SLEEEP & FastLane Group: Xero Customers & Par

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Over the last few weeks, our team has been visiting Xero customers in Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, and Malaysia, listening to their business stories and hearing first hand how cloud technology is helping make running their lives and business operations easier and more seamless.
Behind every good startup is… a solid idea, a solid support system, and a solid amount of coffee. Peeking behind the scenes of one of our customer video shoots and you’ll likely see the same things. We create these videos as a way to celebrate our customers and their stories. They remind us at Xero who the end-users of our products are, and give us the chance to get to know these customers as real-life #humans, to see into the lives they live and be inspired by the positive impact that they have on the world. We love being part of that; seeing what makes their world turn and what’s important to them.
As many a business owner will agree, a supportive community is an integral element in building and enjoying a successful business. Having a few good people around who believe in them, can give advice or support or who are willing to simply lend an ear, is proven to give small business owners more confidence, help them feel more self-assured and maintain momentum and a sense of purpose in tougher times.
Sleeeping partners
It was really special when going to Hong Kong to shoot a case study story about our customers Alex Kot and Jun Rivers of Sleeep, co-founders of a beautiful, modern and extremely tech-savvy capsule hotel in Sheung Wan, Central Hong Kong. The team got to know the support crew behind their new venture – from the tradespeople who craft their vision into reality, to the first employees who embody the brand with every guest interaction, to the friends who share their encouragement and support without being asked, to the barista around the corner who helps them start their day out right, we even got chatting to some curious neighbors that pass by on their commute every day – all these people play important daily roles in building the community and roots around a new business.
And one of the most vital roles in that inner circle is often the accountant or financial advisor. Xero is a company filled with accountants who have played the role of advisor and have seen first hand the value it brings, not only their customers business but their practice as well. When you’re able to cultivate a relationship of trust and collaboration between partner and client it enriches both sides. When we started building the story around Alex and Jun of Sleeep we uncovered the great relationship they have with their accountant and advisor, Alex So, co-founder of Fastlane Pro, and Xero Gold Partner.

To say we at Xero encourage partners to expand their offering to customers beyond basic bookkeeping would be an understatement. And what better example of that than with the collaboration between Fastlane Pro and the Sleeep founders. In the early days of Sleeep, Alex Kot reached out to Fastlane when looking for a Xero partner to work with, and when they bumped into each other at a football game, they discovered they had both serendipitously gone to the same small high school in Hong Kong.

Xero basically transforms the whole accounting profession and other industry service providers supporting SME. The ability of sharing financial data among the organisations create endless opportunities and improvement on efficiency. We have moved our accounting practise completely to digital with the help of Xero. Our clients are now receiving timely financial advice from us as we are freed from the tedious data input and numerous one-off financial reports creation.” Says Alex So of FastLane. During the shoot, he dropped by to say hi and join us for lunch and a couple pictures. The genuine rapport between them was obvious, as is their mutual respect and appreciation for each other. Amidst posing for selfies and reenacting their usual meetings, they laughed about how easy and stress-free it is to just pull out their phones and catch up on the books over a coffee at their local cafe, pretty amazing! We hear this a lot at Xero and it makes us smile every time. Love it.

Look out for the release of the Xero & Sleeep customer story video and some very exciting product news to go with that at the Xero Roadshow HK on March 7th. Seats are limited, so make sure you and your team are registered to save your place. Hong Kong 7 March, Singapore 9 March.
How do you cultivate stronger relationships with your clients? Has this reminded you of that person that’s got your back and deserves a free coffee next time you catch up? We’d love to hear your stories.

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//有人呼呼入睡,有人輾轉反側;有人滑手機,有人抱緊眼前人;有人仰望星空,有人沉思冥想;有人席地而睡,有人來回踱步。肯定有參與古典音樂會時曾渴睡起來卻不敢閉上眼睛的座上客,但《Sleep》音樂會便肯定沒有這種尷尬,事實上,Max Richter這次音樂創作目的,就是為了讓人舒眠、安眠//
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今天想要跟大家分享一本蠻不錯的書,這本是我從股癌的推薦書單上面找出來看的。 如果你有符合以下幾點,我會強烈建議你找來看。 -覺得自己睡眠品質不佳 -深受失眠所苦 -想要更了解睡眠如何影響我們生活 -想要提升生產力 -自己周遭的人有以上困擾而想要幫忙解決
看完《安眠醫生》的第一個想法,腦袋裡浮現的就是這首歌的開頭:「世界是個吸血鬼,把你吸乾殆盡,隱藏的破壞者,把你推入火堆之中。」 曾經何時,我們充滿精力的身體,被成長所經歷的時間、被現實的壓力、被那些複雜的人際關係、社會規範、群體意識所消磨殆盡?這個世界就像是吸血鬼一樣,慢慢地、悄悄地鯨吞蠶食我們的心
//有人呼呼入睡,有人輾轉反側;有人滑手機,有人抱緊眼前人;有人仰望星空,有人沉思冥想;有人席地而睡,有人來回踱步。肯定有參與古典音樂會時曾渴睡起來卻不敢閉上眼睛的座上客,但《Sleep》音樂會便肯定沒有這種尷尬,事實上,Max Richter這次音樂創作目的,就是為了讓人舒眠、安眠//
Max Richter' Sleep 《李希特舒眠曲》非常喜愛這100分鐘的視覺與音樂體驗,很舒服。而李希特的8小時戶外舒眠演奏會,這舉動是多麽當代藝術!本篇從8小時的睡眠專輯談起音樂家李希特的創作理念。
今天想要跟大家分享一本蠻不錯的書,這本是我從股癌的推薦書單上面找出來看的。 如果你有符合以下幾點,我會強烈建議你找來看。 -覺得自己睡眠品質不佳 -深受失眠所苦 -想要更了解睡眠如何影響我們生活 -想要提升生產力 -自己周遭的人有以上困擾而想要幫忙解決
看完《安眠醫生》的第一個想法,腦袋裡浮現的就是這首歌的開頭:「世界是個吸血鬼,把你吸乾殆盡,隱藏的破壞者,把你推入火堆之中。」 曾經何時,我們充滿精力的身體,被成長所經歷的時間、被現實的壓力、被那些複雜的人際關係、社會規範、群體意識所消磨殆盡?這個世界就像是吸血鬼一樣,慢慢地、悄悄地鯨吞蠶食我們的心