4 Accounting Trends That Will Shape 2020

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The year ahead will undoubtedly involve a lot of change and uncertainty, but how can you prepare?
Accountants and bookkeepers will need to closely track the trends to stay ahead of changes in industry, regulation, and policy.
Don’t worry, though; we’re here to help with four trends that we think will influence you and your clients over the year ahead.
1. Brexit: bring certainty with cash flow management
Following the result of the latest UK election, it seems like some form of Brexit will go forward in 2020.
One thing we can say for sure is that Brexit will mean significant changes to business and financial processes.
This leaves your clients looking for strategic advice, and as their most trusted advisor, it’ll be up to you to guide them and help them plan for a variety of outcomes.
One certainty that your clients will benefit from is cash flow forecasting and management.
Our cash flow resource centre has all the tools you’ll need to help you nurture healthy cash flow for your clients
2. Open Banking: embrace the new and achieve more
New EU standards are due to take effect from 14 March 2020, changing the way banks connect to third parties such as Xero.
Known across Europe as PSD2, but more commonly in the UK as Open Banking, businesses and consumers face yet another change come 14 March.
Open Banking changes the way banks connect to third parties such as Xero, which means the way we provide bank feeds is changing.
While the change may feel burdensome for some, we think it’s a positive step forward – providing greater competition and innovation in the world of financial services.
Already thousands of Xero subscribers have moved from bank feeds using Yodlee and are now enjoying the benefits of Xero’s new, free and secure direct feeds using Open Banking.
For those businesses that haven’t changed to a new feed should check whether their feed is available and switch now.
So to learn more about Open Banking, and see which banks have new feeds ready to connect to, see our dedicated Open Banking resource centre. You’ll also find our FAQs, plus guidance on how to get new feeds set up.
3. AI and machine learning: no more pesky admin tasks
Another trend that we can confidently extrapolate into 2020 is the continuing growth of machine learning and AI.
These technologies are ushered in behind the scenes, and they already power many Xero products you use every day, including data capture tools such as Hubdoc.
With Hubdoc, we’re on a mission to automate pesky administrative tasks so you can spend more time running your practice.
Using machine learning and AI, Hubdoc automates tasks like bill and receipt capture, data entry and bank reconciliation. So you and your clients get that time back – plus the accurate data you need – to do beautiful business together.
We’re excited to include Hubdoc, which has a retail price of £15 a month excluding tax, as part of all Xero Starter, Standard and Premium plans in the UK from 18 March 2020. Find out more about Hubdoc here.
4. App integration: make smart recommendations
Many of you have discovered the power of our app marketplace featuring over 800 third party apps that connect to Xero.
Through the power of our API, these apps share information seamlessly with Xero, helping you and your clients solve workflows. From managing people and processes, to inventory and everything else.
But with so much choice, how do you know which apps are most fitting for your clients?
Now, when you and your clients sign in to a full version of the marketplace, we can use our insights to offer you smart recommendations on apps most likely to be suitable for your clients’ business needs.
And with the app trend looking to go even bigger in 2020, this new update will undoubtedly help you stay ahead.


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02.21、02.22、02.28、03.01、03.06、03.13、03.14、03.21-03.22 1/ 河燦浩代表當面對熙材說他是法官世家出身,熙材看著他坐姿往後椅背靠,與代表拉出距離。鄭金資當時已經在自助洗衣店作戰(E1-12:00)。離婚訴訟結束出庭後,馬律師對著熙材落井下石(接續)
02.14-02.16 1-6說自己是降落傘;7-14越線的人是你;4-10簡報的魅力;11-16白團長長台詞都可見編劇的功力,會想到 Life 如何生出對抗上層不合理的指令的台詞。 編劇寫得非常細節,一句話都沒有放過,文字往深層的生活走下去才會產出細膩打動人心讓觀眾相信的畫面。(接續)
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#微信读书: 7.6/10.0 推荐给: 找不到方向却又不敢尝试的人。 作者#刘媛媛写道: 愿你仍然充满了好奇,一旦发现喜欢做的事情仍可献身。只要活着就没有什么早晚,生前是早,死后是晚,什么时候开始都来得及。
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4 大觀念修復髮絲護髮攻略 護髮一詞相信大家也可能會想到護髮素,到底護髮素是甚麼?如何才可以有效護髮?以下文章將會一一解答。頭髮的護理跟玩遊戲或是做生意都是一樣,都要分觀念、技術、產品、應用,缺一不可,如果上述各項都做得好,好自然大家便會是大羸家; 但世事永遠都不會這樣盡人意。 所以大家可以當這篇文
先祝大家新年快樂,年年有魚(?   繼上次發文已經過了快一個月,一月太短,實在是加班到一個慘絕人寰、永無天日、天人永隔(?)還以為自己會爆體爆肝人間蒸發,想不到竟然還是活到放假了,真是萬幸萬幸、可喜可喜。  又吃又睡了兩天,終於打開了方格子繼續這個專題。一直在想這篇的標題要叫什麼,就用古人的智慧來賣