Driving efficiencies for small business

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A great amount of SME accounting time is spent entering banking transactions into accounting software and then categorizing them according to their nature whether it be revenue or expense. Automatic bank feeds can save an enormous amount of time on data entry and increase the accuracy and speed of doing business by keeping the accounts up to date. So it is worth to set up bank feeds to increase efficiency and cut down data entry? Yes – provided that your financial institution can generate the bank feed and your accounting software can accept it. Direct feeds ensure the small businesses are working with accurate data.
Xero, a popular online accounting software with over 1.8million users, has created a powerful feature from its API to connect banks and financial services organisations securely for facilitating bank transactions into its software. Another added advantage when connecting to the bank feeds automatically, is that the businesses can obtain up-to-date view of their cash position in Xero without having to log into the bank system. This greater visibility of the clients’ cash position helps accountants to provide timely oversight of their finances.
Over 130 financial institutions offer direct feeds to Xero today and the Xero Bank Feeds API will continue to grow in the region. In Hong Kong, HSBC and DBS implemented the bank feed integration in 2017 to connect their customers to Xero. Once the bank feed has been setup, there are further ways to enhance the efficiency when performing bank reconciliations by creating bank rules. It removes the effort to key in the same data over and over again. Each rule you set up will have at least one condition, but may have more if desired. A rule can be set up to meet any of the conditions you set, or all of them.
In simple terms, the rule provides “if…then” basis and setting up the conditions to be met. Xero will find any transactions matching the rule’s conditions and suggest a match. All is needed to do then is click ‘OK’ to reconcile it. Xero allows the ease of creating separate rules for bank fees, loan repayments, interest, payment of salary, or all kinds of expenses that incurs on a day-to-day basis. If a transaction that Xero suggests based on the rule isn’t quite right, it is easy to edit to create a new one or to find a transaction you’ve already entered into Xero to match with the bank statement line.
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原文發表於 2009/12/31 希望看過此部電影亦或是小說的讀者們,願你們心中也有許多蝴蝶。
這次到在美國有點名氣的連鎖練習場Top Golf來打球。之前就有想來打,但覺得一個人來打沒有意思,所以今天和這邊的朋友一起來打。打位有一層和二層,但打位最多就40個左右。因為這邊是一個打位算鐘點來收費,不是算球量。而且一個打位就配一個桌子和椅子,像在餐廳一樣。和朋友一起來比較划算。 更重要To
6月了,德州的天氣已經是夏天了,天天給它30幾度。手癢了就找個附近的球場來打。但實在很熱95度/35度的天氣,還是打打練習場。這個練習場開車只要10分左右,和之前Twin Creeks球場在一起。就在隔壁。所以對我來說格外方便。要打球隨時球袋背著就可以走。德州就是打高爾夫的天堂。我開車半個小時可以打
今天到另一家練習場來練球,順便試球桿和桿身。這家離我住的地方比較遠一點,開車大概20分鐘左右。所以平時不會特別想來。但想看看這家練習場和球如何?做為以後可以考慮來固定練球的一個場地。 小弟的機絲! 球場打位 真草打位 Callaway練習球 推桿果嶺 練習場是平地,也是真草的實打,整個打位大概四五
2018新竹玻璃設計藝術節甫落幕,本屆玻藝節由格式設計展策執行,以「光動 / LIGHT-DRIVING」為主題,將玻璃想像為「文化的容器」,展覽大獲成功。本篇專題特別專訪兩位參展人馮宇和吳孝儒,來看看他們怎麼運用這個迷人卻又看似尋常的元素,在城市中折射出種種驚喜!