,而「既濟」和「未濟」就像是轉動時間指針的動力,類似發條或彈簧之力、電力等。】
P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.
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